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Long term effects..


Jan 22, 2002
Does anybody fear the long term effects of e?? I know there is no proof to actually determine the long term effects but do you ever wonder. Sometimes i wonder that because of my usage, i will be a vegetable with no memory and slurred speech when i grow up.
Um ya definitely thats why I wanna quit soon....i cant remember shit and some day when my brain is swiss cheese i hope it was worth it...

I think the only tests that have been conducted that have shown long-term damage have been in lab rats. And only then were the rats administered unusually large dosages of MDMA. I don't think there's been any tests on humans that have determined what the long-term consequences of excessive use are.
Well I do know that E will never be the same again for me. I've been doing it for 5 years and taken over 200 pills and I know that I don't expect it to be like the first time nor the first 50, but I always wonder about the long term effects and what our generation will be like in 20, 30, 40 years. The next day on E is a lot harder now than a few years ago. It also takes more time to recover. I just get fuzzy for longer I guess. I still have fun and moderation is key. There are other factors that could increase my fuzziness (ie. coke and alcohol consumption to previous years). Although I try to take the proper precautions as with any substance, only time will tell on how mainly this drug has effected me. E is my drug of choice and my mind will let me know in a few...
e loses its magic quickly if you aren't careful...i know you all know that. i can say for myself that heavy usage in a short period of time DID have lasting effects on my brain such as slurred speech, memory, and being twice as sensitive as i was before. no regrets though, ecstasy is definatly worth it!=D
Yea moderation. My case for example, in 2 years took about 250pills with some months taking 8 pills a week. Was times when I would consider 3 week breaks an accomplished goal. After all the abuse the onset of a psychotic disorder from taking cocaine when my serotonin levels where down the drain, left me with unbalanced levels of the two. Would deffinately suggest you take at the most once a month and thats alot to me now, I havent taken my much loved MDMA for 7 freaking months and will wait another year from now till I take another pill. Abuse will deffinatley fuck you up nicely(sarcasm) you WILL be in hell. As for long term, well if you dont get proper diet, etc, and u deplete your serotonin, thats when all the bad shit happens to you like it did to me.
I heard about a study they did saying that only ONE time of doing E can cause significant brain damage. Apparently you can kill off enough brain cells to make a difference. Scary....

I've taken E for over decade. I use no more than 2 pills in a night, never take more than a half at once and I space my doses out by months rather than days or weeks. I'm as sharp as I ever was;)

Besides, a government that concerned about it's citizens future health would, I'm sure, have been able to produce evidence, or at the very least would have a very serious and on-going research programme happening to thoroughly investigate the potential long-term, harmful effects of MDMA on human beings. An anally retentive, ultra-conservative government such as that in the US that does not go to much effort to investigate the effects of E probably already knows that such damage is either manageable or of little concern.

Moderation IS the key
Ya I'm with Si Ingwe.......Prinsesse did the study say in what percentage of people that can happen? They probably tested for like 10 years on tons of people, and found like ONE person who was susceptible to the worst effects of XTC....
Yes thats probably true, Blondie, I've heard some strange findings. They just said they had determined that it caused the brain damage, no numbers. My father says he remembers when he was young they used to say that marijuana could kill you! I think they say this kind of stuff to deter people from even trying it.8)
I don't think there's too much to be concerned about. Accute neurotoxicity could accure if you literally consumed dozens of pills a day, but hopefully no one is foolish enough to try that. A friend of mine has been doing E for nearly 4 years now, and over the course of one year he took 2 pills each weekend without fail. He's one of the most intelligent people I know and is showing no signs of mental decay.
I think i have all the signs of the things that u can get from E, but very low... like memory skills, sensitivity

I use it now for 4 years and did about 150-200 pills, also with a 10 month break and on and off use.. now its like almost every weekend once but no more then 2-3 pills.

But i also smoke pot daily so maybe is the 'temporary damage' thanks to pot :p
I heard about a study they did saying that only ONE time of doing E can cause significant brain damage. Apparently you can kill off enough brain cells to make a difference. Scary....

I think this is an interpretation of a publication from Ricaurte et al. : "Severe Dopaminergic Neurotoxicity in Primates After a Common Recreational Dose Regimn of MDMA" (200)

They talk about a 'common recreational dose'. Also, of 5 monkeys used, 1 died and one nearly died. Talking about common doses....
Thanks for the support there peeps.

I'm not just an E head. I investigated throughly everything that was known about MDMA before I went anywhere near my firts E. I did the same for weed and LSD before I took them.

As far as I can tell, unless you are really very, very unlucky, MDMA is extremely unlikely to cause you any serious harm with moderate and occassional usage. Simple as that really.
chillpill28 said:
e loses its magic quickly if you aren't careful...i know you all know that. i can say for myself that heavy usage in a short period of time DID have lasting effects on my brain such as slurred speech, memory, and being twice as sensitive as i was before. no regrets though, ecstasy is definatly worth it!=D

are you sure all that was from E?? i think its from you huffing to damn much!
I been rollin for 2 years now....only effect I have noticed is that im a whole lot more sensitive. Things people say hurt me soooo much more deeply....and I cry at the drop of a hat.
other than that
all good
Pills DO have long-term effects, and i know they have long-term effects coz i'm feeling them right now.

Grrrr i haven't been anxious in months, but today it's just sparked off again... It isn't emotional, purely chemical.. i can _feel_ it. A weird tingling feeling in my head n all.

Damn those 'bishi's... damn them damn then damn them