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kratom question

Using kratom with dairy product will produce a less intense affect.
Also if you use fish oil as a supplement.
Wow on the anger, hope you feeling better soon8(
Please help I'm new to BL and to setoxing with kratom I've got a nasty Norco habit I'm in my phone so please excuse the spelling errors lol...

I needed advise on how this should be done to get these w/d's away I also have bought red dragon kratom .. My NORCO habit is about 70mg a day . Need advise on how to get her done this way and not to have wd's from the kratom I have heard they r worse than norco wd's and then others say no wd's need some real expert advise ??? I have posted in other threads just to be ignored and my question has not been addressed any help would be appreciated thanks
When you start feeling the wd starting to creep on you, mix about a teaspoonful of fine kratom powder ( no extracts or tincture or youll develop tolerance way too quick) with warm water or orange juice or apple juice and drink it. It will take about 20 min or less to start lessening your WD symptoms. Do it on an empty stomach, after noticing effects taking place wait another 30 minutes to eat something healthy. Need to mention that red variety kratom has sedative effect to the point of getting slightly sleepy, green will be more energetic and help with sluggish feeling of coming off norcos. Wait to redose untill the next wd attack and keep you dose consistently as low as effective to help with wd. Also teaspoon is quite a large dose for premium powder so may be start with just a half to see how you feel.
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Also take magnesium supplement since it helps your brain with keeping your tolerance low.
Also Im current kratom user and not planning to stop, but ran out of it before and wd is much more tolerable than that of regular Rx type pain remedies. Good luck.
I'm not familiar with Norco, but just as Kleo mentioned; Orally.
I usually just toss a few grams in my mouth and swish it around with black coffee ('toss and wash')
This method supposedly increases your body's consumption of the alkaloids.
Hey Kleo,
I'm new here and don't have much experience with Kratom WD's.
I have been using Kratom for the past 5 weeks everyday, multiple doses. Tried a few extracts, and have mixed Kratom with Rx Opiates a few times.
I've been wondering how my body will react when I quit, as I'm pretty sure I have some level of physical dependence.
I work a physically demanding job. I'm not sure that if I quit now, I would be able to function properly at work.
After 5 weeks of daily use, I see my options are:
1) Cold turkey, and hold my breath.
2) Use Kratom longer, to Taper (which I would probably screw up).
3) Use Kratom longer, until my work vacation in July. (Which turns 5 week use, into about 5 month use)

May I ask what your Kratom habit is like?
How long? How much? What were WD's like for you?

Have a nice weekend!