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list all the different XTC pills u tried

In order and quantity.

Red Mitsubishi: 1/2
White Batman: 1
Pink Heart: 1
Red Rose: 1 1/2
Blue MTV: 1
Orange Crown: 2 (Favourite, MDA)
Pink E: 1
Pink Fish: 3
White Euro: 1
Green Versace: 2 1/2 (worst)
White Mighty Mouse: 1
Purple Twitter: 1
Yellow Ghost: 2 (Strongest, but MDMA/MDEA ... so not for me)
Yellow Ghost: 1
blue pistol-(medium dose mdma)
yellow mitsubishi-(intense, i think meth and mdma)
purple R from the ruff ryders logo-(hallucinated but felt like i was rolling, mda?)
green puma-(medium mdma dose)
double sided,white airplane/LAX-(took this with pink batman, pretty sure one was high dose of mdma and other was high dose of some piperazine)
pink batman-(shitty press but combined with white airplane, intense as fuck!!)
yellow unicorn-(chilled but still felt connected 2 people, mdea?)
pink transformers-(had a lot of these, some were amazing, some were weak, pretty sure they were pure mdma though.)
blue transformers-(like previously mentioned, some were weak other were amazing, the best tab i ever took was an unusually strong blue trnsfrmer, MDMA 4 sure!)
blue american eagle-(took 1/2 of this and 1/2 green cardinal, low dose of mdma, medium dose meth, medium dose piperazine, pretty sure but not 100%)
green cardinal-(very clean press as well as the american eagle, weird roll, but in a good way, i dont mind taking pipes in low-med doses)

i might have 4gotten about sum but whatever
happy rolling!!
White Dove/bird- First roll=D
Brown mercedes = <3 pretty sure this was high MDMA....I was hugging the walls and whatnot.
Blue NY Yankees- 2-cb, but I knew they were 2cb so it was good
Pink "DC Shoes" = sold as X, but was def. something from the 2c-x family. Very trippy.
Red Buddhas = =D
Orange Buddhas= :D speedy
Pink Motorola = 2-cb but still good none the less.
Blue "shaped" Transformer = PIPES:eek::eek:
green transformers (first roll) dropped 2 within 30 minutes mardi gras night then 2 more FELL IN LOVE with this drug.
blue dolphins
blue weed plant
purple heart
blue superman
green spade
white spade (closest to pure mdma i have taken) the taste was the worse/chemically taste ever..
orange flames
orange hammers
orange phones
purple butterfly
purple mitshibishi
yellow cupids
yellow and orange ladies
orange and yellow thumbs up
blue crowns
orange red and yellow A's
orange doves which i have recently snorted 7 of em this past friday.
I'm sure i have had more than this but can't remember all of them..
i have had alot of each also...
Red chanel- First roll:D was INSANE body high and I was chewing things, non stop talking, saucer pupils haha oh jeeez
Pink ducks- Dirty piperazine! :mad: Thought I was going to die
Yellow mercedes- Kind of weak and the comedown gave me a baddd headache
Pink monkey- Very clean, and long lasting
MDMA crystals..?-No comedown, clean intense high
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Well this is gonna be hard

V2 (<3)
.G Ladies (<3 MDA)
Rolling Stones
Pink Star
White Butterfly (<3 MDA)
@ol's (mad speed)
Yellow Glock

Fuck I can't remember all of them.
. Bart simpsons

. Blue fist

. Baby milos

only one of them which was blue fist was MDMA . The other two were pipes
Update, since I've rolled a lot since I last posted in this thread:

Green Buddhas-Fantastic, super amazing
Blue Buddhas-pretty good, not as good as the green ones
Red Heart-very good
Orange Puma-pretty darn amazing
Pink Key-pretty darn fucking amazing
White Mac-extremely clean, not amazingly strong but still great
Yellow UFC-weird pills, I rolled really hard for a couple hours then just stopped and had a shitty comedown
Green Jaguar-great
Yellow Puma-really good, clean
Blue Aliens-insanely awesome
Peach Ecko-not so great
Purple Alien-not so great (same night as peach eckos...i didnt really roll...)
Let's see..... I'm well into my 2nd year of pilling...

Yellow Crowns
Purple, Green, Yellow, and Ged Guns (all taken in the same night, same pill just different colours)
Blue Playboy Bunnies
Green Heats
Blue Ladies
Green Ladies
Pink Ladies
GREEN BUDDHAS (these pill were the most amazing thing on the planet, I ate about 60 of these over a year, bought out my dealer)
Orange Buddhas
White Transformers
White Glocks
+ probably 20 others I can't remember
White Bart Simpson (worst pill ever, made me really really sick and skectchy)

After my bad experience with pressed pills I went to taking only these really amazing gel caps that are small and look like brown sugar. 100% pure mdma, we tested them. <3
i only started this year sooo it's not a very long list but i've only had good, clean pills:

- Pink CD (christian dior)
- Purple Euros (Pokeball)
- Green Transformers (decepticon, Pokeball)

green dolphins
yellow horseshoes8o
green rhinos=D
red transformers8)
yellow mits.
blue pokemons
Yellow UFC's:)
Blue Dolphins:)
White Fox Racing/Z(reverse):)
Yellow Omega:)
Blue Transformers:)
Green Pigs:X
G'sUp/Kappa Lady:)
Pink Lady:\
Purple Scorpion:\
Green Lady:\
some others...cant remember.
Lets see... be patient people this list might get a little long since I am adding all the pills I have ever tried and will edit in the ones I have forgot to add.. This list is from 1999-current date. Quanities not included.

White buddha. (outpressed)
Yellow smiley.
Pink nike.
Purple nike.
Yellow goofy.
Blue dolphin.
White dolphin.
Pink spider.
Pink elephant.
Blue euro.
Green D&G.
Blue D&G.
Green fish.
Green 2000.
Green y2k.
Orange xbox.
White ferrari.
White windmills.
Brown CCC.
Green mercedes.
Green PL.
Red LV.
Blue LV.
Pink x-mas tree.
Blue spade.
Orange HQ.
Red key.
Red mah jong.
Purple middle fingers.
Orange smiley.
Green smiley.
Red naked ladies.
Green naked ladies.
Purple transformer. (cut out)
Blue cherries.
White butterflies.
Orange air jordan.
Yellow bape. (Baby milo)

Edit #1
Purple alien.
Green aligator.
Peach/Pink tulip.
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pink doves- super pure.
orange pumas- fucked me up. crazy light shows, very hard roll
blue transformers- super clean and strong.
purple fuck you- 1 was good. also very clean.
red Ferrari- MY FAVORITE. super clean, super strong, crazy eye wiggles and what not.
pink guccis- super clean, chill pill.

my hook always gets me the best:)
red recycled sign-first pill ever - pretty good I think...bit speedy
white mickey mouse - very loved up, but speedy too.
yellow MX's - from what people have said about MDA I think these are it - one had me very rushy, with light tracers when I moved my head, bit speedy too, and loved up
white D&G - pretty lame, must';ve been a low dose of mdma in these
white cherries (2 batches) - first batch were almost complete duds or just very low dose, second batch was ok - had to take more than 2
pink kangaroos - one of the best batches of pills I ever bought - amazing summer of love
white twisters - pretty shit.
lovehearts- first batch - double droppers...and they didnt last very long somehow
lovehearts - mdma/pipz mix...
clovers - pretty lame too
smileys - nice clean MDMA/MDE(?) medium dose - most recent drop
smileys with a ring around - yearsr ago from Brighton, Lewes bonfire night - very speedy, more speed than MD
red dolphins - pretty shit...nothing to write home about...
shrek 2's - wow
blue question marks - wow for the first time in over a year
white mitsubishis - pretty lame...first time I ever got a hard on while I was rolling though...must've been coz of the low dose

Orange bacardi bats - alright, loved up and quite speedy :)
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Quantity on the left and ranked each one on a scale from 1-10 on the right

2.5 White G's up hoes down - 8 (MDA) :)

1 Red Louis Vuitton - 5

1 Yellow Naked Lady - 3

12 pink stars - 9 :D (my area has been flooded with the really good ones for months now)

I've been lucky enough to have the vast majority of my mdma experiences to be with molly.
White Red bulls
White dots
White circles
White nike's
White mercedes - pipz
White Mercedes
White Versace's
White and Pink armani's
Blue mickey mouse - pipz
Yellow and blue playstations
Yellow and blue dolphins
White fish
White leons
white number 1's
Orange and white smiley's
Pink shaped hearts
White love hearts
Barrelled atom bombs
White ferrari's
White Jag's
White puma's
White and pink rolex
White crowns
White stars - pipz
Hexagon E
Blue triangle mitzis
White and blue round mitzi's
White Heinekens
White coca-cola's
Blue Shrek 2's
White superman (pips and MD version)
White ying yang's - pipz
White Rockets - pipz
White smurfs - pipz
Hammers and spanners - pipz
White clover's
White Euro's
White @'s
White playboys - pipz
Yellow Ck's
White TT's
White Lacoste's
White cherris/pacha
Red Mitzi's
Pink Swirls

That's what i can remember. And most of them barr 2 or 3 are from the uk! God i miss those days ... :(
white lightning bolt
blue music note
orange canadians
green clovers
yellow butterflys (possible pipe)
white pimps n hoes
pink sparkly bic man
blue sparkly bic man
purple sparkly incredibles
green bears
green handicaps/retards
red torch (pipe)
blue dolphins
pink spades (bunk)
molly waferz (god i miss them)
green motorolaz
pink macs
blue mickeys
pink pig (outpressed but not a pipe <chekk ecstacy data.org>)
2 year break
molly cap
brown m&m pokeball (mmmm) (nobody else knows about these,i was only given 1 & i was by a realllllllllllly rolled out chick @ a rave I examined it at home took a pic.)
blue zoo york pokeball
green pumas (junk)
hot pink gs
dragonfly pokeballs
dc pokeballs purple
green angry bomb pokeballs
white butterflyz
blue diamonds (umbros)
whit angry bomb pokeballs
purple mac pokeballs
yellow diamonds (umbros)
red ufcs
blue playboys
green smurf pokeballs
orange dc pokeballs
green ax's
purple aliens
yellow snakes
white pumas
yellow mcdonalds
1st one - Purple Buddah:!:(
I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE..shaking in bed couldn't sleep nothing good about it at all, never was going to do xtc i swore to myself...
but then.. LOL

2cd time- <3Red Transformer(round)8o=D;)
year later decided to not give up completely and I AM OH SO GLAD I DIDNT holy shit best ever i was rolling on the shag carpet touching everything I felt like a child rubbing objects for the first time, when i touched my friends skin i was melting into it like having sex haha amazing! and I slept so good too!.

3rd time- :!:X:( Bart Simpson Head
since i had a good roll, decided to do it again a week later, I didn't know about websites online that tell you what was good and badHORRIBLE HORRIBLE i had a paniac attack i thought i really was going to die this time from my first expiernce i thought my friend was going to kill me!!! wasn't the same for a whole week :(

4th time- Blue Doves :\:D
meh ok, pretty chill... I was just feeling good!

5th time- Blue and Green Mickeys
they were okay wasn't really feeling much of it:\

6th time- I think it was yellow mitsubishis
same as mickeys whatevff:\

7th time- Pink Bunnys :) :\ :X
I had two they were..okay...lots of sensations got home and hugged and bited my pillow felt so good
then i started to get lost in my head a bit thinking how everything is so strange and why it was that way i couldnt escape my mind nor sleep for shit so i started to hit myself?idk fuckin weird NOT BAD weird ..interesting.... and i fell asleep lol!

8th time- WILL BE THIS WEEKEND i got a blue alien?heard there pretty decent lately!!!! and after this I will try a blue dolphin !!!

Be safe kids ..avoid those horrible pipers they fucked me over but I am over those horrible times now!<3
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