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Legalisation - we need to push it everywhere we can

Hi All

Been a tad busy with baby chugs hence the hititus from BL. As i'm back at work I'll have a bit of time to get back to this post/argument.

I've investigated the political parties who support drug legalisation. Most of the minor ones have utterly inadequate policies (and completely no idea on how to draft legalisation godforbid they actually get into parliment) whilst the only major party that supports has pulled away from drug legalation in such a major way that you can barely find mention of it on their websites (i'm talking about the Greens). Its a shame, that they've been bullied so heavily by the ALP and Liberals.

I feel like the biggest problem in the drug debate is facts and logic. I don't understand how we let people get away with utter bullshit. In any other area of our society they'd be called out and told to pull their heads in. But when it comes to drugs its like you can get up and say "my uncle was a junky and he stole my mums stuff even when he said he would stop....so thats why drugs should be illegal".

The utterly banality of it makes my head spin. Its almost vexatious.

I'm really not sure that a bunch of druggies from a little website are the greatest representatives of the cause :D, but I certainly appreciate and agree with the sentiment at least. I think the OP is a bit confusing as the perspective jumps a few times, from national to global. The points raised are effective, but they really require sources to establish any sort of credibility. There needs to be research to reinforce every point to ensure that its not merely an opinion.

Well it has to start somewhere. We need to to mobilise. I'm sick to death of seeing bluelighter after bluelighter, dying or injuring themselves. Global and nationally. But compatriots aside I'm sick to death of all the people who have died in 2014, and who will die in 2015. The same root cause as the year before and the year before that. The police have failed. They are the biggest fucking dirtiest losers on this planet (and for all the pigs reading this go to fucking hell you dumb fuck losers. You should be ashamed at the money that has been wasted in LE of drugs).

The police, the system is failing and we need to fix it. Change it. Why not BL? With the donations and money it gets to run a few measly servers your telling me it can't fund a drugs legalistion campaign? The times are changing, the wind of changing is blowing. We are seeing it in the US. If we don't push now are you prepared to accept the thousands who will die because we're just a bunch of druggies from a little website?

And yes I agree re the sources. I'll be more than happy to put together such a document. I'm going to try and learn how to build professional pamphlets (for work but for drug thing as well) in 2015. But to be honest the evidence is easily obtained and found. Take this ted talk - the professor here, who obviously researches this stuff all the time has far bigger numbers then what I quote.

I feel a bit uncomfortable with the socio-economic stipulations. Everyone who is over 18 can buy alcohol; prohibiting someone because of a subjective summation of their life is too easily exploitable and discriminatory without any sort of need or function. If drugs are going to be legal, I think they should be restricted, sold and marketed in the same way that alcohol is. The whole point is that we should be free to do what we choose with our lives, provided that choice does not impede others from doing the same, in the same way that we are free to drink alcohol in whatever way we choose.

Look at how well alcohol regulations have gotten us. With private enterprise involved they have corrupted our politicians. Turning our laws into bullshit so they hock their drugs aggressively to teenagers, getting them addicted. With schools badly funded, drug education nil and very little social/peer groups (pretty much some sites on the net i.e. bluelight) setup to educate people otherwise legal drugs sold by private enterprise has created a killing machine that results in billions of dollars worth of car accidents, hospitalisations and massive amounts of lost productivity.

I'm all for people using drugs if they want. I'm happy to for you to be free to take whatever you wanted. However experience and history has shown us that firstly private enterprise should not be involved. Secondly with very little to no sociological constructs, formal education and parental supervision drug use in the current environment would absolutely destroy our society.

It needs to be regulated and managed. Especially since it will be run by government. It must have accountability and transparency. I'm not suggesting patient records should be exposed (far from it) but if you want clean, and consistent supply of your favourite narcotic then you must submit.

Again I feel like the biggest opponent to my proposal isn't the junkie at rock bottom but rather the professional i.e. the lawyer, doctor, chemist, system analyst who get supplied exceedingly good quality merchandise and who aren't slumming it. Bit selfish no?

Requiring the attendance of a doctor, with all the accompanying medical records and inherent marginalisation, is stigmatising and potentially out of some peoples means. This again suggests that the beneficiaries of the OP's suggestions are once again determined by wealth, and those who value their privacy will probably revert to buying street-drugs to avoid scrutiny or fear of discover.

Clearly you ain't never been to a public clinic. I have, and for sometime and its clear that almost all of the clientèle are lower socio-economic types. They would love it if they could get smack from the clinic. They aren't marginalised nor stigmatised (their drug/junkie behaviour does that for them already).

The problem is the rich, the wealthy professionals who decide so much in this country and yet are so utterly cutoff from the reality that faces millions of us. You'd have to slum it, as i mention previously, since my proposal would destroy the illegal drug trade.

Right now the cost of importing hundreds of kilo's of heroin is subsidised by the massive margin that it generates. Like a pyramid, at the rich lawyers/doctors buyers at the top account for a very small percentage of the product that is used. Whilst the socio-disadvantage poor junkie types account for the vast bulk of consumption, just that there are 100:1 more of them those at the top.

What this means is that the drug trade would no longer be economical if it was just to service the rich wozzers at the top.

But really the rich can go fuck themselves.

If and when drugs become legal, I think the penalties for driving whilst intoxicated should be increased dramatically. This is in keeping with the idea of living your own life without hurting others. Any other crime related to drugs that effects others should also be met with increased sentencing.

Prison/jail did nothing to stop drink driving. Punitive punishment solves nothing. When has the threat of prison stopped a murder? Clearly the 700 people who died in Australia last year weren't protected by the threat of prison.

What stopped drinking and driving was the huge roll-out of RBT's. My father would drive drunk throughout the 70s and 80s but suddenly stopped doing this in the 90s due to the advent of mobile breathalising. Simply all the police have a device that will test, in a similar way, with legalised drugs and bam you have a powerful deterrent.

If the police had a RBT for murder that meant that if you committed murder and were driving home afterwards and were tested/caught you'd see a corresponding decrease in murders in this country. Its not the punishment but the likelihood of being caught that prevents crime.

Would you do drugs if it was likely you'd be caught?

No one has been sent to jail for two plants since 1983. The only people who should be worried are young kids hooning in cars and EMD festival goers. Unless you are sparking up at the cricket no one gives a shit. Cannabis laws are only used as an excuse to bust anti social twats.

where do you get this bullshit from?
I find myself the older i get the less i'm so sure about legalisation. Sure, if cigarettes are legal then pot should be. When they made this Harrison Taxation Law 1911 or something in the states and the rest of the western world copied as ordered by the US they really fucked up with cigs. That was a doozy. Make them illegal and i'll stop smoking. the government couldn't get it more wrong with the anti drug adds. The worst being that ice stuff. It's our drug Muslim. we all agree that it's terrible stuff. You do it the first time and you're like what the fuck? Noone mentioned the 6 hour lake placid serenity. I must have missed that on the pamphlet. i don't feel like murdering anyone either... No sign of bugs... God i could fuck or clean the house for 12 hours though...
Make coke and MDMA legal. $300/ gram of coke. $250 of that goes straight back into mental health services. Our budget wouldn't be in deficit for long either.
Make LSD legal. your in one of 2 camps there.
Make SSRI antidepressants illegal. Anything that takes away your essential purpose for existence on a Darwinian level is bad shit. Try having a single sexual thought on any dose of side Effexor or Zoloft. Good luck with sex. If you're in a relationship it's the start of a slow sinking friendship. Not addictive hey? anything you must titrate down dose over months sounds a bit habit forming at least to me. don't titrate down well enough and you get a nervous breakdown, brain shocks and potential mania.

As someone stated above. legalise weed and go from there