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Life, what is life? Why are we all here?

I understand that the original intention for things can be different than what it has turned into. I just feel like there are more people who treat debate as contest more so than people who are trying to find truth. A lot of times it will degenerate into ridicule and personal attacks and snobby remarks that make them seem witty to people. And I think the reason for that is because they are not in alignment with god and love and so they will subconsciously make it into a contest and then put a pretense up to public saying that they are just exchanging ideas and trying to find truth.

There is a vibrational difference between the things that you are manifesting and the things that are objectively in front of you. I happen to think that the things that I’ve mentioned are pretty significant. And I have experienced things personally in my life that lead me to believe that there is a shift that’s occurring and 2012 is just the marker point which signifies the end of one age and the beginning of another. Its the middle point between the crossover of the astrological ages. The ancients used to be in tuned with universal frequencies and they became familiar with the rhythms of the universe and the different stages it goes through. That’s why they created the calendar in the first place to document these different stages. And I believe that they had us in mind when they created it. A lot of people think it was the maya that originated it but there were many cultures at the time who were able to interpret the frequencies of the universe and other cultures just outright stole the idea or borrowed it as a homage. Do you think it’s a coincidence that the Mayan calendar spans thousands of years but then just 50-100years before 2012 we invent the technology that is necessary to properly examine it and to be able to spread the information out where it reaches the whole country or world. Do you think it’s a coincidence that just 50years before 2012 there was the baby boom phenomenon and a rise in the population which keeps accelerating and has reached a substantial amount since then? Thousands of years have gone by without any siginificant change in population or technology and then all of the sudden when 2012 starts approaching everybody wants to join the party and everyone suddenly becomes a genius. I don’t buy this whole baby boom non sense. The population increased all over the world whether there was war or not. And it happened in a very little amount of time before 2012 if you consider how much time had passed before that where there wasn’t really much going on.

Okay then if it’s just a common ancestor then they should be able to explain how that process occurred in order for them to make that assumption. How can one species over here be responsible for our evolution and another species over there can be responsible for our evolution but yet none of them reproduced or mated with eachother so that we descend from them?? That doesn’t make sense to me. If we have the same dna and such, then by default we are descended from them right? Even if they didn’t mate with eachother. And how did the dna get from them to us if there is no genetic line that we have descended from?? That just makes me even more suspicious and makes me feel more like there was already somebody here who was intelligent enough to put these two species together without actually making them have sex. Unless you can explain to me how that works in nature. Not to mention that you still have the mystery of the missing link which nobody can seem to find out. So it might not even matter whether we are descended or not.

And I understand that what I’m saying is conjecture but it is conjecture coming from a place of actually questioning the line of reasoning and the methods they are using to reach these conclusions that we are all so familiar with. Because if you already acknowledge that it is a common “ancestor”, then you have acknowledged that it is another form of species, right? So if it is another form of species and we don’t have proof for alien life, then it must be a terrestrial species which we can easily identify. I mean I get that there is probably some species that we have not discovered yet that can potentially be the missing ancestor but then you have to think what type of undiscovered terrestrial species would result in the finished product of anatomically modern humans? If there is some rare species that we don’t know about, I would think that it would look pretty unusual or at least something that looks nothing like a human. Or we should at least have the technology to be able to figure out which species it is. And we have already discovered so much about our earth and the inhabitants in it so I feel like we should have the right amount of information for something that was so crucial to our existence as a species. They do not know how to expand their minds and come up with better methods and they want a simple explanation that falls in line with their current models that they have about the world. So they will not even consider extraterrestrial intelligence and will therefore not put much effort into conducting experiments and such. So I don’t put much weight into the whole “we don’t have enough evidence for aliens” argument. Because there are certain political and economic factors and socialized ideas and morals which prevent us from attaining such evidence. And they act as if it’s just a matter of progression.
Hi Ovenbaked...

I was looking forward to chatting with you tonight. Hello everyone as well. What a fucking tiring week. I'll survive.

Regarding your comments on debate; I can agree with your assessment, but intelliegent, open minded people will cross your path now and then and give you a good and interesting challenge. I do not have anyone that is close to me in my life, including my sisters, and cousins, and even in laws from all three marriages that ever agree with me. I don't want to be friends with someone who agrees with me all the time. It's boring and I can't learn anything new, or come across another moron or someone who is short a brick of a full load or most importantly, learn more about myself. At my age, the most I learn at an increasing pace is that it hurts more now especially in cold weather, I will have to color my hair until I die unless I want to have pure grey hair, I have tried friendship with all the women I will ever want to again, and I'm tired of not being a trillionaire who can prove I can spend money faster than any one can prove.

I hear from you are saying about 2012. It is called a paradigm shift and we are like the "big one, " California earthquake -- we are over due for a big one, the fault is moving, and we are just biding our time It's statistics at its best. It isn't that mystical. If you continue to have a firm belief in your view of how things really are without any tangible evidence and only deductive reasoning, than you will manifest it. But I believe that any thing impossible.

The common ancestor apes and humans share a common DNA thread with does make scientific sense because every day more and older fossels are being dug up which keep showing a new and older ancient man that continues to proof that we are not decended from apes. It apples and orange. They are related in the same way and there is scolastic evidence and science backing it up with evidnece. Youre theories are creaed by you as theory without any scientific evidence to back it up. But it doesnt matter what I thoink.

I hear from you are saying about 2012. It is called a paradigm shift and we are like the "big one, " California earthquake -- we are over due for a big one, the fault is moving, and we are just biding our time It's statistics at its best. It isn't that mystical. If you continue to have a firm belief in your view of how things really are without any tangible evidence and only deductive reasoning, than you will manifest it. But I believe that any thing impossible.
We only get earthquakes because the collective consciousness is out of alignment. If we were awakened and spiritually evolved then we wouldn’t be a match to devastation like that. It’s overdue because god is giving us a choice of whether to choose love or to choose suffering. He is very generous with us and will prolong certain natural phenomena because he understands that deep down we want to heal the world and we want to change. The same thing with nuclear war. There are certain forces that prevent these things from happening in order to give us the opportunity to make a decision about what direction we want to go as a species.
The common ancestor apes and humans share a common DNA thread with does make scientific sense because every day more and older fossels are being dug up which keep showing a new and older ancient man that continues to proof that we are not decended from apes. It apples and orange. They are related in the same way and there is scolastic evidence and science backing it up with evidnece. Youre theories are creaed by you as theory without any scientific evidence to back it up. But it doesnt matter what I thoink.
That still doesn’t explain how the missing species could have possessed the characteristics that would allow for a species like humans to emerge. It seems as though the development of our cognitive abilities and our philosophical abilities started to take place when this new dna was introduced. That’s not necessarily a development you would expect from just some random mundane creature from earth that we haven’t discovered yet. Don’t you think that’s worth considering?? I understand there is protocols and rules in science but it just seems like an obvious flaw in the model that they are presenting. Or the attitude that they approach with it is flawed. As if it is sac religious to try and use your own critical thinking skills to challenge the current idea of things.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience,
it means that we are essentially spiritual beings who
are using the human form as a vessel to experience
life in a physical way
This can be a positive or negative experience,
depending on our perspective.
We only get earthquakes because the collective consciousness is out of alignment. If we were awakened and spiritually evolved then we wouldn’t be a match to devastation like that. It’s overdue because god is giving us a choice of whether to choose love or to choose suffering. He is very generous with us and will prolong certain natural phenomena because he understands that deep down we want to heal the world and we want to change. The same thing with nuclear war. There are certain forces that prevent these things from happening in order to give us the opportunity to make a decision about what direction we want to go as a species.

That still doesn’t explain how the missing species could have possessed the characteristics that would allow for a species like humans to emerge. It seems as though the development of our cognitive abilities and our philosophical abilities started to take place when this new dna was introduced. That’s not necessarily a development you would expect from just some random mundane creature from earth that we haven’t discovered yet. Don’t you think that’s worth considering?? I understand there is protocols and rules in science but it just seems like an obvious flaw in the model that they are presenting. Or the attitude that they approach with it is flawed. As if it is sac religious to try and use your own critical thinking skills to challenge the current idea of things.
Anything is possible.
