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Opioids Loperamide 24 mg drop off


Apr 30, 2019
So the title says it all really.

I did really well and got down to 12mg a day and should of stopped after 7 days. But being the idiot I am I didn't and went up 24 a day again ( one dose at 8am in the morning )

I'm now in a stupid situation where the lope is going to run day out after tomorrow and I can't taper anymore or get any more. I just can't do it anymore sick.of it it needs to end before I go away out the country on the 21st june

If I drop from 24mg (12 tabs) will it be hell on earth? Currently I wake up not feeling too bad a bit of yawning but that's about it. I think I'm just prolonging it but so busy at work

I have 45mg a night mirtazapine and a few zopis 7.5mg. I don't really drink that much either.
I've said it before. It's not a good idea to take high doses of Loperamide because you could get a bowel blockage.
I've said it before. It's not a good idea to take high doses of Loperamide because you could get a bowel blockage.
They proabably know that taking a lot of diahrea meds is gonna block them up. Even then, cardiovascular risks are a bigger concern. They're clearly asking how to get off of it, not how to abuse it, not how to get high on it.
So the title says it all really.
I would try dropping a pill a week to 4 days, if you want the least wd. That should get you off by the of it by late June. If you can handle the taste, try making a solution with a bunch of pills and measuring it to be able to accurately dose, while lowering the dose more gradually than dropping 1/12 your dose at a time.
I've said it before. It's not a good idea to take high doses of Loperamide because you could get a bowel blockage.

That's the least of the problem, and doesn't occur if one is tolerant.

As far as OP's @FatBellyWhipSlay question, cold turkey of 24mg/day of loperamide (12 caplets) isn't especially severe. It isnt fun either. How long have you been taking loperamide?

The thing is, loperamide withdrawal takes a few days to fully manifest, and lasts quite along time.

How bad the withdrawal is will be dependent on 1) duration of loperamide use and 2) what one considers severe withdrawal (which is subjective and based on ones past experiences)
That's the least of the problem, and doesn't occur if one is tolerant.

As far as OP's @FatBellyWhipSlay question, cold turkey of 24mg/day of loperamide (12 caplets) isn't especially severe. It isnt fun either. How long have you been taking loperamide?

The thing is, loperamide withdrawal takes a few days to fully manifest, and lasts quite along time.

How bad the withdrawal is will be dependent on 1) duration of loperamide use and 2) what one considers severe withdrawal (which is subjective and based on ones past experiences)

Thanks for the reply , so been using it for about 2 months, and for me the severity of the withdrawal is more like a pyschological thing i KNOW i am going to get some WD's so I am already panicking about it, even though may not be that bad, for me the worst thing is not being able to sleep which i am already dreading
tbh i think i have been in withdrawal for about 7 days already anyway, what i take in the morning doesnt even touch the sides, its already 11.54am and i am yawing body aches already so i may as well just accept it, nothing i can do about it unless i get some comfort meds which aint gonna happen for me anytime soon

insomnia here we come, yay ( well i am not sleeping properly anyway even with the Zopi and now they gone)

i just want to wake up NOT in WD just for once and then my life will maybe change, so sick and tired of it, sick and tired, i know its my fault but its a misery
That's the least of the problem, and doesn't occur if one is tolerant.

As far as OP's @FatBellyWhipSlay question, cold turkey of 24mg/day of loperamide (12 caplets) isn't especially severe. It isnt fun either. How long have you been taking loperamide?

The thing is, loperamide withdrawal takes a few days to fully manifest, and lasts quite along time.

How bad the withdrawal is will be dependent on 1) duration of loperamide use and 2) what one considers severe withdrawal (which is subjective and based on ones past experiences)
Thanks for the reply

So i was on loperamide for about 3 months after i quit bupe (dropped from 0.8 mg) I also dabbled in a bit of Kratom but thats was only for a short time and once it ran out i didnt continue with it

I think (like the bupe at 0.8mg which is why i stopped) i was in constant WD when i got to 24mg so has been 7 days of that plus 3 days now of no lope at all. I dont feel too bad today, yesterday was the worst but last night i actually slept for a while and woke up feeling ok'ish, just exhausted and a bit of yawning every now and then and goose bumps, it doesnt appear to be getting any worse, maybe slightly better, im not puking anymore and ive firmed up... who knows maybe i am on that downwards line now with the WD, god I hope I am!
If you've been on it for only that short period of time I'd recommend to taper off by one 2mg pill every other day until zero. For instance:

Monday: 12 pills (24mg)
Wednesday: 11 pills (22mg)
Friday: 10 pills (20mg)
So the title says it all really.

I did really well and got down to 12mg a day and should of stopped after 7 days. But being the idiot I am I didn't and went up 24 a day again ( one dose at 8am in the morning )

I'm now in a stupid situation where the lope is going to run day out after tomorrow and I can't taper anymore or get any more. I just can't do it anymore sick.of it it needs to end before I go away out the country on the 21st june

If I drop from 24mg (12 tabs) will it be hell on earth? Currently I wake up not feeling too bad a bit of yawning but that's about it. I think I'm just prolonging it but so busy at work

I have 45mg a night mirtazapine and a few zopis 7.5mg. I don't really drink that much either.

I'd VERY STRONGLY recommend tapering off it!

I went cold turkey on about the same amount. The general opioid-withdrawal symptoms are pretty mild but I had the most agonising abdominal cramps and I cannot begin to explain the explosive dysentery I developed. I went from 122lbs to 108lbs in 10 days because I was too scared to eat.
Zopiclone is awesome for sleep in general, though. I'd definitely use that,