Mental Health lorazepam/ other benzos for anxiety/panic disorder


Feb 14, 2017
Hi. I've recently been prescribed 6 tablets of lorazepam 1mg. I take 0.5mg clonazepam a day which other than making me drowsy and somewhat more social does almost nothing. I also take zopiclone for anxiety which despite being a sleeping pill has always worked for me. Last night I decided to take 1mg of lorazepam, expecting minimal effects. It took effect suddenly after about 20 minutes and was far better than what I had expected. Benzos Rarely work for me but this sure did, I was in a state off bliss! Free from any worries and feeling a content kind of happiness with life that I dearly missed. I have decided i want this prescribed, and will discuss with my doctor (I know, and understand the addiction potential but in this case I think the benefits are worth the risks) anyone have similar experiences with ativan? How does it compare to other Meds (benzodiazipines) in your opinion? I was also prescribed pregabalin but I find it to induce or worsen depersonalisation which I regularly experience anyway, and it gives me a hard time sleeping so I have cut it. Anyway, thanks for listening to my ramblings and I apriciate any and all replies :)
I think you should be prepared for not noticing that effect if you continue regular treatment with it. Benzos are not supposed to put you in bliss, free you from any worries, or otherwise make you happy. They're supposed to work to decrease your anxiety, so that your natural personality can come out, so that you can develop yourself free from most of the drawbacks of symptoms of a clinically relevant anxiety disorder. People vary widely on their rankings of benzodiazepines.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that your zopiclone is meant for sleep, but that you use it for anxiety, which is not good. The "z"-drugs are hypnotics, meant to induce sleep.
Benzos in my experience actualy increase in efficency over time, and this state of bliss did feel more normal than what I have felt for the past few years. The zopiclone was prescribed to me as I had tried it and found it worked for anxiety, it actually makes me much less sleepy than benzos do. I was prescribed zopiclone for my anxiety as a kind of off label use, the z drugs are not purely sleep inducers, and for me are anot extremley calming drug that allows me to function.