• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Long time lurker first time user!


Jun 17, 2017
What up everyone its ya boy beefy, i gre up in colorado worked a bunch of jobs up there smoked alot of weed daily sold my fair share to grew tons of crops dabbled in just about every drug i could get my hands on and never had the slightest urge to get addicted i always do constant research prior to intaking anything in my body.. That being said about 9 months ago i got tired of working making no money barely scraping by so i sold everything moved back to my born state of corpus christi texas and make awesome money in the oilfied! unfortuently work isnt always steady and when your 21 years young bored af and drinking is getting boring u start wishing you had all those plugs you had back home especially tina man my girl tina kept me awake and we had some fun! sure wish i had the confidence to socialize a bit and maybe id find some oh well i guess.. anyway doc has prescribed me buspirone for my anxiety it makes me nausicious but i THINK it works... i have crippling anxiety and the only thing i found to work ironically was when i flipped my truck a few weeks ago and a doc gave me some diazepam long story short and several doctor visits later they wont RX benzos to me for two reasons... one its a damn clinic so they cant prescribe narcos? lol k and 2 i guess there habit forming so anyway like and good freewilled Samaritan would do i found a vendor and got my hands on clam and some etizolam now like i said above i do my research so im thinkin il use the etiz just for work related anxiety problems etc and in small doses responisbly i mean.. as for the clam well i have zero benzo tolerance and have taken 2mg etiz and a mg of clam and i dont feel shit really except no anxiety i guess but all the research pointed toward these risks of blackouts n shit lol i just dont see how that would happen.. even now im thinking of dosing another clam lol il give it another hour though and after today i wont touch em for a week or so maybe 3 days idk.. lol well here i am ranting about dumbs hit anyway my names beefy im new to corpus and yeah im overall just a chill dude who likes to experience everything life has to offer lsd has been very positive in my life before as well as mushys once a week or so some puddles rollin round made a days night of fun playin games on steam all night haha hoping that i find a nice mature responsible user who hasnt fallen to addiction to help with supplies im lookin for but again this isnt a inquiry thread im just giving some background of who i am and letting everyone know what i enjoy doing seems how this is a bluelight forum! thanks peeps beefy out!
Long time lurker first time user ya boi beefy! Where the tx ppl at?!

What up everyone i live in the corpus christi area down here in hellish climates work in the oilfied make good money, and when im home mostly drink and get hangovers and power through those bitches... ugh i wish i had my plugs up in colorado i had hella weed acid etc shit was liiiiiiiit anyway yes my search continues on my days off to find a chill dude with some product haha but yea im ya boi beefy and im chill as a cucumber super nice easy going and just wana live like to the fullest and experience what it has to offer! hit me up anytime im bored af.
why i made a reply on the same post baffles me i legit thought my first post got deleted lol i hit the arrow and it collapsed it loloololol RIP
Screw it I deleted everything.

Howdy man who dips beef. I'm not responsible, but I'm mature if you mean twice your age.

Careful with the benzos, they're sneaky bastards. Blackouts come without warning. Also, why are you mixing them? They both do the same thing.
yeah i just kinda strung a run on sentance for a minute there haha i apologize for that. to cover a few points of what you posted i never get addicted and do my research so as of right now yeah i took 1mg etiz waited a hour then took another because i felt nothing i was honestly looking for euphoria at the very least but no luck, so a hour after that took a 1mg clonazolam and research sais the onset is 90mins maybe longer..

i have yet to feel anything im considering taking another just to see where it puts me but then no more after that.. of course after tonight i will take a 3 day break to allow my brain time to get gaba back to baseline due to clams long halflife.. now addressing mature responsible users lol i didnt mean to make that a diragatory term by any means.. i meant without being so blunt of course, i did read the polices on the site but what i was more or less referring to was i wish i could find someone who wasn't batshit crazy like gangbangin status 50/50 chance of getting killed to get some party favors in my area haha.
Screw it I deleted everything.

Howdy man who dips beef. I'm not responsible, but I'm mature if you mean twice your age.

Careful with the benzos, they're sneaky bastards. Blackouts come without warning. Also, why are you mixing them? They both do the same thing.
Thank you for your concern the way i see it elders know best there wiser and if i can take some advice from someone whos been here longer then u could save me from making a mistake u already made..i took both hoping to potentiate the effects.. idk i read all these horror stories of people blacking out on .5mg clam and even .5 of etiz and im like bruh i have no tolerance and have ate 2mg etiz and a mg of clam.. i feel fine. now does that mean im gonna keep poppin them like there candy?

well of course i am yolo.. just kidding seriously no im not haha it just means maybe in a week i'll try it again and in a different enviorment like the store or (and im iffy about this) il try it at work where i have crippling anxiety. one paper i found is that the euphoria is actually prominent in anxious environments so maybe that's what it is.. if theres no recreational benefit from this i'll use them for my GAD and SA and if it works even my MDD
Yeah, they don't like folks asking for drugs in the forums. Tend to frown on that, actually. Hand out nasty PMs and the banhammer.
Harm reduction and all, keep people alive, not hook them up.

You could be like me, you know, and a few million other folks, who don't get any euphoria from benzos. I feel exactly nothing on them. I can take two of your "clams" and feel nothing until I suddenly pass out.

That's why they're ninja bastards. You just don't see them coming.
yeah im starting to think thats exactly what it is they scared me at first. All the hype about being too hypnotic or whatever hahaha it cracks me up when you call them ninja bastards thats the overall gif of benzos it seems.. pop one then 5 more and u wake up naked in the parking lot not knowin what happend lol in theory it sounds fun like id be down to research what its like to black out but theres two sides to everycoin.. i dont want to black out like im possessed and have no recollection of what i did thats not fun at all..if it was a kick ass high that's different but these people compare it to a date rape drug lol.
This simul-posting is fun!

Yeah, if you don't "feel" anything, higher doses probably aren't going to help. I'd back off, use them legit, and find another DOC besides booze. I think half the users here are on Kratom (never tried it).

Did it again. I'll stick it in one.
I've had blackouts, a lot of them actually, way too many, and a seizure. They are identical (actually I'd rather have the seizure). There's nothing to explore, although every once in a while you "wake up" during your blackout, in a kind of psychedelic state, only lasts a minute or two, and you're not in charge.
You will remember the party, and talking to someone, and then you're trying to understand why you can't move your arms. Oh shit! Cause you're restrained on a hospital gurney. I've woken up intubated and with a tube up my pecker and police looking down at me. Seriously.

Then you do the math to try to figure out what you could have done, who you hurt, what you said. It's not something to seek.

Yeah, MORE than one time, different hospitals, docs say "we thought you had a stroke" as they do neuro exams. (All booze-related, I'm in the 0.500 club in a few hospitals).
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kratom sucks my all time favorite drug is DMT and i havent even tried it yet but man if i had the no how to make it and the tools... id do it LSD and magic mushys will always be the pynicale for me. theres alot of talk about these new RC typtamines but idk if there worth a damn.
This simul-posting is fun!

Yeah, if you don't "feel" anything, higher doses probably aren't going to help. I'd back off, use them legit, and find another DOC besides booze. I think half the users here are on Kratom (never tried it).

Did it again. I'll stick it in one.
I've had blackouts, a lot of them actually, way too many, and a seizure. They are identical (actually I'd rather have the seizure). There's nothing to explore, although every once in a while you "wake up" during your blackout, in a kind of psychedelic state, only lasts a minute or two, and you're not in charge.
You will remember the party, and talking to someone, and then you're trying to understand why you can't move your arms. Oh shit! Cause you're restrained on a hospital gurney. I've woken up intubated and with a tube up my pecker and police looking down at me. Seriously.

Then you do the math to try to figure out what you could have done, who you hurt, what you said. It's not something to seek.

Yeah, MORE than one time, different hospitals, docs say "we thought you had a stroke" as they do neuro exams. (All booze-related, I'm in the 0.500 club in a few hospitals).
OH SHIT hahaha fuck man im so sorry i know first hand how embarrasing and scary it is i learned about anamita muscaria mushys from a hippie in austin mid grocery run long story short came out of there with a 6ft long san pedro cactus to make mescaline tea and like 8oz of those mushys AND a oz of everykind of kratom i mixed em all up and i was fucked up i was in space

i didnt finish the bag of kratoms i had a little bit but not enough to fuck me up that i know of anyway but those anamita toar me up hardcore and the mescaline i was drinking like there was no tommorow i guess had its fill to. i black out wake up being pushed down a hall way this bitch sais "Hold his Dick" im freaking out at this point like wtf man hell no! and the more i struggled the more it hurt fast ffwd a bit she sais okay im deflating the baloon and she rips it out that was the worst pain ive ever felt in my life! i was pissing razor blades for days. i guess it didnt help i was trying to pull it out with the baloon still inflated in my dick to when she wasnt looking lol. .500 club doe!!! what a legend! xD
500 club near-DOA you mean. Where you have to show you can still walk, like, no serious brain damage, before they let you go. Nothing to be proud of.

And yeah, the nurse comes in and gives you a look, and oh jebus grabs it and yanks like she's trying to start a lawnmower after a long winter. Not fun.
exactly i asked the nurse u gonna take me out for dinner after this? we kinda jumped a few bases a bit quick at least wine and dine me before u go yanking tubes out of my dick miss xD nah but seriously that shit is still the worst pain ive ever felt in my life how did u make it through the daily bathroom trips i couldnt piss to save my life lol. id let the stream start then be screaming in agony i had to tighten up and let little bits out at a time it felt lize razer blades slicing in and out as u pissed.. could not stand it.

1mg etiz 5pm
1mg etiz 6pm
1mg clam 7pm
gonna dose another 1mg clam 1235
Virgin with benzos after this last clam we will see where it leads.. i feel nothing but more psycholigcal i suffer from major depressive disorder and dont take the pills because i still like to have a dick and extreme crippling anxiety mainly social but also general.

so it is easing those mentally i feel stable like no worries really not overthinkin or overall just reliving past memories i wish i could've changed im not tearing my self down it seems like anytime i even try to think those thought's something is blocking it so i do see a risk of abuse if ones were taking these daily the last thing i need is a benzo tolerance thats just stupid and would ruin it completely for me so i will play my cards right on this one and keep the etiz with the buspirone or whatever the doc gave me for anxiety despite the face it makes me nausicous
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Quick update the clam at 1mg dose uhhh i wana say a hour and a half in being conservative of course, does seem to bring a much more stronger feeling warmth,relaxation,i wouldnt say euforia but maybe if u were in a high anxious place it would be more profound. no slurring words and i feel less lethargic like i want to get up and do stuff even writing this right now never was something i wanted to invest my time into but the thought that i may be able to help someone else with similar concerns is the reason behind it so i am new and i am bad at properly laying out my writing (i will work on that) im just use to free writing long run ons lol like anything that comes to my mind i want to write so sorry if that offends anyone im just tryin to be real. dosing another mg at 1235cst right now will post updates after that im done for a few days at least. body chemestry is a very serious thing and safety should always be priority when dealing with RC and drugs in general do your research people!
Since you're still conscious, have you considered they're bad pills? I would stop dosing right now anyway, then ask around about them. You're getting into knock-out-an-elephant territory. You are "beefy"? Unless that's like 300+ I'd stop.
Well then, before you get a timeout here, or a timeout where you are, more reason to slow down.
1:35 coming up im taking my final clam dose this makes 3mg clam on a zero tolerance so this is ineveble evidence of self research i kinda feel slightly drunk but clear headed if that makes sense will kepp you updated! i also have a impulse to want to go out and do stuff for once which i havent even felt realy at all haha like i want to relax and do shit so yea anyhow keep gettin lit or whatyever yall doin! wish me luck! so far no black out xD.
Well then, before you get a timeout here, or a timeout where you are, more reason to slow down.
what do u mean a timeout? im not high im in control as i write this lol im just trying to give updates on subdle changes