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Longest you've been up?

one week, but I was rolling for 2. Super-potent MDA and 7 ounces of aniracetam, talk about a bender....
That's fucking awful, man.. Did they give you anything whatsoever to help?

No.... I felt like such a junky running up to the nurses station every night to beg for ibuprofen or anything only to be denied every time. Two women died in that jail a few years earlier withdrawing so they are required to taper your methadone if you are on the clinic. I however was seeing a private doctor so I got nothing.

There was this guy who had a seizure from benzos and was getting lorazapam so I tried to fake a seizure. I fell on the floor and bit the fuck out of my tongue but when the guards came they just looked at me and said "oh he's fine. Just withdrawing". I spent the entire time shaking uncontrollably on the bed or doing the same thing on the toilet. Worst two and a half weeks of my life. It was 30 degrees and the air conditioning was on. They never turn the lights off and the food was uneatable.

I will admit though, as much as I begged to get out, I wish I had stayed because I didn't think about scoring because I knew it was impossible. If I had made it a bit farther I probably would have saved myself a lot of trouble.
I agree. I went a week before. The hallucinations were extremely vivid and scary. After about 4 days I didn't have the lock the doors shut the blinds buzz. I went out among them. I never cared if they thought I was geeked or not. Had a blast but don't plan on doin it again. Crystal is hard on me. The better it is the worse the crash!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Opiate withdrawal. It's the devil. Been thru it a lot. Several times in jail. Being in jail takes the mental part of craving out. Still shakes cramps and insomnia
Been up 58 hours now (I'm a newby)...what's the longest you've been up on it?

It's actually amphetamine salts I insufflate, not street speed. I finally decided ephedrine wasn't good enough after many months. It got me from 178 to 122 in around 5 months which was awesome (despite the jitters and jaw-clenching) but lately I'd been feeling much less of an energy boost. I was by then on (taking the ECA stack) 180mg ephedrine/360mg caffeine/120mg aspirin four times a day.
So 22 (it's 4:42am, so 23) days ago I came to possess a 5g baggie of pure amphetamine salts (before they had been through a loada nasty shit and cut to fuck to make speed - NO OFFENCE people who buy speed or meth on the street, I'm not judging) and I've pretty much not stopped since.

Anyway, I've been taking benzodiazepines to sleep, but now I can't control myself and stop using 6 hours before bed like I used to so it doesn't work no more.

I think this 58 hours is the longest I've ever been up for. Weird thing is...I'm desperate to get in bed and sleep and sleep, but for some reason I can't bring myself to do it, like the very notion of sleep causes my stomach turn with unease (actually, I've completely stopped eating now because I live alone and I'm never hungry, and I do feel anxious if someone asks me for a meal. U usually have to think of an excuse to leave...kinda like I'm rambling on on internet forums to avid bed. But it's 5am and I have an important appointment at 9:30am and if I go to bed THIS sleep-deprived, I'll never wake up when the alarm goes.

At least my apartment is immaculately clean lol.

I have noticed the last 5-7 days that I get confused a lot, have extreme short-term memory loss, mild hallucinations. And I weigh 108 now. I may only be 5"6 but that's too small for an adult male.

Sorry, I'm trying to get back on topic, just, uh, tweaking a little I guess.

I just wanted to share my suddenly very strange relationship with sleep. And how long have you guys stayed up before?

And any advice on how to eat or sleep? I'm struggling big time.
If anyone actually made it to the end of this thing, thanks.
I stay up for days of and on while heavily using adderall. It didn't bother me till I decided I was gonna quit adderall, that was 4 days ago now I'm laying here bored kept awake from adderall. Trust me when you decide to stop you "binge" or whatever you want to call it you're gonna regret it, my insides hurt, my chest was in unbearable pain, I felt like I was never going to get caught up on sleep. It's fun while you're doing it but afterwards it is horrible.
And the eating... You just gotta force it or take a break till your hungry and eat as much as possible. I know it is HARD as hell to force yourself to eat on amphetamines but I usually manage a few crackers or somethin small every now and then which is better than nothing for days.
I'm going on 48 hours here. Only thing I've taken are 24 hour sudafed tablets, only one a day, been sick and it's helped with the congestion. Getting worried about it though. I'm super productive it's unbelievable. No wonder they made me produce my id when I went to buy it. Can't get any rest though, mind is racing a mile a minute, it's unpleasant even as I get stuff done. Crazy. Is this normal? When can I expect to sleep? I'm wide awake in bed again, very little hope of falling asleep.
Wow, you must be hypersensitive to stimulants if 10mg of pseudoephedrine per hour has prevented you from sleeping for two days.
about 24 hours; I took like three pills of parnate and 70mg vyvanse, with some weed in the middle which just made my heart beat faster; I think I had a minor heart attack:\
Vyvanse/Adderall binge had me goin for 4 solid days.
Popping 100mg of each twice a day of XR.
Very intense "hallucinations", but by intense, I mean scary, hah.
Surplus of muscle spasms and losing a sentence mid-way due to my brain wandering off into blank thought.
By the end of the 4th day I was staring into a mirror which reflected a multi-tude of colored lights hanging from my roof.
Seeing aliens and people staring at me, walking my dog I saw an insane amount of "shadow people".
Seemed to be a rough preview of psychosis or something, hah, never going there again.
But, sleep deprivation was a hell of an experience.
Around 120 hours. Woke up on Friday, first smoked meth from then till about 1am on Monday and went to sleep Wednesday afternoon. worked graveyard shift every night but Sunday. 5 hours of sleep on Wednesday then it was right back to work. Lost 10lbs and started seeing some really crazy stuff early Monday. i didnt think it was all that bad.