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legality of nos

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Dec 21, 2003
I've looked everywhere and i can't find any information about the legality of using nitrous oxide in australia (for the purpose of intoxication of course).
You'll need appropriate approval to buy medical grade nitrous. It used to be easy to get an account for auto-grade, but I'm sure that's changed in some areas. In short, you'll be assessed by someone.

Those who were smart [?] enough to get an account in the early days seem to be able to still get it. I met a guy who doesn't touch it for years, then out of the blue, he'll hook into a couple of cylinders before deciding he's totally over it again - for awhile.

Auto-grade needs to be scrubbed before using. If you do manage to get an account, please DON'T EVER USE WITHOUT A REGULATOR. Obtain that first.

Edit: Correction
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so simple bulb and syphons are not legal?
thats what i meant.
sorry if i seem to be using the incorrect terminology.
You will probably find that most states would have an equivalent law about introducing intoxifying substances into your persons
bulbs are legal to buy, illegal to inhale, but eh, sall good fun!

from dancesafe.org
"Nitrous is legally available for over-the-counter sale, although in many states it is illegal to sell nitrous to a minor. Some states also have laws against inhaling nitrous for intoxication purposes. "
^^ You do realise dancesafe.org is a US organisation, explaining US law? However I believe the law is the same here. I have read something on an Australian government site regarding the amendment to law to prohibit the sale of co2 and n2o bulbs to those under 16, which also touched on its illicit uses. Unfortunately I couldn't find it again to provide a link.

edit: I found the file I was referencing above, a NSW PDF file regarding selling nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide chargers to those under 16.
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Cowboy Mac said:
^^ You do realise dancesafe.org is a US organisation, explaining US law? However I believe the law is the same here. I have read something on an Australian government site regarding the amendment to law to prohibit the sale of co2 and n2o bulbs to those under 16, which also touched on its illicit uses. Unfortunately I couldn't find it again to provide a link.

It's amazing how valid a concern it is of mine, that these bulbs should not be sold to minors, several times in high school I witnessed someone purchase CO2 bulbs thinking they were the same thing and huffing them, only to complain of the crappy high and bad headache for the next day, and they wouldnt listen anyway, "They're all the same you idiot, what would you know, who cares if they're blue or pink"...

Natural Selection anyone?
It's illegal to buy anything with the intent to intoxicate, this includes alcohol, DXm whatever. Bartenders arent allowed to sell to people they think are intoxicated. And if police find you trashed on the side of the road they can throw you in jail no worries. So yea it is illegal to use NOS except for medical and whipped cream purposes.
umm just a warning, you refered to it as NOS. dont take the real NOS, (nitrous oxide systems). i remember i read somewhere that it is treated with some other agent??

mods?? little help? am i right??
nangs :)

in perth we can just go and buy them over the counter and even ask for nangs instead or cream soda chargers hehehe
NOS commonly refers to the oxides of nitrogen; NO and NO2. Unlike nitrous oxide N2O, both the former are extremely toxic, forming nitrous and nitric acids in the lungs if inhaled
Plasmo said:
in perth we can just go and buy them over the counter and even ask for nangs instead or cream soda chargers hehehe
Cream Soda Chargers? I hope the people selling them to you know more about them than you do :\
I remember when I got hit up for ID as a young rookie just buying some nangs looking for a good time...

hehehe nangs :)
I don't know exactly how legal they are, but how easy they are to get depends on where you get them from over here (Canberra). A big chain department store the name of which I won't mention sells them from their homewares section, but they aren't on the shelves so you have to ask for them and if you ask for more than say two boxes they get sus.

However, there are other places that have them just on the shelves and you have to get in quick after they restock the shelves if you want any. I have often walked in to these places, put every single box of cream bulbs they have on the shelves into a basket and just gone through the checkouts with nothing but a wink from whoever is serving me.

Nangs are the stupidest drug ever, but they are fun. :)
They're usually not kept on the shelves to prevent people buying them to make 'bombs' out of... blame those people for nitrous being hard to get...

BigTrancer :)
My shop displays them "discreetly" kinda hard to see, but if you "know" where to look/ask behind the counter, and it's 5 min walk. =D

Like satricion said, Nangs are the stupidest drug ever, but they are fun. ;)
Hardicus said:
Cream Soda Chargers? I hope the people selling them to you know more about them than you do :\

umm im not sure what ure getting at here
from most places we just ask for nangs
but some shops u have to ask for cream soda chargers
its even written on the box

mm nangs
so much fun
and ppl use baloons =D
I think what he's getting at is the fact that yes, nangs are also called Cream Chargers, but as far as I know not to be used in soda/carbonated drinks, like sodastream machines and stuff.. Thats CO2...
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