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Kratom Thread (Dosage, first timer, cross tolerance)


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Hello I’m just posting to find out what some of your kratom dosages are, best strains, and to get some brief information on how I can effectively transition from occasional Oxy Dosing (5mg every 4-6) to kratom, I have Whites, Greens, And Reds.
I'd recommend the red strains personally, the other strains can cause anxiety in my experience.

I would say 5mg of oxycodone = 4-5g of red strain kratom (this is a tricky equivalency as they feel very different).

Start at 3g perhaps.
I'd recommend the red strains personally, the other strains can cause anxiety in my experience.

I would say 5mg of oxycodone = 4-5g of red strain kratom (this is a tricky equivalency as they feel very different).

Start at 3g perhaps.
What's "alot" of Kratom?
So you’d stick with the red Bali. I love the warm feeling in my stomach, pain relief and mood boost and I don’t wanna become dependent on either.. I think ima start at a 4 g dose. Are you suppose to use warm water
So you’d stick with the red Bali. I love the warm feeling in my stomach, pain relief and mood boost and I don’t wanna become dependent on either.. I think ima start at a 4 g dose. Are you suppose to use warm water

I pour the powder in my mouth directly and then pour and water and swish around in my mouth (known as toss and wash). This isnt always easy so perhaps try it another way, its possible to choke or gag on the powder. Never got used to the taste either
What's "alot" of Kratom?

For me its more than 6 or 7 grams in a single dose. Its not that beyond this would be too strong in terms of its opioid effect, its just that the side effect profile becomes unbearable after that point where any positive effects are overshowered with the dizziness, nausea and double vision. It is easy however to take 6 grams every 3.5 hours without much of a problem.

I can't speak about its therapeutic effects, but Kratom is a shitty recreational opioid. You are essentially chasing a high that only occasionally materializes (and when it does it usually is pretty mediocre). I find it very compulsive, and sort of necessitates redosing every 4 hours or so.
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For me its more than 6 or 7 grams in a single dose. Its not that beyond this would be too strong in terms of its opioid effect, its just that the side effect profile becomes unbearable after that point where any positive effects are overshowered with the dizziness, nausea and double vision. It is easy however to take 6 grams every 3.5 hours without much of a problem.

I can't speak about its therapeutic effects, but Kratom is a shitty recreational opioid. You are essentially chasing a high that only occasionally materializes (and when it does it usually is pretty mediocre). I find it very compulsive, and sort of necessitates redosing every 4 hours or so.

So if my tolerance is very low, I’d say 5-7.5 oxycodone every 6 hours produces the effects I desire (pain relief, mood, stimulation) what would you recommend for a dosage to be similar. Obviously, it’s not oxycodone so I know I won’t receive the exact same thing. But I’m looking to mitigate my resources and not become a burden asking everyday for them. Thank you for your reply, I’m semi new to all this and although I have some experience, I’ve had bad experiences being stupid with dosages that I don’t wish to replicate. Also btw happy early thanksgiving everyone !! :)
listen kratom is really depending on the retailer stuff from head shops suck try to find a tincture
So if my tolerance is very low, I’d say 5-7.5 oxycodone every 6 hours produces the effects I desire (pain relief, mood, stimulation) what would you recommend for a dosage to be similar. Obviously, it’s not oxycodone so I know I won’t receive the exact same thing. But I’m looking to mitigate my resources and not become a burden asking everyday for them. Thank you for your reply, I’m semi new to all this and although I have some experience, I’ve had bad experiences being stupid with dosages that I don’t wish to replicate. Also btw happy early thanksgiving everyone !! :)

I would recommend starting on the low end first so you raise your tolerance unnecessarily.

Start with 3 grams, or perhaps even 2 grams (though i think 2 grams will be clearly insufficient i could also be wrong). Personally i feel like the opioid properties only become apparent at 3.5g and above.