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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Levodopa and Carbidopa R NOT For Fun. My day on L-dopa


Feb 4, 2012
Levodopa and Carbidopa 250mg 50mg Healthy 180lb male. Empty stomach. I've had experience with methadone and morphine in the past.
(I typed this later that night after the effects have wore off).

I had these in the cupboard for about a year and stared at them from time to time and wondered. I've Googled them a 100 times and never found a report on a healthy individual who has tried and wrote about it. I've read dangers of brain damage with high dose or long continuous use. Never read an actual trip report so....

3:30pm I had a busy day working in the yard. Cold sunny, Fall day. I ate 1 pill with a banana and a full glass of water (first food of the day).

4:00 I started to feel a buzz come over my body and start to notice reflexes and coordination are delayed. Mild effects.

4:45 I started to feel twitchy. I can stop the twitches if I think about it. Movements almost feel like clicks on a ratchet, but mild and I go about my day.

5:00 Effects are strong, I feel hot and sweaty, but shivers when he takes off his coat. (55F sunny outside) I decide to go in and watch some TV to take my mind off the unpleasant feelings.

5:15 I'm having a hard time watching TV because things I would normally be interested in don't seem to occupy my mind. The laptop's on and next to me, but I don't have the will to move the mouse. Effects are uncomfortable and I try to close my eyes.

5:30 Sleep's not going to happen all though I feel tired and starting to feel panic like something bad is going to happen, my skin feels flush and hot. I find myself taking deep breaths and facepalm.

6:00 Time seems to have stopped and I've come to terms with the panic feeling and it's not really a problem any more. I want to jump out of my skin and hide. I find comfort lying on the ground curled up to a pillow with a heater blowing on my back. My mind racing, my eyes closed.

7:00 I'm in the bathroom throwing up. All the water and soda I've been drinking came out fast and nothing left to throw up but I still try. I spend the next 2 hours back and forth from the floor in front of the heater and to the bathroom. The urge to vomit is strong, although nothing to throw up, it doesn't stop me from trying. I'm sipping water just so there might be something in there to throw up next time I tried, but it doesn't help.

9:00 Seems to be over, Time is flowing again and my head is starting to come out of the fog. Everything smells funny. I'm sipping water and it taste funny like things smell. I haven't been able to smell anything in days because of a head cold. My nose is clear, but everything smells the same. Like old lady soap. TV is interesting again.

10:00 My stomach is taking food again but it's grumbly. I found some crackers are okay, but my taste is off.

12:30 My head is clear, most effects are gone. Other than some sore abdominal muscles, a funny smell and being hungry. I seem to be back to normal.

I have thrown away the pills and is writing this for those who might want to try L-dopa. I hope some one searching online for info whether or not you can get high on it. They might find this and change there mind about trying it. The truth is: Yes you can get high but it's not a good time.

My conclusion: If not for the vomiting, twitching, panic attack, time stop, loss of interest for all thing interesting and the cold sweats it might be an okay time. Oh wait........ Don't do it!
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Is this stuff even supposed to be recreational? I don't know what you were expecting, to be honest.
Interesting symptoms - with levodopa being a dopamine precursor, there are many effects that are similar or even identical to abrupt withdrawal from dopamine antagonists. I had to face that withdrawal a bunch of times, and it is not very pleasant. I was vomiting uncontrollably for nearly a week, with a stomach down in hell and some wicked confusion.
Quit being a prick and using swim, or typing as if in 3rd person. We all know it's you, and it hurts the eyes to read. Saying SWIM does not do a damn thing but piss people off. If you're too scared to admit you took the drug(s), don't post about it.
Tonic, nonselective intersynaptic dopaminergic increase, particularly when somatic, is simply unpleasant; there's more to the neuropharmacology of hedonism than DA+=hedonism.

That's an extremely high dose, especially for a first dose. I took 25mg at a time. During opiate withdrawal I hoped it would help. It didn't, though.
Welcome to bluelight. I'm glad to see you here on this site. Acronyms such as SWIM aren't allowed here. I took the liberty of removing it and substituting the proper words.