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Logging in from work.


Aug 27, 2012
Do any of you log on from work? What could the possible implications be if my boss saw what I was looking at?
If you signed a contact it would probably say no to obvious stuff like not using works internet for porn, terrorism, drugs or any other criminal activity. Being caught doing so would probably result in an immediate sacking for gross misconduct.
Yes the trick is not being caught, and that can be... tricky if you're not pretty clued up about proxies, firewalls and stuff.

If you've got a smartphone and a 3G signal, less of a problem, as long as you're not seen fiddling with your phone all the time. Having said that, I've worked with people who were constant phone fiddlers and were never challenged... depends where you work and how your "performance" is measured, I suppose.

And I've known of people getting sacked for browsing porn, MDB is correct, though I suppose some companies might show a bit of discretion and not see BL inquite the same negative light as RedTube. Don't count on it though.
I used to work with a guy who got caught looking at porn. Well is what I heard. He got the sack. The rumour was he was looking at child porn but surely if that was the case the police would have to be involved so I didn't believe that. However the company did use money to hide a multitude of sins which I was well aware of so I don't know really. The rumour wasn't helped by the fact the next job he got was at a Warner Hotel. They don't let kids stay.
Heard of some recent research that apparently shows that office workers who spend lots of their time at work fiddling about on the intrawebz on Twitbook or whatever actually have higher productivity ratings than those that just get on with their work and don't abuse the facilities. Somewhat akin to how taking regular breaks when studying (or doing any brainwork really) improves performance, I'd imagine. Keeps you fresh. Some companies are apparently now allowing staff to faff about with personal interests on the work intrawebz as a result. Perhaps you should tell your boss you're only browsing BL at work for the side-effect of better productivity if you get caught.
I'd love to know which companies those are, Shammy. Most places I've worked wouldn't allow mere facts and scientific research to get in the way of their precious "corporate culture".
I use my mobile to create a wireless hotspot and login via my netbook.

Personally I would never use a work computer to login here or into social media etc. all IT policies I've seen specifically state what you can and can't use company equipment for, it's not about what you have accessed but who's equipment you used to do so.

I'd much rather have a conversation about not dicking about on my own PC than looking at a list of sites and times of what had had accessed using theirs, it's just not worth the hassle.
I use my mobile to create a wireless hotspot and login via my netbook.

Personally I would never use a work computer to login here or into social media etc. all IT policies I've seen specifically state what you can and can't use company equipment for, it's not about what you have accessed but who's equipment you used to do so.

I'd much rather have a conversation about not dicking about on my own PC than look at a list of sites and times of what had had accessed using theirs, it's just not worth the hassle.

One place I worked we were told "No personal IT equipment is allowed on site" after a few of us started using our laptops for personal stuff...
I'd love to know which companies those are, Shammy. Most places I've worked wouldn't allow mere facts and scientific research to get in the way of their precious "corporate culture".

Think it was actually Korea or Japan so probably not gonna work as an excuse over here unfortunately. Although I suppose there might be some progressive employers who can see the potential benefits in allowing a certain amount of free time to recharge the faculties every now and then. Probably not so progressive as to be happy if employees spend their time on a drug info board rather than just looking at lolcat pix or whatever though.
Oddly, despite very tight security here I actually have to use both my own laptop and web based Email for everyday work. Stuff like transferring files is so locked down that the easiest work around is to mail it to a web based mail account and then download it on the required (non-networked) machine.

As is so often the case almost no one actually has a fucking clue what I'm doing from one to the next (actually no one has;))
lol sorry gayorstraight.. didnt see it was your thread

tell them it helps your productivity, keep at least one relevant-to-your-job wall-of-text document minimised at all times, point to it, look sweet and innocent. itll be gravy
It's not just the IT people who might catch you tho - beware nosy cunts walking behind you and reporting you to the boss.
use to all the time but they just upgraded the firewall so not any more - just use the phone if i get a pm otherwise cant be arsed, wait till i get home.
My office was so riddled with cunts who'd not think twice about printing out anything potentially dodgy someone else had posted and then showing that to the HR team and managers. He would constantly 'tell tales'

We had 1 guy in our office of unpredictable tempremaent and i knew who he'd been grassed up by for something very petty, that got him into a lot of trouble. It was a moral dilemal whether to tell him who the culprit was or not. When he grassed the guy a 2nd time i told him. I wish i'd told him first time now. That cunt made a low morale team fuckin toxic. That and awful bullying/dominnering management meant bye bye you cunts, youve paid for my house and car, but youre not having my soul too.
lol sorry gayorstraight.. didnt see it was your thread

tell them it helps your productivity, keep at least one relevant-to-your-job wall-of-text document minimised at all times, point to it, look sweet and innocent. itll be gravy
I feel like we have something very special ;) <3
I Just use my iphone at work for browsing or posting on bl, Im always weary of snooping eyes though even though most of the time im in my van by myself. There is a few people at our place who can not hold thier own water and be straight to HR to grass.
thanks knock, wasnt funny anyway so its no great loss. cant quote on my phone either, drop me a pm if you get a chance