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Long term effects..

Raas, youre not in hell I promise! It will all be ok, take it FROM ME. Try Risperdal, its heavenly.

Peace bro
I just dont do pills that much so i dont worry too much!!But if ya do them alot your alot your just askin for trouble

And this is what it all boils down to >> "ASKIN". Unless you are so hammered you dont really know what you're doing, or you were spiked, then you asked for the drug and you took it. Some may say they don't think there are any long term effects so they take it, some may say there are long term effects but they don't care. Personally i am neither, i lie in the middle. I think it highly likely that there are long term effects. (Just to clarify my opinion i call long term more than one year after last taking). I take them knowing that there is a stron possibilty of having long term damage. It is not that i don't care, i just prefer to take the chance.

If you can be arsed searching through the archives you will find posts i have made detailing a few of my experiences, which while are by no means unique, are to the more extreme side of recreational drug use (for 'E's). I havn't posted on this board now as i have a lot of personal problems going on, and right now i do not have regular access to a PC. One of my last posts on here talks about me wanting to stop taking them, partly because of the risk of a SERIOUS regret when im older. But please try to realise that you ARE only going to react to your own thoughts, at the end of the day if you want to continue, even sub-consiouscly then you will do.
PassMeTheVicks said:
Raas, youre not in hell I promise! It will all be ok, take it FROM ME. Try Risperdal, its heavenly.

Peace bro
Risperdal=2 day coma

make sure you have the time LOL. Perhaps it was just me but I was on Risperdal for "crippling anxiety" coupled with mild hallocinations, at that time in my life 48 hours of sleep/relaxation was very very good.
Im better now holistic therepy and herbal remedy is a much better way of dealing with mental disorders, that is after you get your chemicals balanced. If anyone is intrested in learning how to get off of Paxil send me a message.....I'll gladly share my secret.

Thanks PassmetheVics and pea. I don't have it serious, i just get spells of anxiety for no reason in the coming months after swallowing a pill. Only yesterday i was at work chatting, then i felt really feint..i thought i was going to have a panic attack... but no, it was a pill i took over a month ago kicking in again!? Since then i've felt normal again...

I don't get it, some people can shove pills down there throat every weekend for years and be ok.. me, i took no more than 2/3 pills 2-monthly and they play havoc on my mind.
Raas... I wouldn't be too quick to start blaming pills. It's entirely possible that you are susceptible to anxiety/depression/mood swings/whatever anyhow. Taking any psychoactive is for sure going to exacerbate any problems you may have.
The problem is, if you're a threshold case for any neurochemical imbalance the slightest nudge in the right direction can push you over the edge from threshold to full blown.
If they're affecting you negatively then common sense would say to stop.
Raas said:
I don't get it, some people can shove pills down there throat every weekend for years and be ok.. me, i took no more than 2/3 pills 2-monthly and they play havoc on my mind.

It's called different body chemistry. Evidently you're not built to handle E.
nowonmai said:
Raas... I wouldn't be too quick to start blaming pills. It's entirely possible that you are susceptible to anxiety/depression/mood swings/whatever anyhow.

True, but i'm pretty sure it's drug related. I have never had any sort of psychological upset in my life, then one day i took 4 damn strong mitsubishi's and had to go through agonising anxiety. Since then, the effects seem to re-occur when using any drug.
If they're affecting you negatively then common sense would say to stop.

Only last week i was drunk and gobbled down a pill before i knew what it was! it has been a week since then and i haven't noticed any rise in anxiety whatsoever which is cool. Gonna wait another couple of weeks to see what happens before i decide my body is accustomed to them again
Raas said:
True, but i'm pretty sure it's drug related. I have never had any sort of psychological upset in my life, then one day i took 4 damn strong mitsubishi's and had to go through agonising anxiety. Since then, the effects seem to re-occur when using any drug.

Psychoactive drugs can bring out latent problems. And taking four strong pills can definitely be a catalyst for bringing something out.

I don't know of any surefire method of knowing whether one has potential psychological problems lurking under the surface. I guess it's like roulette sometimes.

Hmmmm not sure... anxiety is a well known side-effect of E. When you push your serotonin levels very high, you will inevitably get a depressive come-down. The same can apply with anxiety on others...

When drugs make you anxious...it's generally a message from the brain telling u to stop.

After the 4 pills my head was really fucked for about a month(presumably side-effects from serotonin replenishing), i'd be feeling great one minute then having panic attacks the next...feeling dizzy and drunk when completely sober.. i wonder to this day whether i had serotonin syndrome.
Long term effects of pills?

I'm definately down on intelligence these days. not academic, just plain common-sense intelligence. Some days i feel just plain retarded! Especially the week after rolling.

This can best be seen by viewing me at work the week after clubbing/going to a rave. I'm a salesperson. I need to use a computer data base to search for products and whatever for people over the phone and for people who dont know the product number of what they want. I can use the computer, remember part numbers which are completely unrelated to their product, work out costs of 1000's of items in my head. But most of the time i cant string 2 words together, put my pen behind my ear then spend half an hour looking for it, cant work our stapler....

So basically, i've gotten dumber. As can be proven by my pre-drug IQ (Tested when i was 10) of 147, and my post-drug IQ (tested last year, 18) of 123. I just hope to God that my brain does continue to dissolve at this alarming rate, or by the time i'm 30 i wont be able to dress myself

But, its my choice i spose and whatever the consequences of our actions we are all just gonna have to grit and bear it. I'd rather have fun for 30 years, than be boring for 60
well there is no way i want to give up any 'intelligence' as a result from MDMA useage. But i don't see enough evidence there is a problem with that.

however i do have a feeling my speech has gone down hill... but then again you can never really tell if your just looking to hard for any negative effects.
Pill Puppy said:

I'm definately down on intelligence these days. not academic, just plain common-sense intelligence. Some days i feel just plain retarded! Especially the week after rolling.

My mate swears pills fucked with his intelligence and have lowered his IQ