• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Leaving for Iraq

I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.

I saw satan on the beach
Trying to catch a ray
He wasnt quite the speed of light
And the squirming coil
It got away...

Peace & Flower Power,
pennywise said:
I don't think I'm revealing any secrets here or anything with this question as this info is already archived in posts made by you (Redhaze) on BL...

I thought you had a criminal record (I remember you posting about being on probation). I didn't think that you could serve in the military with any type of drug conviction...so how did that all work out?

Anyway, stay safe and come back in one piece.

If he's in the Army or Marines....they'll take you depending on what it is....Navy Iim not sure but im leaning towards no....Air Force definately not
Best of luck buddy.

Show them why America is the greatest (motherfucking) ( YEEEEE HAAAAA ) country in the world.
Hypnotik1 said:
If he's in the Army or Marines....they'll take you depending on what it is....Navy Iim not sure but im leaning towards no....Air Force definately not

join the air force if you can. its the cushiest, and safest deployment branch