Length of time gains can be lost after cycle?


Jan 25, 2010
When a cycle is over and the PCT is complete, can you still expect to lose more of your muscle gains. If so, for how much longer after? Because I would be wanting to run a cutting cycle (natrual) in the near future. However I don't want to do it too soon and lose more muscle gains because I'm not maintaining a high intake diet and my training would be focusing more on cardio.
That would depend on a lot of variables:

1. The biggest would be this: where are you in terms of your "natural" limit? Lets say you used some AAS when you are an athlete coming back from an injury who needs to get back into condition, if you get up to a size that you could possibly be w/o AAS or at least are not that far above it (lets say it is 225 at a given bodyfat and you are 232; it isn't as hard to maintain as it is to build, also due to muscle memory, etc. your limit w/o AAS might actually go up) it will be easier to keep your gains than say a guy who is 80 pounds of muscle above their natural limit.

2. When does your natural test come back: this is the biggest thing in maintaining gains. If your test levels are where they should be again then you should pretty much be in the clear if you are not too far above your nat. limit and your nutrition and training are sound. I've seen all types of numbers, but if you properly use HCG while on, are not on for an excessively long period (lets say 20 weeks or less), and use estro-recep. antagonists properly afterwards you might be pretty good 6-12 weeks after the last of the AAS clears from your body.

Those are among other factors, but another big one is BF%; it would be difficult to maintain more mass at a very low bodyfat; so if you get to 5% and you aren't willing to put on any fat you will probably lose more (it is easier to function properly at lower BF% while on AAS).
JM is correct, lots of things come into play, mainly what baseline has your body "reset" at, and what are your natural hormones going to look like when all the synthetic ones are gone.

Also, your diet plays a HUGE factor in maintaining gains, as does your training (dont overdo it, let your body adjust_
Alright thanks guys I'll keep this in mind. I'm probably going to drop back on training from 5-6 days to 4 next week as not to overtrain since im off now. and yehh maintain the diet im on for the next 2-3 months. im also guna get blood work and test levels examined in a couple of months to make sure things have returned to normal.

one other thing, i got a big music festival coming up in 5 weeks that i been holding out for all year. wud using stims for just that day cause much muscle loss since my test levels prob arent back to normal yet?