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lots of words and bullshit


Nov 2, 1999
To be overlooked I'm sure
To look away when you see
To many times do I sit in this weather,
bathe in its splendid glimpses of heaven
To many times am I light as a feather,
counting the days as they reach always seven.
and one and one is two,
too many things to do.
Its true,
my mind goes to speak of nonsensical situations.
But overlooked the rational of midnight masturbations.
To fragile of a word to hold my calculations.
Of repeated subconcious worlds of frustrations.
and now you see me running round this hole.
reaching stalemate seems to be my only goal.
and precious few are the words that make it seem all right.
and not that I'd give a damn tossing at sleepless nights.
Its all I can do, to candy coat for you,
this loss of emotion is the only thing thats true.
just shut your mouth son, I don't need advice from you.
You'll never know why that I do the things I do.
And nothing would be good enough for you.....
and its not like I give a damn anyway.
If anything I do drugs to appreciate reality.
thats just fucking awesome I don't know what else to say
The more you run over a dead cat the flatter it gets...
Supersonic, huge props-you are damn good. I always look forward to reading your verse.