Very useful information!
I've only experienced withdrawal from alcohol (several times) and benzodiazepines (1 time). Withdrawing from clonazepam, even taking a clinical dose for 8 months and tapering for 2 months, made alcohol withdrawal seem easy. Although it is still extremely difficult, alcohol withdrawal, for me, lasts about 7-10 days, with the worst of it over by day four. Comparatively, benzodiazepine withdrawal lasted months...pure agony. From what I surmise from the above posts, using kratom, at reasonable doses, for a time, while staying away from the booze, should not produce more severe withdrawals than that created by alcohol, assuming I taper off of kratom when the time is right. Is that correct?
Regarding kratom tolerance: How quickly does tolerance develop? Right now, I've been using kratom for around 4 days and I don't feel like I need more than when I started -- around 1 teaspoon in the morning (red Bali powder) and 1 teaspoon in the early afternoon.