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Misc lets hear your best ways to de-clog your rig


Sep 6, 2010
just curious to different peoples quirks and techiques...how do you get your rig unclogged?
It depends on how you clogged it in my opinion.

Sometime all it taks is holding the metal tip to a flame(lighter) for a split second and then youll hear a little sizzling sound , which is the sound of "clog" getting burnt away....then you obviously should thoroghly clean the needle but it should work fine.

And generally, if that doesnt work, I jus try soaking it in pure alcohol or soemthing similar and runnung it under hot water.....and if all that fails....I toss the needle and try another one.

And if you mean its clogged with the drug solution inside....then I would just pull out the plunger and let it fall out into a container until I cn fix the rig on its own or get a new one.....and if the shit wont fall out(sometimes it doesn) I just take a blade or something and cut it open so it all pours out.
hm never tried alcohol always been a flame or throwaway guy...good tip
Whenever mine would get clogged to the point where it wouldnt let any water into it or would just snap right back when pulling the plunger up it was done. Could never figure a way to unclog it but by that time i had used the rig a lot of times neway so moved on.
Whenever mine would get clogged to the point where it wouldnt let any water into it or would just snap right back when pulling the plunger up it was done. Could never figure a way to unclog it but by that time i had used the rig a lot of times neway so moved on.

As I posted in the IV Complications Mega Thread, I once tried to clean clotted blood out of an insulin syringe.

It truly is a better idea to buy new ones.

However, like Georgie made a note of, it wouldn't pull water into it, and the plunger would snap back due to the pressure and lack of anything coming in.

So, I back-loaded isopropanol and tried pushing the plunger in. It was impossible with a full barrel of isopropanol, so I tried with 5 units (it was a 1/2 CC syringe). I put so much pressure on the plunger hoping to clean out the syringe, that the needle and the tip holding the needle flew off! It ricochet off the wall a few times.

I still haven't found it either...

So, if your needle is clogged, really, just get a new one. There's no need in potentially launching a needle into the air, only to end up who know's where.

This could have very easily ended up much worse than it did, so if you are going to try to unclog a rig, do it by yourself, and please wear some protective eye covering (lab goggles would be a big plus if you're determined on doing this).

But, as other people have said, buying a new 10-pack is the way to go.
You just made me lol captain I had the mental image of me losing a fucking eye trying to unclog a syringe. Everytime it has happened to me I never got the bitch unclogged.
You just made me lol captain I had the mental image of me losing a fucking eye trying to unclog a syringe. Everytime it has happened to me I never got the bitch unclogged.

haha, yeah, I was like LOLWTF when it happened.

I saved the syringe for intra-nasal use, seeing as it has no needle/sharpness to it at all.
you inject the liquid up your nose? does that work? is it better than just sniffing powder? ive never heard of anyone doing that..
As I posted in the IV Complications Mega Thread, I once tried to clean clotted blood out of an insulin syringe.

It truly is a better idea to buy new ones.

However, like Georgie made a note of, it wouldn't pull water into it, and the plunger would snap back due to the pressure and lack of anything coming in.

So, I back-loaded isopropanol and tried pushing the plunger in. It was impossible with a full barrel of isopropanol, so I tried with 5 units (it was a 1/2 CC syringe). I put so much pressure on the plunger hoping to clean out the syringe, that the needle and the tip holding the needle flew off! It ricochet off the wall a few times.

I still haven't found it either...

So, if your needle is clogged, really, just get a new one. There's no need in potentially launching a needle into the air, only to end up who know's where.

This could have very easily ended up much worse than it did, so if you are going to try to unclog a rig, do it by yourself, and please wear some protective eye covering (lab goggles would be a big plus if you're determined on doing this).

But, as other people have said, buying a new 10-pack is the way to go.

Haha yeah I put like 50 units of water in a clogged syringe and pushed as hard as i could and the plunger just went thru the water and the water was now behind the plunger!
you inject the liquid up your nose? does that work? is it better than just sniffing powder? ive never heard of anyone doing that..

Oh, no I don't do this with heroin. I quit heroin over 22 months ago. It's the one drug I never had any ability to stop using.

If you want to try that with heroin you sure can it should work well if you use a minimal amount of water, and none of it drips out.

I inject buprenorphine IV, but I don't bother snorting buprenorphine.

I would cotton filter, then insuffulate doxylamine succinate. It works a lot better than taking the pill orally due to a huge increase in bioavailability.

Haha yeah I put like 50 units of water in a clogged syringe and pushed as hard as i could and the plunger just went thru the water and the water was now behind the plunger!

Wow! I had no idea that could happen either... damn! That really sucks. Well it's probably a lot safer than having the needle launch off LMAO.
Sometime all it task is holding the metal tip to a flame(lighter) for a split second and then you'll hear a little sizzling sound , which is the sound of "clog" getting burnt away....then you obviously should thoroughly clean the needle but it should work fine.

I do that with Tar dope, never had such luck with the plain powders...

To add some humor, I typically make a up down up down motion adding more presure. You know just trying to push it out..

Sometimes it gives, while other times it wont budge. So then I throw it full force out of pure anger...

(it sucks though when it lands IN your pet.. you feel awfully bad...)

yeah, ive had the rocket effect with small 31 guage rigs too.

i also know what georgie is talking about. the water just slides between the rubber seal, leaving the water behind the seal. so frustratiing when its the ONLY rig you have and its a shot of heroin you have been waiting for forever.

so glad i dont get high anymore. nothing but booze and lyrica for me now.
I put so much pressure on the plunger hoping to clean out the syringe, that the needle and the tip holding the needle flew off! It ricochet off the wall a few times.

But, as other people have said, buying a new 10-pack is the way to go.

Seriously, be careful trying to clean out rigs. Especially the ones that have a separate tip/needle. I've also been trying to clean out a rig and shot the tip (needle included) flying across the room. The harder you push the further the tip/needle will go flying, I seriously think it shoots hard enough to break skin. It depends on the type of needle (the BD 1cc's don't have a detachable tip).

Just give in and go visit the pharmacy. I know it's embarrassing to buy needles but it's better than shooting a needle tip into your eye.
didn't read the whole thread but i would cut off the tip starting at the plastic,, there shouldn't be any clog there. and you can shoot into a spoon/cap and suck up with a new rig, and you should be all set..
Just give in and go visit the pharmacy. I know it's embarrassing to buy needles but it's better than shooting a needle tip into your eye.

Sadly, where I live, this is simply not an option. The pharmacists refuse to acknowledge state law here.
yeah man if your syringe is clogged not much you can do,

Just like CH one time i had a syringe that was clogged and back laoded it then pushed so hard down on the plunger that the thumb piece broke off, not quite as bad as the needle flying off but it did scare me..

your two options: new syringes or invest in a proper syringe like the fella from pulp fiction.
yeah man if your syringe is clogged not much you can do,

Just like CH one time i had a syringe that was clogged and back laoded it then pushed so hard down on the plunger that the thumb piece broke off, not quite as bad as the needle flying off but it did scare me..

your two options: new syringes or invest in a proper syringe like the fella from pulp fiction.

Actually, that also happened to me, but the needle WAS NOT clotted!!! :!

I was so pissed, it had only been used one time, and the plunger broke. I was like, what??? No other syringe has done that for me, even the one I launched the fucking needle off of!!!

I'm not sure why that happened either, I wasn't being abnormally rough with it or anything.