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Lazy stoners? Maybe not


Moderator: CD
Staff member
Jul 9, 2023
Researchers recruited people from reddit to survey their cannabis use habits and how they feel when high and not. I hope we start seeing more research like this as the stigma of drug users drops off.

"Contrary to stereotypes, we observed minimal effects on motivation or objective effort willingness. However, getting high was associated with lower scores on facets of conscientiousness. Surprisingly, there was no evidence of a weed hangover. Relative to less frequent users, very frequent users exhibited more negative emotions dispositionally, but they were more motivated. They also reported less self-control and willpower. As attitudes about cannabis are changing, our findings provide a rich description of its chronic use."

I've never felt that weed makes you lazy per se, but it does tend to lean behavior to the hedonistic side of things. If you can't enjoy life without being high, that's an issue... but weed addiction compared to almost anything else is almost a non-issue.

Although I will say there is definitely a "weed hangover", if you smoke enough with zero tolerance. However I also find it somewhat pleasant. It's not a negative hangover. You just feel a bit crispy on the edges, and nicotine also feels good. Hard to describe.
I remember a cannabis and driving study done about 40 years ago. The result was something they called risk aversion. When stoned a person gets more fully into the moment, both hands on wheel and full focus. This was opposite of a mother driving her kids to school totally distracted and leaning and reaching over everything while driving. I will always remember the result of that study. Risk Aversion. Read it in a book but can't remember where.
weed hang over is called being burnt out, and after a couple months of smoking i got pretty used to living my life that way and/or it was less obvious of a feeling because of tolerance/my brain just being adjusted to cannabis.

at this point of over 20 years smoking, i usually smoke a couple grams a day, and this will relieve my anxiety for like 2-3 days after smoking. i feel pretty relaxed for a solid two days where i consider myself bunt out, and then by like day 4-5 with out smoking my anxiety kicks back in.. i can get by with out anxiety on like a half gram of good cannabis a day. i pretty much have to have a certain amount built up in my system it seems though.
I remember a cannabis and driving study done about 40 years ago. The result was something they called risk aversion. When stoned a person gets more fully into the moment, both hands on wheel and full focus. This was opposite of a mother driving her kids to school totally distracted and leaning and reaching over everything while driving. I will always remember the result of that study. Risk Aversion. Read it in a book but can't remember where.
Yea anyone I remember driving while stoned was slow af and super careful
Yes for the cognitive stuff, weed makes me pay attention to things more as well (re: driving, risk aversion). However I can lose my train of thought pretty quickly (maybe tied to lower consciousness per study notes in OP?).

On the emotional side, things seem more vivid, which is awesome. Also, my frustrations vanish, and my anger is almost non-existent. I have anger issues, believe it or not.

It's hard to bring together everything into something understandable, concise, and accurate. But I think this does my experience justice.
I smoked weekends only for many years and there is definitely a weed hangover. And you do get used to it and basically not feel it if you smoke everyday. As also said, it's not particularly unpleasant.

If you have a job requiring top performance, it is most definitely noticeable. I was a CNC machinist, programming my own parts, and my boss definitely knew I was fuzzy on a Monday. I think he thought I was just a weekend drunk, though. :)
Researchers recruited people from reddit to survey their cannabis use habits and how they feel when high and not. I hope we start seeing more research like this as the stigma of drug users drops off.

"Contrary to stereotypes, we observed minimal effects on motivation or objective effort willingness. However, getting high was associated with lower scores on facets of conscientiousness. Surprisingly, there was no evidence of a weed hangover. Relative to less frequent users, very frequent users exhibited more negative emotions dispositionally, but they were more motivated. They also reported less self-control and willpower. As attitudes about cannabis are changing, our findings provide a rich description of its chronic use."

Among other's for me Weed is doping. Just like you would use an Amphetamine, although used as such it is much better at focussing on one thing, simultaneniously stimulating creativity and in general making me a more happy person.

Combined with dextro-Amphetamine (for my ADHD) it balances each other out very well. Without drug's I would be lazy, depressed and withdrawn from society.

One of my oneliner's is: 'I would rather go to a person that at least smoked Weed one time. Then to one of those pretentious Alcoholics or a straight-edger. When looking for opinion's or some good advice'.
Offcourse the real world is not as black and white, so it not a life rule more joking and poking. To stir thing's up.
A Germany legalized 1-april, so we will get there .... eventually.
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I feel like there's definitely a weed hangover, but that it's lack of reporting is a matter of conditioning and syntax. Those acclimated, chronic users don't necessarily dislike the feeling, it's not an implicitly negative one, and so it's not classified by most as a hangover, but an afterglow.
That’s a good point, when is something a hangover, and when is something an afterglow? Could it be that subjective?