Lost 12 pounds in 3 weeks. Stressed. Depressed. Need advice.

What's going on to cause you to be so stressed? Do you have an outlet for your stress instead of not eating? I mean, can you take (your dog) for a walk?

When I am extremely stressed, what really helps me is spending an hour or more at the local trails park... It's basically hiking but I only go at a moderate pace. Helps SO much.
I am there right now, except I've only lost like 5 pounds. I keep thinking about suicide a lot, because as of right now my options to improve my situation are limited.
Just to dumb it down, anyone been here before and what did you do?

Get blood work done to check your thyroid function - thyroid problems can cause both depression and rapid weight loss as well as a chronic stressed feeling.

I lose my appetite when I'm depressed so I have to make myself eat by the clock because I'll literally go days without eating otherwise.

Stress management is about prioritising how you expend your time and energy as well as about "decluttering" your life and getting rid of people and situations which don't enhance it.

Exercise, meditation and good sleep hygiene are all good habits to establish as part of your daily routine. Stress is partly a learned response and you have to learn a new response to replace it.
I know when you're depressed its really hard to get the motivation to do anything - I've been there. But honestly, the BEST way to get out of this is to EXERCISE!!! Go to the gym, go for a run, do pushups... ANYTHING is better than nothing. The harder you exercise the better you'll feel and the happier you will be. Results aren't over night but after about a week of some good exercise I promise you'll be feeling substantially better. Please, do something good for your body and it will be good back.
Yeah I've lost about that much since I got to college due to stress and vyvanse.
Ive gone sorta anorexic in the past due to bipolar depression that was really severe. I would get out of bed only to get a glass of water, go to the bathroom or have a smoke and even that was a chore. I can't believe i would go 5 days easy without eating anything and there was weeks where i would eat very little. Normally i weigh about 170-180lbs but i dropped down to 155lbs once when i was really depressed. I just didnt have the energy or will to eat much less cook something. This is not like me at all as i love to eat and cook so it just goes to show what depression can do to you.

Go see a doctor and get all the regular tests done. Blood work to see if everything is ok would be a good idea. Getting checked for thyroid function is a good idea for anyone with depression and severe fatigue actually. I have known people with a underactive thyroid who would keep falling asleep during the day and where morbidly depressed. On the upside this can usually be easily fixed with a pill a day.

So yeah just get yourself checked out and if it turns out to be depression get that treated ASAP
Yes, I've been there and occasionally end up there still.

What did I do?

Stopped taking amphetamines, stopped drinking, slept, and ate regularly for awhile.

If it's not the result of drugs, but mostly life stuff than it really depends.

There are always time when life gets cloudy and things seem dark but as cheesy as it sounds the sun comes back out eventually.