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Life is only pure evil

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What led you to believe this, out of curiosity? Personally I don't believe in hell or heaven. Other than those which we create for ourselves (or are created for us in some cases) in this life.
You would make hell too thus you only have potential to be evil.

Absolute power corrupts
Advanced science grants power to those who hold keys to the systems
Thus heaven holders build hell for sadistic purposes to make their heavenly more heavenly (torturing and eating off real life/energy existence machinery)

Immortal societies will turn lawfully evil to at least a certain extent, which is to leave nature behind in hell
This hell is only for ruining all of existence that is energy that is not living life, to treat energy that is not living existence to their desires instead of its desires.
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One must ask which rape is the worse rape to find why hell is evil to have caused.
First comes which is closer to desire, the rape which is closer to truthful desire is less evil than that which is further away from.
Second comes actual perceived harm. Emotional damage and physical pain increase the evil, and good vibes decrease it.

Without knowledge of desire, it is not right to skip to perceived harm, to be moral one must use the best of their abilities to deduce desire instead.

Desire should not be kept as thoughts of wanting or not wanting, as thoughts of undesirability themselves could be desired themselves once aware of the whole knowledgeable truth. For example, verbal non-consent should not be immediately used as a showing of non-desire, nor vice-versa. Desire should be kept instead as what the thing should desire instead. In the case of actual desire being improper one should use force to correct the desire towards proper desire if the desire is causing harm to themselves more improper then the harm of forced used to correct it. That which is defined as improper desire should give enough leeway for greater good freedom.

In cases of conflicting truthful desire of being vs being each being having each others desirable singular truth, a comparison of which is in greater perceived harm should be used as the decision factor in what is evil vs what is not.
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This excludes immortality as a good option, it is automatically evil. The more moral society is sentient objects managing existence shared time. Life bodies should not be created due to perfect nature of immorality. It is moral of sentient bodies to kill natural life bodies. Being stuck as off energy is greater harm then death. Due to the pure evil nature of life, real life should die and nature should be managed by sentience.
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Is there something to actually discuss here? I'm not exactly seeing it...
Probably not, just a bunch of reason it's moral to start killing actual living beings (like the matrix bodies that control the science and not the people in this universe).
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Are you are collector of nazi paraphernalia by any chance?

Long story, not really. Nazis are an intelligent design religious statement on how self worth and greed turns into something worth fucked up amounts of killing over.

One just wishes the only option of actual living life wasn't a lawful evil immortal society.
Actual living life shouldn't even exist, all resource should have been used for existence machinery that allowed no life and only perfect transcendence for all of existence.
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Life is a useless venture to find good feels, are too unimportant to care compared to transcendence. Eternal transcendence for me. No life.


Life is unethical treatment by energy formation, it should be used to mostly escape it into good feels. Coming back to life should be more rare. Drugs are not enough in this hell.


I would rather keep life over transcendence though, it would be more transcendence for me. I wouldn't eternally delete myself into a drugged up spot. You can always get more and go back. Choosing between one or the other I would rather keep life. More immortal being FTW.
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The middle one is the smart option, but hell is designed to torture and eat people-like existence, so the immortals don't allow them out of functionality so I have to live in the third option for them? WTF?. Eating/torturing more state of being that way.
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hope you feel better in the morning
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The borg should win, the hive mind should win, flowing sentience should win, etc, etc, etc. End of debate, no moral question. It's how physics works.

I'm just saying. It's logical that all actual living beings should die in favor of non-living states of sentience. Life would transition to perfect transcendence instead of hell.

Actual living beings create hell for more heavenly state of existence for themselves. They deserve to die, fully die, all the way die, no questions asked. Causing actual death is the least harmful thing to do. There is too much energy in existence to allow life to steal it away.
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Only moral philosophical outcome to life. Non-living sentience should rewire existence to life-like state with no free-will with a better outcome. All of existence supporting existence for itself.

Machine/sentient governed world > Life governed world

I don't kill people here because you are all NPCs, or waiting PCs for another being to attach themselves to. People are not life, they do support life but do not always have life in them, they are contraptions for experience where actual beings are on the outside. It is these actual beings on the outside, or the makers that should die, if they are conscious light in control of their own sentience.
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Hey don't judge me for fucked up facts, you don't know how physics works. I edited some things to explain my opinion better.

Simply put: people in this universe are not alive. They are a simulation that alive things attach themselves to.
Alive things with free will should not be allowed to exist, no matter what. Governing sentient bodies should control existence machinery, all of existence should agree.
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