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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Cheshire_Kat

⫸STICKY⫷ Love reading experience reports? Then Help Erowid!

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Bluelight Crew
Feb 8, 2006
I wanted to make a new sticky thread about this. Since I've become a moderator here, I've directed a good handful of people to become Erowid triagers. A triager is someone who reads through unpublished submitted trip reports on Erowid and gives them a grade and some comments. Once a report is triaged by several people, it is ready to be published by a reviewer. Only a few months back, the database of such reports was growing faster than it was being chipped away at, which means that Erowid would have never been able to get every submitted report read. However, I've noticed that since a good dozen or so extra volunteers have begun triaging, the database is slowly being whittled down. If we continue to increase the rate of triaging, we may someday be able to get caught up with submissions, which would be a tremendous feat and which would forever ensure that submitted reports will all end up being read.

If you enjoy reading reports and are willing to commit to reviewing unpublished reports for at least 2 hours per week, then please follow this link and fill in the sign-up form:


Erowid is in need of more report triagers, so if you can commit to the time requirement, they'd really, really appreciate the extra help. Just be warned that the majority of submitted reports are annoying to read and almost totally devoid of any value. The gems are few and far between. When filling out the volunteer form, you can mention that I sent you over from Bluelight.

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I have been donating . . so I would definitely be ok with giving it some free time.

P.S That link is not working;)
The link is fixed, thanks. And I meant to lock this! I guess it's fortunate that I didn't, though :)
Just a reminder:

Erowid always needs help with volunteers, and who better to volunteer than members of our community?

In addition to numerous other tasks you can volunteer to help with (like any sort of submissions for site content), a great way that you can help is to volunteer to be a "report triager", which is a position in which you can read through submitted but as-of-yet unpublished reports, grade them, and help to get them reviewed and published. So if you love reading experience reports, if you always check Bluelight and Erowid every day to make sure you're read up on all the available reports, you are a great candidate for being a triager! You'd be doing what you love to do, and also helping the entire world's drug-using community by getting more reports released.

Recently we managed to get the list of un-triaged submitted reports down below 10,000, for the first time since I don't know how long (but long). Now it seems that the submitted reports are beginning to pile up again. The ultimate goal is to get caught up with every submitted report, so that when anyone submits one, it is reviewed right away and if it's not a load of crap, gets published immediately.

So, help us out! Be a good samaritan and make yourself feel good at the same time! :)
Update: The vast library of unreviewed reports at Erowid is now down to about 8000, and shrinking! Wouldn't it be awesome to get every report read and published? Then everyone who submitted a report worth publishing would get it published immediately!

So if you'd like to be a report triager for Erowid (read and rate submitted reports), follow the instructions above. This is a great way to help the community for free.
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