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long term symtoms after a candy flip


Jan 25, 2014
Hey, I have been spending the last month recovering from getting way to high on NYE

I started the night by drinking champagne that had been spiked with about three or four points of "molly". I am pretty sure now that the chemical I ingested was not MDMA/speed as usual, and was some sort of research chemical. As if that wasn't dumb enough, I also was persuaded to take a tab of acid. The ensuing trip was dandy, until I took a few pipe hits of weed and things got really nasty. I spent the first week afterwords basically bed ridden and was wracked with anxiety and paranoia that I had lost my mind. After a few weeks passed I got over that but I am still feeling a lack of stimulation of the things in my life that I used to be obsessed with (music, sports, partying etc). My sex drive is also heavily diminished. I am noticing a slight recovery everyday, but am worried that I have burned away my ability to get excited about things. My lack of a response to woman is also very frightening. I have noticed some slight cognitive difficulties, such as hiccups in my speech patterns, and a little extra difficulty in school.

I understand how moronic it is to subject your brain to the kind of abuse that a poly drug combination such as the one I took can be, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will never take drugs in such great excess ever again. I was just wondering if anyone on here has experienced symptoms such as these and could offer guidance about how long it will take me to recover, if I ever will. I want my lust for life, and ability to get stoked about things again.
1. Give it time
2. Live healthy (sleep well, eat healthy, exercise, take supplements such as a B-complex vitamin, multivitamin, and omega-3)
3. Just keep doing what you did before this bad night, your love for your hobbies will fall back into place
4. The basis for most of your problems is that your serotonin is low. You take a longer time than most to recover those levels like me.
5. Give it time

I've been recovering the past month as well from taking too much MDMA exactly a month ago. I still have bouts of anxiety and depression but they are getting better. Yours will too, just give it time. You even said you see slight recovery everyday...the fact that you see recovery should keep you optimistic. I've had friends that have done acid and MDMA and felt like they fucked up royally. They seemed different post-roll/trip but in time they were back to their normal selves. Don't fret man if you only abused your mind/body one time.

I had a heavy NYE aswell, which included a lot of alcohol, my first MDMD experience and some coke (it was small doses though).
My comedown seems very similar to yours - lack of stimulation (I can't really enjoy anything), anxiety (which I think is provoked by the lack of stimulation), and also the not existing sex-drive.

I feel as each day is a struggle, but I think it's important to stay positive. There is a lot of success- stories on this website from people who have been abusing a lot more than you and I have, and recovered 100%.

So I guess we just need to follow all the basic advices - healthy diet, exercise, B-vitamins, Omega-3, social activity, meditation - and we will be fine eventually.

Anyways, I would like to follow your progress, as we seem to be pretty much in the same boat.

Stay positive :)
A lot of people in this forum have had a rough start to their New Year...haha

God its been awful. In the first few weeks I was suffering from mild DP/DR. I know that my memory was impaired, and I was suffering cogitative difficulties once I was back in school. (there are certain things I never forget, like song lyrics, or movie plots, or other pointless pop culture things, and I have been having trouble recalling them) my reading comprehension has also decreased. I could read at the same speed, but its like the information from the words did not register. I have cut out MJ and have been limiting my once heavy drinking, but have still been smoking cigarettes as that is my only escape from my current condition. I really need to knock that off as well.

I really dissed my brain, and I guess that it will be a few months/years until I am recovered if I ever do. I can deal with feeling like a less intelligent person, however my new lack of interest in everything is a major problem. Life seems pretty meaningless if you are not stimulated/rewarded mentally for doing the things in life that you want to do.
I really dissed my brain, and I guess that it will be a few months/years until I am recovered if I ever do.

You need to calm down man. I know how it feels. Actually, a feature of the anxiety is feeling that you will never be alright. In my case when my anxiety was bad I KNEW that I never would be, now I'm almost 100% and I'm only 9 weeks in.

Take a look at the symptoms of this guy, and check out how he improved over the weeks. You're gonna be good buddy. (Edit: you are gonna have to stop drinking cold turkey though. Alcohol is gonna prolong/fuck up your recovery)
His recovery post: http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads...ery-(Success-Stories)?p=12038647#post12038647

*massive headache
*extreme tingling sensations throughout my head
*short term memory destroyed. completely gone
*felt like my iq was cut in half
*still felt extremely high, like a bodily high, but a bad one
*lights way to intense(couldnt watch tv for 2 weeks)
*no emotions(other than sheer panic ofcourse)
*And the worst of them all..depersonalisation. (felt like i was not living in the here and now, but lagging a second behind..like being a spectactor of yourself...very nasty
I know Im gonna have to lay off the alcohol, Ive mostly been doing it to keep my roommate from thinking ive totally lost it. Im just going to have to man up and tell him what the fuck Ive been going through. I cant blame not doing what I need to do to help myself on my roomates feelings.
It's important to have someone to talk to about what's going on. I told my parents (who are very strict when it comes to drugs and have never been around drug users) and they were disappointed but were there for me and wanted to make sure I'm doing okay. Talking to someone will help get a little of the weight off your shoulders. Plus, if he's a chill roommate, he will be there for you and give you someone to talk to about what you're going through.
My roommates been being a major dick about it. This makes sense to me because he cant possibly fathom what ive been going through. He just doesent quite grasp the severity of the situation, nor do I really expect him too.
There are two of my friends who took the same cocktail of drugs and are going through the same thing and they have been supportive, but they have only recently grasped that they are experiencing long term problems. They spent the first three weeks trying to convince themselves they were fine, and only one of them has finally opened up and has been talking to me about some of his symptoms, he's feeling exactly the same way I am. My third friend just said fuck it and has been drinking heavily.