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Opioids kratom plug

I'd give it another shot with a reputable online vendor. I've been taking kratom for years and 25gs of good kratom will have me feeling so dizzy and sick I'll dread taking my doses of kratom for a week (I'm dependant). There's just no way someone would be able to withstand a 25g TnW without any effects, or a serious case of the spins.

On the topic of plugging extract, I can confirm (for me at least) that FST doesn't work... maybe it's a freebase that's needs salting, I have no clue why it was so ineffective. I got a bottle of FST as a gift from a vendor so I decided to use it in the name of science. I started with a quarter bottle dissolved in vodka (which burned) and got no effects. Waited two days... half the bottle followed by the rest at t+30minutes, dud.
Yeah i remember this one time i split a 10 gram sample of white vein sumatran from some online vendor dweeb, and this chick and i were both fucking dead asleep for 14 hours. It sucked, shit was way too fucking strong.
That's the Kratom I want Crashing, asleep for 14 hours??!! But I don't see how this could be possible, to much liquid, would be more like an enema? Now if it was the analouge of Mitryagine, psdeoxinonil(i know I didn't spell that right...) or like Mitrygaine powder then ya, possibblle..
Yeah i remember this one time i split a 10 gram sample of white vein sumatran from some online vendor dweeb, and this chick and i were both fucking dead asleep for 14 hours. It sucked, shit was way too fucking strong.

I personally can't imagine something like Kratom being "too strong". I mean, the stronger the better in my opinion. Just lower the dosage. That way you'll get where ya wanna be, and you'll have plenty left over.

That's what makes fentanyl so dangerous for me. (dangerous for others assuming it's similar to heroin in dosage, which it most certainly is not)
I'd give it another shot with a reputable online vendor. I've been taking kratom for years and 25gs of good kratom will have me feeling so dizzy and sick I'll dread taking my doses of kratom for a week (I'm dependant). There's just no way someone would be able to withstand a 25g TnW without any effects, or a serious case of the spins.

On the topic of plugging extract, I can confirm (for me at least) that FST doesn't work... maybe it's a freebase that's needs salting, I have no clue why it was so ineffective. I got a bottle of FST as a gift from a vendor so I decided to use it in the name of science. I started with a quarter bottle dissolved in vodka (which burned) and got no effects. Waited two days... half the bottle followed by the rest at t+30minutes, dud.

Ouch, vodka doesn't sound like very much fun.

Did you try it with lemon juice? I heard thats good for extracting the alkaloids. Plus it surprisingly doesnt hurt too much to plug.... well, as long as you dont have any minor cuts down there. If you did, well... ouch lol.

Well, anyways, I'd go buy some now, but I am temporarily broke, due to lack of work during the Christmas break. Once I get a steady supply of hours, I just may scour the internet for a reputable vendor.

Until then, it's MT 45 for me. Lol.
I wasn't trying to be insulting, I just found your whole approach a bit crazy and reckless, and the fact that you jumped to a conclusion about kratom ("fuck kratom!) based on such a bizarre experiment was also humorous. I suppose you're just used to plugging stuff. Seriously, if that had worked, you would have been in some serious shit. Starting out with 25 damn grams was also a bit ballsy...

Anyways people prone to depression tend to be more vulnerable to opiate addiction because opiates are a panacea for all types of emotional pain and angst. It's like the ultimate "everything is okay" drug. That was certainly what i liked about. The quality of the high.

And there is absolutely such a thing as too much kratom. It's not like and opiate where you just get higher and higher and eventually nod off. Mitragynine isnt technically an opiate and has other effects that are very unpleasant in higher doses - dizziness, nausea, nystygmus are among them. At normal doses it also has a pleasant stimulating effect.

I guarantee you will like the full-spectrum tincture, to me it has about the same recreational potential as hydrocodone. Pretty damn good, but also fairly expensive if you start using it regularly.