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Miscellaneous Let’s hear your high dose mescaline/combo stories

Shinji Ikari

Aug 31, 2021
I’ve read just about every report I can find between here reddit and Erowid so now I’m asking. Seems like not many people dose in the gram range and even fewer as part of a combo. A couple of months ago I paired 600mg of mescaline HCl with 300ug of LSD and a few sprinkles of DMT throughout the experience. It was perhaps my most blissful psychedelic experience to date but my insatiable ADHD brain was of course left questioning “okay but what if more?”.

So, I’ve got a few days off work and will be staying in a hotel where I won’t be disturbed and was thinking I’d jump in with 1000mg of mescaline HCl and 500ug of LSD and see what happens. It’s near a big park so if I’m inclined (and capable) I’ll have easy access to nature and nice views, but should also have everything I need if I don’t feel safe venturing out (which is likely because on the peak of 600mg+300ug I was just about able to use my phone and navigate an unfamiliar city. Just…)

Has anyone else approached mescaline in this dose range either alone or as part of a combo with another psychedelic? I’d love to hear about your experiences. I’d be particularly interested in hearing about body load (and steps taken to mitigate any unpleasantness, I already stagger my mescaline doses but don’t usually bother with supplements) length of experience, afterglow, and anything else you can think of to be better prepared for dosing in this range.

Oh, and if anybody has any questions for me by all means AMA.

TIA <3
i thought 5g of cubes were tough 12in of San Pedro (prepared Meticulously) was freaking unbelievable I wouldn’t combine anything with over 1000mg of real mescaline

I could see sound waves and the time dilation was frighteningly terrifying
It was like meth cubes and large dose of hash all at once
I would say Mescaline makes LSD look like a small hash cookie
Tried an analogue, Mal, 25 mgs. Not sure how dosing would compare. I think its too much. Its human nature to want more. Its not always Gods nature, especially with synthetic substance's. These need to be respected in dose, and how frequent they're ingested. Have you not taking any drugs, (maybe besides weed, or kratom sometimes, or a sleep aid sometimes, you know exceptions), but drugs like a couple months ago this whole time?
I have no high dose experiences but have experienced beautiful combo of medium dose of cacti followed with one 120mg MDMA pill and than one more. It was insanely beautifully visual and calming ecstasy but followed by a quite nasty comedown, still not bad enough to make me regret taking them.
Tried an analogue, Mal, 25 mgs. Not sure how dosing would compare
About 1:10 I think. So 25mg MAL would be roughly equivalent to 250-300mg of mescaline. I've never tried MAL though. Apparently the bodyload is rougher.
I think its too much
Oh it's definitely too much. Ideally, I would try a gram of mescaline on its own first to establish a baseline, but I only have the one gram left and don't know when or if I'll be able to get more (or when I'll have time for a big trip like this again) and I know I'll regret not mixing it with acid regardless of the dose because my goodness the combination is just sublime. So much more than the sum of its parts.
Its human nature to want more. Its not always Gods nature
Whom's God? Deities are a human construct, as far as I'm concerned anyway. Of course you are entitled to your faith and I respect that.
especially with synthetic substance's. These need to be respected in dose, and how frequent they're ingested
Why synthetic substances specifically? Isn't it important to exercise caution with any substance you put in your body? Whether it's manmade or pulled straight from the earth is neither here nor there. There are plenty of synthetic and manmade substances alike that can kill you, or make you wish you were dead. It's all chemicals as far as your mind and body are concerned.
Have you not taking any drugs, (maybe besides weed, or kratom sometimes, or a sleep aid sometimes, you know exceptions), but drugs like a couple months ago this whole time?
Yes. I take a few months off cannabis a year as well to make sure I can manage without it.

Thank you for your input, I appreciate it along with your concern. I hope my response doesn't come across as combative. I think our worldviews just differ a bit.
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I would say Mescaline makes LSD look like a small hash cookie
It's all relative. Any psychedelic will make any other psychedelic look like a small hash cookie if you take enough of it. Well, I'm sure there are exceptions but you get my point.

Any idea how much 12 inches of San Pedro is relative to pure HCl?
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So, I’ve got a few days off work and will be staying in a hotel where I won’t be disturbed and was thinking I’d jump in with 1000mg of mescaline HCl and 500ug of LSD and see what happens. It’s near a big park so if I’m inclined (and capable) I’ll have easy access to nature and nice views, but should also have everything I need if I don’t feel safe venturing out
Since you plan to take such a dose I’m sure you know what you’re doing and know your limits but I’m not sure if I would be able to move on a gram of mescaline and 0.5mg of acid. I’m pretty sure that dose would cause me to drift out or in and appear dead from outside lol. That wouldn’t be the case necessary so, but mescalines calming effects with a such big dose of acid I think there would be an hour or a few where body would be unknown concept.
Since you plan to take such a dose I’m sure you know what you’re doing and know your limits but I’m not sure if I would be able to move on a gram of mescaline and 0.5mg of acid. I’m pretty sure that dose would cause me to drift out or in and appear dead from outside lol. That wouldn’t be the case necessary so, but mescalines calming effects with a such big dose of acid I think there would be an hour or a few where body would be unknown concept.
Well, if it makes any difference, upon revisiting my portfolio it has transpired that I only have 750mg of mescaline left, so it'll be that, supplemented with 40mg of 2C-B followed by the 5-strip.

You still might be right about my not being able to move 😅
I’ve combo’ed Mescaline with just about “everything” lol. MDMA, MDA, LSD, DMT, Phenibut, Ketamine, Mushrooms, Amphetamine, most recently 2CB, etc..

Mescaline is interesting in that when combined with LSD, the L potentiates the Mesc. Mesc and DMT go together perfectly and create a visually stunning experience. MDMA and Mesc has gotten me to some pretty deep places of love for self and others.

I’ve never knowingly taken a gram though.

Well, if it makes any difference, upon revisiting my portfolio it has transpired that I only have 750mg of mescaline left, so it'll be that, supplemented with 40mg of 2C-B followed by the 5-strip.

You still might be right about my not being able to move 😅
Not that’s bad but public park might not be a best place for such outcome xD
If what you have got into my hands I would go for mescaline and 2c-b combo and leave acid out. I would do so cuz that way trip would have stronger mescaline flavour so to speak and doing all 3, well, you sure will have a HC psychedelic experience but in that way I would rather leave some mesc since you wonder if you’ll be able to get it again. Experience of 40mg of 2c-b with 0.5mg of acid would be changed even with a very low dose of mesc. I bet licking “just” 100 – 200mg of mescaline on those two would produce significant change in nature of the trip.
I’ve combo’ed Mescaline with just about “everything” lol. MDMA, MDA, LSD, DMT, Phenibut, Ketamine, Mushrooms, Amphetamine, most recently 2CB, etc..

Mescaline is interesting in that when combined with LSD, the L potentiates the Mesc. Mesc and DMT go together perfectly and create a visually stunning experience. MDMA and Mesc has gotten me to some pretty deep places of love for self and others.

I’ve never knowingly taken a gram though.

What range do you normally dose in? Are you taking HCl or straight cactus? How do you time your crosses, aligning peaks?

Sorry for the barrage of questions, just a mescaline fan looking to try some crosses like these soon.
What range do you normally dose in? Are you taking HCl or straight cactus? How do you time your crosses, aligning peaks?

Sorry for the barrage of questions, just a mescaline fan looking to try some crosses like these soon.

Almost always in the form of crude reconstituted extract.. But I do use full spectrum A/B extracts on occasion.

So for instance with LSD and MDMA I’ll usually eat the L 1-2hrs before I take the MDMA. With Mescaline it’ll be 2-3hrs. Mescaline has a slow steady build up to hour 4 or so then almost immediately begins a very slow progression downwards over the next 6-12hrs.

I’ve combo’ed Mescaline with just about “everything” lol. MDMA, MDA, LSD, DMT, Phenibut, Ketamine, Mushrooms, Amphetamine, most recently 2CB, etc..

Mescaline is interesting in that when combined with LSD, the L potentiates the Mesc. Mesc and DMT go together perfectly and create a visually stunning experience. MDMA and Mesc has gotten me to some pretty deep places of love for self and others.

I’ve never knowingly taken a gram though.

I did have a few hits of DMT last time I took mescaline and it was indeed wonderful. Also the most scrumptious body high I've ever experienced, it was like being spooned on the molecular level. Just lovely. I'm bringing a gram of spice and a disposable vape pen along for the ride this time too. Never tried a disposable before so interested to see if they're any good. I can't imagine the voltage being high enough but we'll see how we go.
With Mescaline it’ll be 2-3hrs.
So do you take the L first then? I've only combined them once but I took the mescaline first and the LSD a couple of hours later once I was sure I had passed any potential nausea. It worked well and from what I've heard mescaline tolerance takes longer to establish than LSD tolerance, but I haven't gone through enough trials to say first hand. Edit: actually that's not true. I did once try taking 400mg of mescaline HCl around 6-8 hours into an acid trip. I dosed rectally to try and skip the lengthy come up (no dice). I still felt it but tolerance was definitely well into play.
Experience of 40mg of 2c-b with 0.5mg of acid would be changed even with a very low dose of mesc
I love pre-loading with 2C-B before taking L. Massively smooths the come up and gives it this, I dunno how to describe, earthy feel? And then by the time the L is peaking the 2C-B is wearing off and its business as usual.

Anyway, on this occasion if I were to leave one out it would be the 2C-B. Mescaline and acid together really is something special.
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I did have a few hits of DMT last time I took mescaline and it was indeed wonderful. Also the most scrumptious body high I've ever experienced, it was like being spooned on the molecular level. Just lovely. I'm bringing a gram of spice and a disposable vape pen along for the ride this time too. Never tried a disposable before so interested to see if they're any good. I can't imagine the voltage being high enough but we'll see how we go.

So do you take the L first then? I've only combined them once but I took the mescaline first and the LSD a couple of hours later once I was sure I had passed any potential nausea. It worked well and from what I've heard mescaline tolerance takes longer to establish than LSD tolerance, but I haven't gone through enough trials to say first hand. Edit: actually that's not true. I did once try taking 400mg of mescaline HCl around 6-8 hours into an acid trip. I dosed rectally to try and skip the lengthy come up (no dice). I still felt it but tolerance was definitely well into play.

I love pre-loading with 2C-B before taking L. Massively smooths the come up and gives it this, I dunno how to describe, earthy feel? And then by the time the L is peaking the 2C-B is wearing off and its business as usual.

Anyway, on this occasion if I were to leave one out it would be the 2C-B. Mescaline and acid together really is something special.

Na I’d do it like you said, Mescaline first then I’d probably take the LSD 1-2hrs later.. Tolerance to Mescaline does take longer to happen that is true. I’ve found if doing multi day trips doing the Mesc on the first night is ideal.

Na I’d do it like you said, Mescaline first then I’d probably take the LSD 1-2hrs later.. Tolerance to Mescaline does take longer to happen that is true. I’ve found if doing multi day trips doing the Mesc on the first night is ideal.


If one is an introvert, maybe it's best to do these alone , in a hotel room, and obviously it's dose dependent, in whether a person goes out ,on the town, or not.

Do you like to go out in public though while using these substances, say it's a two day journey, take Mescaline, then , 2-3 hours lsd. Maybe take a sleep benzo like phenibut, Xanax, for sleep, maybe some cannabis in there, or not.

Then next night, LSD, two, three hours later mda, or 5 mapb, depending how much dopamine and ne , stimulate effect then at tail end ketamine.

The above would be ideal, for me, but if the first night is a Saturday night then maybe mda combined with lower doses LSD, go out, then ketamine on tail end. Then, next night, mescaline, higher doses LSD, could experiment with ketamine on comedown .
It depends on the situation to what substances ,on what days. Could wait until ideal, or could always find another time to dose ideally.

@Shinji Ikari are you doing this alone?

Ime, mescaline , or Mal, is really good and even excellent for communication, similar to mdma, and or other empathogens that cause the fear center , amygdala, to be open to talk about things that normally would cause hesitation, maybe, it seems to make communication smoother, and possibly communicate about something with the other person that may have hurt you, and can talk to them about it. Some people choose not to , but if get the opportunity to do it with that person, why wouldnt you take advantage and release and put an effort into a deeper connection?​

it's possible you're pleasure seeking is very high. Could always try combining lower doses with an empathogen, or ketamine. It's individual. When I seem to go too high on empathogen , seem to sometimes have had major depression on the comedown, even a few days later, that is why ketamine is an option, because nothing is a miracle drug for depression, and I've never done ketamine or a dissociative, on any comedown , but according to a study, idk how accurate, but it's a study, ketamine is as close to a miracle drug , as any for depression, that's why could be useful coming down, esp if has negative experiences on an empathogen comedown.
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Op it's possible you're pleasure seeking is very high
Probable I'd say ;)
Could always try combining lower doses with an empathogen, or ketamine.
I thought about that, but I'm planning on meeting a friend tomorrow and could do without an MDMA comedown. Same with ketamine, it tends to make me feel a bit grotty the next day.

Ketamine potentiates psychedelics like nothing else and adds a real confusing headspace. I'm fine with 500ug of acid but a low dose of ketamine on the tail end of 3.5g mushroom trip was honestly frightening. It can be also be extremely addictive (and ionically it's those who stand to benefit from its anti depressant properties who are most susceptible to developing a habit) so despite its potential therapeutic use it's a drug I'm super wary of recommending to the uninitiated. The only psychedelic I like mixing with ketamine is 2C-B.

Edit: just saw your edit. I'd love to try MAL but there isn't much of an RC scene where I live. Yes I'm tripping alone. I've enjoyed tripping with friends in the past (at much lower doses), but today is not that day. There are times for social experiences, and there are times for being alone and becoming a lizard.

Today I will be a lizard.
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Probable I'd say ;)

I thought about that, but I'm planning on meeting a friend tomorrow and could do without an MDMA comedown. Same with ketamine, it tends to make me feel a bit grotty the next day.

Ketamine potentiates psychedelics like nothing else and adds a real confusing headspace. I'm fine with 500ug of acid but a low dose of ketamine on the tail end of 3.5g mushroom trip was honestly frightening. It can be also be extremely addictive (and ionically it's those who stand to benefit from its anti depressant properties who are most susceptible to developing a habit) so despite its potential therapeutic use it's a drug I'm super wary of recommending to the uninitiated. The only psychedelic I like mixing with ketamine is 2C-B.

Edit: just saw your edit. I'd love to try MAL but there isn't much of an RC scene where I live. Yes I'm tripping alone. I've enjoyed tripping with friends in the past (at much lower doses), but today is not that day. There are times for social experiences, and there are times for being alone and becoming a lizard.

Today I will be a lizard.

I just had my first real decent sized dose of 2CB this past weekend. I was having a rough body load and my brother told me a little K really helped him so I tried some. I gotta say that’s the only psychedelic I really felt synergized well with it. Took away the body load and ramped the visuals down to where I could actually navigate the world. Usually I only use K at the end before bed.

I just had my first real decent sized dose of 2CB this past weekend. I was having a rough body load and my brother told me a little K really helped him so I tried some. I gotta say that’s the only psychedelic I really felt synergized well with it. Took away the body load and ramped the visuals down to where I could actually navigate the world. Usually I only use K at the end before bed.

I put a trip report on Reddit a couple of years back saying the same thing. Almost like they were made for each other ;)
Well that was fun!

Dosing schedule as follows

I start with a teaspoon of coconut infused coconut oil. It’s not particularly potent, 7grams of shake infused into 500ml of coconut oil. I’m mainly taking it as an anti-emetic

+00:00: 200mg Mescaline HCl +10mg 2C-B HCl +1tsp Cannabis infused coconut oil
+00:20: 200mg Mescaline HCl +10mg 2C-B HCl
+00:40: 200mg Mescaline HCl +10mg 2C-B HCl
+01:00: 150mg Mescaline HCl +10mg 2C-B HCl
+02:30: 385ug LSD
+02:45: 165ug LSD +20mg 2C-B HCl (plugged)
+08:00(ish): some DMT

I killed time during the come rolling around in bed and watching youtube. Once I was up on the acid I had a wank had a shower got dressed put on my headphones and went out for an explore. It was a beautiful afternoon so i took a walk through some meadows along the riverside. This kept me occupied for about an hour. I was listening to Fear of A Blank Planet by Porcupine Tree (one of my favourite albums) and wandered aimlessly taking in my surroundings until the album was finished, which I then took as sign it was time to start walking back to the hotel.

By then it had been 7 or so hours since my first dose and it was beginning to get dark. I had planned on going back out and maybe finding a bar by the waterside to enjoy a cocktail and watch the world pass me by but I was put off because by now the bodyload was starting to SUCK. Mostly manifesting as bladder sensitivity, i just felt like i needed to pee constantly and I felt like it be too distracting if I were to go out. I put this down to the 2C-B, this is something I’ve experienced many times when taking 2C-B orally and its always worse when its mixed with other substances. Cannabis usually offsets the worst of it but I haven’t been vaping lately and I’d forgotten to redose the oil so it wore off. Whoops! I take another teaspoon of cannabis oil and sure enough 90 minutes later I can feel the bodyload easing off. I continued redosing every couple of hours for the rest of the evening and the issue didn’t resurface.

By now it was getting late and I didn‘t feel like going back out so I turned my attention the picnic i’d bought earlier and had myself a feast of houmous, pakoras, pickles, and candy floss (cotton candy to you yanks) grapes. All are unbelievable delicious and fill me with a great sense of nostalgia as I’m reminded of the times and places where I first experienced these snacks.

Throughout the experience I was exceptionally well humoured, bursting into fits of laughter at the slightest provocation. I’m watching a lets play video of Final Fantasy 16 and get to the bar fight scene which has me in complete hysterics.

Anyway, by now the bodyload has subsided completely so i decide to try out this disposable DMT vape. I had pretty low expectations as this thing is barely larger than a lighter but it actually packs a bit of a punch. I take a slow 3 second draw which feels about the same as 10mg of freebase in my dab pen. I took a couple more puffs throughout the remainder of the evening but didn’t really feel the deemz calling to be so I left it at that.

All in all with the exception of the nasty bodyload in the middle (which probably could have been avoided if I’d redosed on cannabis oil sooner) I had a great time. I went to bed at 2am, exactly 12 hours after my first dose and was able to get some restless sleep. I woke up a but groggy but now I’m halfway down an americano I’m feeling pretty great. Once i’ve finished my coffee I’ll go find a museum and see where the rest of the day takes me. Maybe I’ll take that DMT vape out with me. It’s so discreet I almost feel obliged to have a go microdosing in public :D

Anyway, that was my day. I hope yours were all awesome too :)
