Liquid Cialis...who has tried it??

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Animal Good one :D

My husband needs to get some of this. Damn. He's an Iraqi combat vet. The meds he's on, mess w his ability to get a quality eh know.

He's been saying he's going to get Viagra....and I'm like "What the hell are you waiting for? Let's get this going!" We still have a good time as it is, I can only imagine what crazy people we'd be like w a little help!

For some strange reason I've always found more isn't best with Viagra, half a tablet is always fine...
Genetic Freak,

Take half a tablet? I want to ask you something a little long does it...uh, keep things at attention?
It varies, 90min is an average if he is other wise healthy, it will sort of alternate from full on rage to semi- that is good though if it was in the fully :ahem:: inflated state the entire time it can cause damage to the soft tissue. Now this is from my first had, observations. ( always start with half a tab) I tried 2 tabs first time and it was well rather annoying and embarrassing

171? eh thats a nice IQ, I have seen that most people with above average IQs seem to have some shall we say quirks. We have a few bright cats on the board Genetic Freak is one very sharp cookie, and my self I am 175 ^-^ the average of the 3 tests. But you are of course right with the fact that with that ability comes a gift or more accurately an obsession or fixation with a very specific field. I can not speak for every one but most of the cats I know with High IQs tend to be socially awkward in public, and thankfully the net has given me a place to practice social graces. One of the reasons I Was drawn to this forum my self was that some of the regulars here really know, and understand their hobby, from the basic chemistry to the more advanced inner workings of the specific mechanisms involved in the complicated Biochemical process. As well as the psychological/sociological side of the subculture, and well a lot of other random ass points of specialized knowledge. We would love to have him here, and of course love the fact that we now have a female active on the board.
Why thankyou Neo...for being welcoming to me.<3 I was a little worried about interrupting "the boys"...and I'm not a female bodybuilder, so I was a bit nervous posting in this forum. You guys welcomed me w open arms, and have been kind enough to be open about yourselves. I took the chance of opening up, fortunately it worked out. But at first, I thought, "oh no, I'm going to get slaughtered by these guys or they're just going to ignore me". That happens in other forums on the board. That's why I previously mentioned I am nervous about posting all of the time. I really am. I feel apprehensive everytime I'm about to push "submit". So, again, your warmth, openness, responses are so appreciated.

Neo...TWO Viagra? Holy hell. So you had to walk "that" for how many hours? Were you able to be at home, or did you have to be in public?? And if you had to be in public, what did you do??? Have people use it as a coat or towel hanger? LOL!! I couldn't resist.

Neo, wow, you too have a crazy high IQ. You are exactly right in using the words "fixation" and "obsession". Yes and Yes. And then yes and yes some more. I can only imagine what he went through growing up. Yes, Neo, social awkwardness for sure. He has learned to blend in, and is very likeable. Unless, you don't agree w his political views or whatever else he feels strongly about, which isn't alot of things for the most part. He is a hard right Republican, and not a fan of Obama.

So, we are on the train, on the way to the North Philly stop at that moment...and also the only white people on the train. He starts talking about the stuff that Obama is doing that he finds insane, what an idiot he is,etc. I'm saying, under my breath "You are going to get us killed". There was nothing stopping anyone from beating us senseless or worse. I was sincerely scared, and uncomfortable...and mortified. So I had my hand over my eyes, looking down, totally embarrassed.

The only time I have ever felt stupid in my entire life is around my husband, and now you Neo lol. I don't have an IQ like you guys. I am bright. I am intelligent...but nowhere near what you guys are like. It has to difficult to interact with us normal people. My husband tells me I"m very intelligent, but I believe he's saying it to be kind. I'm sure that as much as he frustates me, I frustrate him with my inability to understand and think like him.

Shit, I just spilled my skittles all over the floor, and feel...sad. lol. Kind of like that feeling if your balloon pops... Or when the top of your icecream cone falls off the cone onto the ground. Grim situations. The worst situation: when the Good Humor man runs over your bike in that big ass ice cream truck and smashes the frame to about a half inch in diameter (and you have to pick it up, push it up the street back home, while trying to hold in your tears until noone can see you).:(:\ I have to throw my skittles away. Damn. 8)
IQ is subjective. Its just a number, what you do with what you have is what makes the difference. Philly huh? I live out in the burbs of philly myself. Small world. Take your husbands word fro it that you are a bright cookie, hell you have a better then average grasp of the English language, and you write well. Besides if hes like me we may be wicked smart but have a serious deficit in common sense.

I am an odd bird when it comes to politics, I take a liberal view on some aspects and a conservative view on others, like every thing I take things in balance. Though frankly I have a large beef with our current government in its entirety: I lost too many friends over seas, and came back a child who had lost his innocence the cost of freedom is often forgotten by the men who receive the bill. But those of us that have paid. . . can not forget the devils due was paid in blood.
SO I can see and share your husbands anger at our government, but we must remember to first look to our selves, before we throw the first stone, as all of our elected officials are really just shadows of our selves.
I live about thirty mins West from Center City...I was coming back from Center City VA, the time I mentioned about. You are an Iraqi vet yourself? Yes, it's tough. I have my own set of political views, and consider myself an independent that leans to the right. I don't feel that everyone has to know that, and rarely talk about politics, and never in mixed company.

The things you are saying are on point...I often refer to my husband as a "weird duck", you said "odd bird", I understand. And yes, the common sense thing is a struggle. But, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. I had to learn to accept that, and I stopped focusing on the flaws, and looking at his strengths. It makes for a much happier relationship. I would rather get along, than be right. Being right is not something I "live" for. In many cases, I am more than thrilled to be proven wrong...."when you have the choice of being right or being kind...always choose kind". Amen.

I did notice your location was Philly lol. Definately a small world...
Yeah 2 tours Iraq and 3 Afghanistan, 75th Ranger Reg. I left a caption, after a rather nasty IED ended my career, I am rather decorated, 2 purple hearts, Bronze and Silver Star, and a hand full of various citations. My MOS was interesting, It was a trip getting back to civilian life, and frankly it failed lol so I jumped on a chance at a job w/ a PMC firm, and like that I went from happy sus chef to getting back to combat ready form.

It is most def a small world, I favor that approach my self being kind over right.
Yeah 2 tours Iraq and 3 Afghanistan, 75th Ranger Reg. I left a caption, after a rather nasty IED ended my career, I am rather decorated, 2 purple hearts, Bronze and Silver Star, and a hand full of various citations. My MOS was interesting, It was a trip getting back to civilian life, and frankly it failed lol so I jumped on a chance at a job w/ a PMC firm, and like that I went from happy sus chef to getting back to combat ready form.

It is most def a small world, I favor that approach my self being kind over right.

Crikey Neo, you're a war hero...!!!
LOL well I appreciate it mate I really do. . . But for me: Those medals are bought and paid for with other mens lives, the real Heroes never came home. I have a real thing about the medals to be honest, they sort of scare the hell out of me to be honest and at the same time I am immensely proud of them, I am equally ashamed because it means that I some how let men down that I was in charge of. I struggle with this today still a fair bit, I know the names of every man I lost under my command, and when I wanted to give the medals back my father stopped me, told me that they weren't mine to give away, but rather that my only job now was to carry them forward for those we left behind. Wise man, who dealt with the same thing him self, it never gets easier but it helps ease the guilt of surviving.
liquid cialis gets a B- from dose of around 15-20 mgs lasts an entire weekend...increased erections and recovery is boosted by 50%..slight dull headache for a few hours the first few times i took it, flushed face but thats it for sides..stargazer, id def recommend this stuff, cheap too..$1.50 for an entire weekend of increased sexual performance..
You do realize that all liquid cialis is not the same, don't you? We've kind of told you this several times...

So you're rating one product of hundreds without telling us which one it is. Making it pointless.

I'd say that I wish I could see you in person so that I could t a l k s l o w l y, use hand motions, and maybe even draw a picture to help you understand, but I'd probably just strangle you.
dude. I just had to clean my screen shot fucking protein shake out my nose reading this LMFAO
You do realize that all liquid cialis is not the same, don't you? We've kind of told you this several times...

So you're rating one product of hundreds without telling us which one it is. Making it pointless.

I'd say that I wish I could see you in person so that I could t a l k s l o w l y, use hand motions, and maybe even draw a picture to help you understand, but I'd probably just strangle you.

lol i do realize many different labs make liquid i even allowed to give away the company on this thread, if so i seem to have some sort of insecurity going on here AM..either get off the juice mate or try some mood me, you wouldnt strangle anything in person, im natural and you are filled with hormones and im not impressed, at are wasting your money on all that gear lol..
lol i do realize many different labs make liquid i even allowed to give away the company on this thread, if so i seem to have some sort of insecurity going on here AM..either get off the juice mate or try some mood me, you wouldnt strangle anything in person, im natural and you are filled with hormones and im not impressed, at are wasting your money on all that gear lol..
So you realize that they are many different labs, but you HAVEN'T realized that this makes it pointless for you not to specify which lab, but you still expect good info on whether or not what you're buying is going to work? And you don't seem to see a problem with this illogic? Bless your heart.
Yes, you are allowed to post a review of a company's product here. Here's an idea, if you're unsure, and instead of doing something completely unproductive and making yourself look simple, maybe you could...oh...I don't know....ASK SOMEBODY IF IT'S OK?

Please, for my sake, explain my insecurities to me in depth. I'd love to have a nice conversation about this, not just for my entertainment, but for Neo's as well. We all get a good kick out of posts. Don't stop now!

You're natural, and I'm filled with hormones....So I've got more muscle, more strength, more aggression ( probably have all of that naturally, but can guaruntee it on hormones lol ) I fuck badass bitches, and everybody wants to be me....but...I'm wasting my money. ok lol ;)

And I couldn't strangle you? mmk ;)
oh ill keep posting, dont you worry..

im sure you do all of those things you say you do, i believe you, so does everyone else and we are all impressed..we really are, at least the 12 year olds

answer Pm please AM..
The people that have known me on this forum for years know :)

Why would I answer your pm? You want me to fly to illinois to come fight you? Hahahah. Here. I'll post it for everybody to read.
"hey AM, you want to strangle me, im in are welcome to try lol "

oh no, I've been called out to illinois. I absolutely must go, to prove my manhood!
lol now you are trying to impress your internet peers..i get it ...shout loud on these internet forums you pussy slayer you! lmfao
The people that have known me on this forum for years know :)

Why would I answer your pm? You want me to fly to illinois to come fight you? Hahahah. Here. I'll post it for everybody to read.

hey if you are that big, tough and strong like you proclaim on this forum, u strangle this and that, well lets see!
I never claimed to be big, tough, or strong. Just bigger, tougher, and stronger than you lol.
And I never claimed to be a strangler, that was in jest. My frustration at your stupidity. You took it seriously, then called ME insecure. Oh sweet delicious irony.

So what do you want me to do? post a picture of me strangling a kitten or something?
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