• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

long term amphetamine use altering the effects of psychedelics.

Hmmm, well caffeine and amphetamine have a well known synergy so that could be the case. However, I always though that perhaps amphetamine use reduced the amount of caffeine someone consumes. I know on my RX'd dose that I really cut back on my coffee drinking, and when it comes time for me to take an amp break my caffeine tolerance is so low I can get a substantial effect on half a small cup of coffee.

Does that kind of sound like your usage pattern?
I should have mentioned , while i was sober. It only happened back when i was in my rolling routine though, it seems amphetamines messing with your neuro chemistry make you hyper sensitive to caffeine . So to make it clear i'm completely sober while i drink the coffee or so, but i still feel weird as hell on it . Now a days it doesn't happen anymore because i don't roll anymore, meaning it was definitely caused by a neuro chemistry issue. So glad i don't take that brain damaging chemical known as MDMA.