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Low grade weed - with seeds


Jan 8, 2014
My favorite type of marijuana is the kind that comes with seeds. I've never had a connect for it I have only ever known people who had connections to it. These people are NEVER willing to share a connect... It pisses me off because i love this product. More smoke for less money. Not very potent but you can achieve a strong high if you smoke enough. To tell the truth I hate the shit weed shops sell... It's all to potent. The only way I can enjoy it is if I buy some wax and dissolve it in isopropanol then lace a bunch of tobacco with it. This is fine but i hate that i have to expose myself to nicotine to smoke weed. 8( Anyone know of where the low grade marijuana is coming from? I've heard of it coming in from mexico but not interested with Mexican drugs.
You can't get low-grade in the shops near you? There's a place near me that has low-shelf ounces for $xxx... Of pretty much what you'd expect. I'd make edibles out of it but it's perfectly smokable if that's your thing. Not a lot of seeds but I'd rather have premie/hermie buds than seeded anyday, easier to deal with.

Do they sell shake? Often it's weaker than the buds, definitely cheaper, and some places have low-shelf shake even cheaper.
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You can still get weed with seeds in it? I haven't seen any since the 90s... but then again, all the weed I've seen lately is grown locally, and the growers are always crazy about removing males and hermaphrodites from the garden.

Definitely try to get some shake. It's preferable to us lightweights (and much better than supporting Mexican drug cartels) :) I love it when I'm gifted a fat sack of shake... I end up eating most of it :D
shit man, seeds??? Weed too potent? Shops do sell lower grade shit and most will sell a melange of shake for next to nothing that is awesome for rolling blunts and joints and still gets you high as fuck.
This stuff still goes around a lot in the south, at least in the parts of it I've been around. Most people call it "mexican brick weed" or some variation of that. We always called it "regular weed" or "reggies" back when I still smoked it. These days I don't even bother with it.

If weed is legalized medically where you're located it might not be around any longer. Most people don't want to smoke this low grade stuff so I imagine they only ship it where they know they can sell it. Look around a little harder though I'm sure you can find it.
To be honest ive never been inside of a shop yet.. I've only had people go in for me since I didn't want to get my card. I saw some vendors that sell low grade but never looked at it or tried it. at the price it was being sold I figured it would be just some low ryder or something... Not very potent but still to potent to smoke like I would like to. I guess I will need to go in and check out the shack maybe they even have trim... Thanks for the advice
We always called it brick weed. When I lived in the south we could get ounces of good brick (yes there is good and bad brick) for cheap as shit. I mean when you can get a quarter ounce for what most people pay for a gram or so then you can make it work even with a tolerance. Big blunts, baked good, I used to drink hot milk threw a bombilla filled with ground brick weed. This stuff isn't even around most areas. Your best bet: meet a Mexican. Not being rascist or anything there just the people that are most likely to be getting brick weed.

However you might like weed high with a more sedating set of cannibinoids. I think its the CBD or CBN or something that balances out the effect of the THC for a less speedy high. Someone help me out here? I'm sure the shops have that. And if you look around you can probably find that stuff at a shop.
However you might like weed high with a more sedating set of cannibinoids. I think its the CBD or CBN or something that balances out the effect of the THC for a less speedy high. Someone help me out here? I'm sure the shops have that. And if you look around you can probably find that stuff at a shop.

yes CBD, look for a strand with equal levels CBD to THC, these will be more like 70's weed.

Charlotte's Web, Harlequin, Sour Tsunami, Cannatonic, etc, type sativas and cross hybrids.

if your looking for more THC than those Sour Diesel etc.
It sold for $800/lb in houston back in the 90's. Can't believe you like that stuff, surprised its not still around. guess the they are too busy with coke and meth south of the border. Now in the 80's there was colombian with seeds and that was pretty damn good.
Get that dirty Mexican schwag for xxx an elbo all through central usa
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yeah i'm sure it's most likely coming from mexico. not sure why i don't want to buy Mexican drugs probably because I've had many bad experience with crazy Mexicans in the past... if a Mexican would sell me some good brick weed. (not the dead brown crap) I would gladly buy it. I guess another reason i don't like the idea of supporting the Mexican drug trade is that one of my good friends went on the coke for a long time and now hes just not the same. Another concern I have is if the weed is laced. Are you sure that its just the thc that makes it speedy? I always thought it had special properties. Almost magical... The sour diesel I tried before was DEFINITELY magical... It was like a blast of white light.
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I love it too. You can plant the seeds and grow good weed, its all about how you grow it.
LOL what a paradox!!!

I'm the guy with all the seedy weed here...trying to make it through opiate withdrawal without coughing up both of my lungs lol..

I only really smoke it cuz i'm broke all the time..but I do kind of agree that compared to the dank med strains(which aren't available in my state..so be happy you can go buy dank kill shit in a store lol) reg provides more of a gentle high.

I call my reg joints "left handed cigarettes" because it's almost just like smoking a cigarette that's more relaxing than tobacco.

But I've got a tolerance so that's probably why it takes me a lot of reg to actually get high. Around a gram and a half in one 10-20minute session.
yeah i'm sure it's most likely coming from mexico. not sure why i don't want to buy Mexican drugs probably because I've had many bad experience with crazy Mexicans in the past... if a Mexican would sell me some good brick weed. (not the dead brown crap) I would gladly buy it. I guess another reason i don't like the idea of supporting the Mexican drug trade is that one of my good friends went on the coke for a long time and now hes just not the same. Another concern I have is if the weed is laced. Are you sure that its just the thc that makes it speedy? I always thought it had special properties. Almost magical... The sour diesel I tried before was DEFINITELY magical... It was like a blast of white light.

you're getting close, Sour Diesel is a strand, it can be grown anywhere, so it is not necessarily "mexican". it was just mixed with NYC diesel which brought forward the CBD level, those were Southern Humboldt Seeds that played a key role.

the reason it metabolizes differently than higher stands with more THC like Haze and Cush etc, is the CBD level.

what CBD does is regulates the re-uptake of the naturally occurring endocannabinoid anamadine in the brain along with delaying the time of the break down of THC at the same time preventing "peaks" of the CB1 and CB2 receptors.

the result is a much longer but milder high, a much more "speedy" and mentally stimulating brain high rather than a heavy body couch lock high.

what you are describing as "magical" is just what weed naturally occurred in nature produces, once the drug cartels where handed the business it all changes (beginning in the 70's).

slowly breeders are bringing back the higher CBD strains, and not a moment too soon, they were almost bread out of existence.
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We always call it Mids or Midz and yeah it's pretty popular in the south. You can find more midz here than you can Dro. But some times I prefer midz over Dro. You do get more but it kinda equals out. If you've got Dro than get a single hit piece. I've been smokin for around 8 years and even after that long, I can pack a single hit or two in a small bowl and be pretty high. You don't need a lot of Dro to get high. Try just hitting it once or twice and see how you feel. I only smoke full bowls of dro if I'm with other people.
fuckin hell man atleast you can buy weed over a counter, your moaning about psychosis inducing bud. Thats the good shit
not everybody smokes weed to get annihilated,

some people like to be productive and creative this does not work well when you are comatose
^ Good-ass sativa shouldn't put you to sleep, man.

Lol, it's almost weirdly stimulating that this thread isn't a complete joke...you actually want low-grade weed with seeds in it...damn, dude, talk about lowered expectations (Mad TV reference, check).
Lol, this is the first I've heard of an actual complaint in the strength of medical pot.

If you need some low-grade, just ask the budtender to give you the lowest-grade stuff they have.

Or, you could just... you know... Smoke less at a time?
To find what you're looking for you're probably gonna have to be in the southeast/southwest part of the United States to get a constant steady supply. The rest of the US has been flooded with high grade due to almost every region of the US having at least one state that has medical. Though even the south now has high grade coming into it.