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Cocaine Le Junk's Cocaine Purification Megathread v. The Final Word

Did another simple acetone wash on 4 grams of what is now VERY high quality cocaine last night. This resulting product was left shimmering MUCH more than the last batch I did. I think this is mainly because;

a) I stired the cocaine in the acetone for a much longer period of time (full 5 minutes, two times), also let it settle for longer
b) Original product was, without question, much more pure than the last batch

The final product, though not completely dried yet (I usually allow to evap for 36 hours, any more seems unnecessary), looks exactly like snow. Incredibly crystally, with very little "white" qualities. Looks like a snowball! :D
onyxensentium said:
Did another simple acetone wash on 4 grams of what is now VERY high quality cocaine last night. This resulting product was left shimmering MUCH more than the last batch I did. I think this is mainly because;

a) I stired the cocaine in the acetone for a much longer period of time (full 5 minutes, two times), also let it settle for longer
b) Original product was, without question, much more pure than the last batch

The final product, though not completely dried yet (I usually allow to evap for 36 hours, any more seems unnecessary), looks exactly like snow. Incredibly crystally, with very little "white" qualities. Looks like a snowball! :D

Is it even possible for you to get junk blow? ;) Your a very lucky guy, you know that don't you?

Le Junk :)
Yeah lately I've been getting some crazy deals with incredible product. Though, a couple of months ago, it was a completely different story...

I've been enjoying it while I can, building a collection to save for a rainy day...
onyxensentium said:
Yeah lately I've been getting some crazy deals with incredible product. Though, a couple of months ago, it was a completely different story...

I've been enjoying it while I can, building a collection to save for a rainy day...

Can I come over? ;)

Le Junk
onyxensentium said:
Same old story, now that I have incredible yay, everyone wants to be my best friend! :p

I already thought we were best friends! ;) Anyway, don't you think I of all people deserve first shot? =D

Le Junk
muse sicko said:
Hey anyone... the acetone at Home Depot does not state a purity on the label. I looked at the manufacturer's website and it says that brand (Klean-Strip) is 100% pure. Should I trust this? I am just trying to get out of baking epsom salts lol...

Well, I'll tell you this, it's definitely not 100% pure, that's for sure, but Klean-Strip in the blue and yellow can is very close to pure. In fact, yes, you could even avoid using epsom salts with that particular brand. Go for it!

Le Junk ;)
muse sicko:

the acetone wash is not a tough or elaborate procedure, there are no secrets or anything similar to it:p

pm me for pics of an a/b extraction if you want (its a more complex procedure but as a sub step it has an acetone wash)

you take acetone as pure as you can get, through the cocaine in, stir it, filter it out and you are done its THAT simple, you really CANOT mess it up
muse sicko said:
Hi epote
I don't have enough posts to pm anyone just yet. I just like to be thorough and confident of what I am doing before I start, regardless of the activity. I build guitars so that's where this quirk of mine comes from LOL. I would, however, like to have that ppt you mentioned before. I'll email you now. Thanks for replying...- M

May I suggest you Google the procedure to obtain the photos and tutorial your looking for. Should be fairly easy to find...............

Le Junk :)
A couple of questions... Should the initial result be "stringy", I mean, really stringy? When I wash it again it appears to remove the stringiness but as it sits it becomes highly tactile again. I worry using cheap measuring cups instead of glass beakers are being broken down by the acetone and I'm getting some kind of plastic. I know.. I know... follow rules exactly.. but I was eager to try this.

Also, letting it dry in the filter, should it be folded and closed over while left overnight covering the end product or left face open?
Nagelfar said:
A couple of questions... Should the initial result be "stringy", I mean, really stringy? When I wash it again it appears to remove the stringiness but as it sits it becomes highly tactile again. I worry using cheap measuring cups instead of glass beakers are being broken down by the acetone and I'm getting some kind of plastic. I know.. I know... follow rules exactly.. but I was eager to try this.

Also, letting it dry in the filter, should it be folded and closed over while left overnight covering the end product or left face open?

Okay, step away from the plastic sir! I repeat, step away from the plastic! 8o

Secondly, how is your snortable plastic buzz treating you? And finally, yes, folded over to dry for 48 hours is best. It won't slow the evaporation stage down any, but it will keep outside contaminants out such as dust, dirt etc...

And use glass beakers, bro. If you don't have beakers yet and can't wait to get started, use a shotglass until you get some, okay? ;)

Le Junk :)
Le Junk said:
Okay, step away from the plastic sir! I repeat, step away from the plastic! 8o

Secondly, how is your snortable plastic buzz treating you? And finally, yes, folded over to dry for 48 hours is best. It won't slow the evaporation stage down any, but it will keep outside contaminants out such as dust, dirt etc...

And use glass beakers, bro. If you don't have beakers yet and can't wait to get started, use a shotglass until you get some, okay? ;)

Le Junk :)

OK, I didn't even necessarily think my clear measuring cups contained that kind of plastic if that is what they are, they're microwavable after all. They look pretty much exactly like beakers but with handles.

I went from about 2.1g to 0.8g, I think I might have lost a little in the process but it could just be what I had. Some of it is *really* stuck to the side of the cup and theres almost no way I can get it out (plastic? ;-P ), luckily the majority of it I didn't keep in there long, and that filter full seems fine (the 0.8g) but I don't know if it's well purified, so I took another coffee filter and mixed the rest for the 4 minutes. The second coffee filter full seems to have bound into the filter though, but I made the mistake of pouring a lot more acetone through that one, maybe than I should.
If plastic is such a problem, would finding a different kind of funnel besides plastic be helpful as well?

Also, is it the cut which is making my anhydrous acetone congeal so thoroughly or does acetone do that when exposed to air for extended periods normally? What is the best way to dispose of spent acetone or to clean the receptacles you were using it with? It has become quite solid.
Nagelfar said:
If plastic is such a problem, would finding a different kind of funnel besides plastic be helpful as well?

Also, is it the cut which is making my anhydrous acetone congeal so thoroughly or does acetone do that when exposed to air for extended periods normally? What is the best way to dispose of spent acetone or to clean the receptacles you were using it with? It has become quite solid.

Okay, I think I may have found the answer to your problem. Maybe anyway. :\

Did you make your acetone anhydrous via the mag. sulph.? If so, did you filter the newly made anhydrous acetone once finished, or just let the can settle after finished shaking it? The reason I ask is if you made the acetone anhydrous, shook it thoroughly once adding the mag. sulph. and then just let it settle when finished, your absorbed water/alcohol would now be in the form of a goo at the bottom of your acetone can. Therefore, if you pour your acetone from this can, the goo will surely fall out with it. That's why I said to extract the required amount of acetone from the top of the acetone can with some sort of glass eye dropper, glass pipette or acetone safe plastic baster of some sort. In other words, ALWAYS stay away from the bottom of the can. That's were the goo is. If you pour from it, your bound to end up with some of the goo in the acetone you'll be using.

Does any of this sound like it might be a possibility? The reason I ask is that the paper filter provides plenty of sheild for the plastic from the funnel. That's never an issue.

Le Junk
Le Junk said:
Okay, I think I may have found the answer to your problem. Maybe anyway. :\

Did you make your acetone anhydrous via the mag. sulph.? If so, did you filter the newly made anhydrous acetone once finished, or just let the can settle after finished shaking it? The reason I ask is if you made the acetone anhydrous, shook it thoroughly once adding the mag. sulph. and then just let it settle when finished, your absorbed water/alcohol would now be in the form of a goo at the bottom of your acetone can. Therefore, if you pour your acetone from this can, the goo will surely fall out with it. That's why I said to extract the required amount of acetone from the top of the acetone can with some sort of glass eye dropper, glass pipette or acetone safe plastic baster of some sort. In other words, ALWAYS stay away from the bottom of the can. That's were the goo is. If you pour from it, your bound to end up with some of the goo in the acetone you'll be using.

Does any of this sound like it might be a possibility? The reason I ask is that the paper filter provides plenty of sheild for the plastic from the funnel. That's never an issue.

Le Junk

No I bought "acetone NF (anhydrous mixture)" from an online supply company. I did seem to notice my measuring cups seem to have been burnt along the inside, with the acetone becoming completely solidified as 'drips' along the inside (I placed them upside-down on some paper towels to get rid of the remaining acetone, which didn't work)