• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Long term effects of promethazine


Sr. Moderator: AADD, CE&P, TD
Staff member
Mar 9, 2005
Anyone have any info on this? I've been taking it for sleep for the last 7-8 years most nights. I think it can have some cardio and neurological side effects which I might be experiencing to some extent, tremors in hands and jaw, heart palpitations. It could be anxiety or damage from acute benzo withdrawal but I'm curious and can't find much info. The symptoms match what phentothiazines (sp?) should do. But also anxiety, withdrawal.

I take 50mg a night, sometimes another 10-20mg during day if on opiates. I used to take 250mg a night. Ridiculous high dose. :\

I posted here as I'm looking for advanced responses. Hopefully this is okay to post here.
Promethazine blocks muscarinjc acetylcholine receptors which play a important role in the resting or parasympathetic nervous system. Blocking it causes a increase in sympathetic activity making your heart beat, hand shake, skin flush, veins constrict,npupils dialate. Additionally by blocking dopamime d2 receptors it increases the risk of tremor as dopamine plays a vital role in fine motor skills.
I don't think you would want to take it for that long -- it can cause tardive dyskinesia.
I dont understand why youd take it. It looks like boardline thorazine. If you want a anticholinergic just take benadyrl. Or even better just skip them all together for sleep because your likely to wakeup with enough in your system to make you sluggish enough you break even at best
Its just a habit, I hardly notice its effects. But I sleep terribly without it. I've actually been slowly reducing it this year and plan to continue until I don't take it. I won't call it habit forming but i notice if I dont have it.

Thanks for the replies. :)