• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Live to love, love to live...


Jun 15, 2010
Hi, I am new to this part of the internet universe and would like to focus on the topic of alcoholism. Alcoholism is the one vice that seems to have kept me clamped for about the past ten years. Currently, I have no other vices. Addiction seems to run rampant on one side of my family, being the paternal side. I have successfully battled with this addiction before, having spent many moons away from a drink, but in the process my faith has fluctuated drastically. I am wondering who, if anyone else out here, has "faced the music" so to speak and whether or not there is anything helpful or constructive in store for me. Thanks, so much.
Well hi there, L&T. <3

I found a good thread titled Alcoholism Thread v. A sober life is a good life, here: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?t=503158 . I have not read it since alcohol is not my drug of choice, however It was made by by n3ophy7e, one of the brightest Bluelighters I have met, so I am certain it is a good thread.

I am also at the next step of my journey with my faith, so that means the opiates have to go. They have always helped me on a social level, and when I began looking at it objectively, I found myself to be quite mistaken. Lost the only girl I ever loved to my addiction, and myself will not date girls who are opiate addicts. How hypocritical. Foreward, then.

Welcome to Bluelight.
Welcome friend. I'm glad you found Bluelight and I hope you find the resources here that you require. My father is a recovering alcoholic and has been sober 23 years as of 3/21. I was young but remember his struggle. I, too, have faced my demons in addiction but it was never alcohol. Nonetheless I know how hard it can be. Best of luck!
I have a love hate relationship with booze too. It would be okay if it wasn't such a depressant, it can really effect your mood. Hope Bluelight can help you out, and The Dark Side is definitely the place to go to.

Welcome to Bluelight :)
Booze and I have never really gotten along. I drink when nothing better is around(which is amost never). Welcome to Bluelight my friend!!
Welcome LeftAndTheft. I feel where your coming from, my mom suffered from alcoholism her whole life and is recently 4 years sober. My grandfather on my dad's side died from cancer due to excessive smoking and drinking, I never had a chance to meet him. Both sides of the family still drink pretty heavily and the worst part is I love to drink :\

This website is absolutely amazing though. I love the message, the people, the staff, everything. If you need to talk, they'll listen and in the process you'll probably find many others with the same problems.

Hope you enjoy it here and stay a while :)