• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Looking for a portrait artist!


Aug 11, 2010
a friend of mine has just had to have her dog put down total devastated by it she a mess and was wanting a picture drawing of it but thinks that it will cost way too much to have done so i was wondering if anyone in here help me out with this as in can you draw do you want to make a few quid helping her out with this ? sorry if i am in the wrong place just seems like a good spot to ask
I would draw it... but have no free time. And by the way notoa joke and even was in art honor society and won tons of contests. However I haven't drawn in awhile well big things... it still sucks how my whole art portfolio was thrown out by my stepdad after I became homeless. Hope you find someone.
Ive done charcoal portraits before. It depends on the artist. Usually about 200 dollars or more is what I would charge for a face portrait that when framed and matted would be the size of a small poster. The framing and matting cost a lot extra and most artist sell just the drawing and will drop it off or meet you at the place to frame it.

If I do an abstract drawing I usually charge like 250, but that's cuz my abstract is off the chain. That's off topic though.

I wouldn't do a portrait for less than 200, end of story, but my work is top notch and most people that just meet me ask me where I bought my paintings and drawings and I usually have to show them my sketch pad to prove its my work.

If its a friend Id do a portrait for 150 but it would have to be a damn good friend and a project I was interested in putting in my portfolio so 200 and up. Its gonna cost you another 100 or so to frame it. The good class is hella expensive.

Now I don't know what the dog looks like but I drew a tiger once and Im never doing that again. It took way longer than a persons face. The thing some people don't understand is that this is skilled labor and usually its going to take a long time.

Its best to give the artist several pictures to choose from. The best drawings have very bright brights and very dark darks.

I sure do love to do a charcoal portrait, especially when it comes together and the customer is happy. Its been a while for me as Im recovering from a nasty injury to my elbow, but my info should be on point. Feel free to PM me.

Oh yeah Id definetly go with a charcoal drawing for a portrait and if you want me to measure the size the drawings usually are I can later, but its late and I don't want to wake anyone up fucking about the house. Be sure to look at the artists portfolio and if they have a bunch of good drawings mixed in with some that are shite, well than chances are they are putting other peoples stuff in their portfolio. Ive had people try to buy my work at double to put their name on it to juice their portfolio (I told em where to go), but Im just saying don't get conned.
I don't think it's mentally healthy to have a portrait of a deceased pet in your home.

But, who gives a fuck, I'm probably not the most mentally healthy person here by any standard.
This seems more a serious request than a silly sidebar.

The Lounge > Second Opinion
a friend of mine has just had to have her dog put down total devastated by it she a mess and was wanting a picture drawing of it but thinks that it will cost way too much to have done so i was wondering if anyone in here help me out with this as in can you draw do you want to make a few quid helping her out with this ? sorry if i am in the wrong place just seems like a good spot to ask
That's a really thoughtful thing to do for your friend! I am sure she must be going through an awful time grieving the loss of her dog. I hope you find someone who can do a portrait. However, it seems like some members of this forum haven't quite gotten past the "dot to dot" stage yet and definitely should not be allowed crayons! Good luck.
thank you people will let her know about this and hopefully one of you can help her out with this :)

wtf i wanted to write something else but it wont let me unless this posts :)

This seems more a serious request than a silly sidebar.

The Lounge > Second Opinion

thanks noodle i can be more than a drug addled speed freak when i need to be .

she been nice to me so just want to say thank you and i've lost a lot of pets over the years my last 3 cats were for a better word murdered and i've hardly any pictures of them so guessed it would be nice if i can help :)

and every one who offers help with this thank you :) ...
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Well I gave her the straight facts and Ive sold drawings and been commissioned in this manner to draw portraits and always had happy customers so I know a bit about the art world. But charcoal drawings esp. portraits are my domain.
well im going to leave this for about a week bump it every now and again then will start to contact people and see if we can find some we can work on for her . captain i would but we live 100s of mile a part and this was all i could think of like ive in a pm i see where you're coming from and it was my fault for not realizing the lounge was for trolling threads really :) will reply to your pm when my brain un freezes damn 3,4,ctmp has messed it up big time at the minute :(

bumping for making a tit out of myself in an email to her lol read before you reply next time numbnuts
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ha ha ha it was more a matter of i was so fucked up that my brain said this random letter and this one look prettier that what spells the word :)
right sorry people had some personal problems this last week and will get back to you in the next few days once iv spoke to the lady involved and see if we can get this going for her :)

right im just waiting on her getting back to me on the size of the drawing she wishes done so if you could kindly get some prices together as a rough idea that would be greatly appreciated people :)
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This is the pic I would like done.

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tattooist @ tattoo studios charge anywhere from $300-1,500 per portrait.depends on what all you want.

the only thing you might get help with is asking someone with good photoshop skills, or ask an art student.
tattooist @ tattoo studios charge anywhere from $300-1,500 per portrait.depends on what all you want.

the only thing you might get help with is asking someone with good photoshop skills, or ask an art student.

Apparently, you can have tattoos done with the ashes of your pet or loved one mixed in to the ink!
At first I thought it was a bit morbid but then thinking about it more, a nice tattoo of my dog done with her ashes isn't a bad idea but the tattoo would have to be perfect.
I have photoshop but wouldn't have a clue how to make a photo look like a painting!

This is the pic I would like done.

<a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=2m3r343" target="_blank"><img src="http://i42.tinypic.com/2m3r343.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
Why is this not showing the image? It was working yesterday! What have I done wrong? Can some1 tell me how to add a pic properly please?

Sure you need to take the jumble of code you originally got and pull out just the URL to the photo being http://i42.tinypic.com/2m3r343.jpg then it's just a matter of putting it between IMG tags. Comes out looking like this in text form: [IMG]http://i42.tinypic.com/2m3r343.jpg[/IMG] That should get ya photos posted with ease in the future. -bronson
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Why is this not showing the image? It was working yesterday! What have I done wrong? Can some1 tell me how to add a pic properly please?

Sure. You can either use [ /url] (without the space between...shortened the link and it still doesn't work.
Cute dog! Why don't you just play um special effects on it? Like.. black and that other sketchy one.