Legal Research

Dr. J

Bluelight Crew
Sep 30, 2001
I'm sitting on a 3rd year law seminar and I have a big project due May 1, and I'm starting some of the research now. Of course, being one of the few undergrads in the course, we aren't expected to provide the same quality of papers as the other 3L.
So, my question there an online source that will search for law review articles, etc.? I am planning on hitting the law library here in a bit, but is there somewhere specifically I should be looking so as not to look too stupid when I walk in?
Keep in mind, I'm not really looking for case law or statutes...but more law review and law journal type articles.
I'm not sure, but I think has access to research.
Also, either Westlaw or Lexis-Nexis has a free version of their service.
There's also your local law library, if you have one.
Findlaw is all right, but not that great for scholarly journals. The good thing is that it's free to everyone. Lexis and Westlaw both typically have deals w/ schools whereby the students get free access (it's to get you hooked, and lemme tell you--it works). So ask your prof or some of the older students how you can tap into that & you'll be in info heaven. Also make sure to get research advice (i.e. search terms & connectors) from experienced people--it'll save you a ton of time.