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Opioids Kratom Mega Thread V.4

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So I had my first vomit induced by Kratom. I don't have a scale to measure so I've been using tablespoons and ½ tablespoons as my dosage. I believe I took to large of a dose since it only came after redosing. I took 1½ tablespoons which was fine and I felt no nausea or anything. After about two hours I took another ½ tablespoon and then about 2-3 hours later I vomited. I got an ounce baggy and just kinda went from there. Donno how much Kratom powder is in a tablespoon. Anyone got an idea? I realize how difficult this question and estimation is. I'd like to avoid over dosing again.

I plan to get a scale soon since I will clearly need one since I'm adding Kratom to my stash permanently. It's not my first drug of choice cannabis is, but if I'm out of good ole' cannabis I'll just use Kratom sparingly.
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So I had my first vomit induced by Kratom. I don't have a scale to measure so I've been using tablespoons and ½ tablespoons as my dosage. I believe I took to large of a dose since it only came after redosing. I took 1½ tablespoons which was fine and I felt no nausea or anything. After about two hours I took another ½ tablespoon and then about 2-3 hours later I vomited. I got an ounce baggy and just kinda went from there. Donno how much Kratom powder is in a tablespoon. Anyone got an idea? I realize how difficult this question and estimation is. I'd like to avoid over dosing again.

Definitely get a scale. That's a pretty high dose, but really the worst thing that can happen is the vomiting.
I get my kratom ground into a very fine powder, and 2 carefully measured TEAspoons is roughly 5 grams. That's a good starting dose IMO.

Enjoy. I love Kratom, especially with weed!

EDIT-I apparently don't know how to properly quote :?
So I had my first vomit induced by Kratom. I don't have a scale to measure so I've been using tablespoons and ½ tablespoons as my dosage. I believe I took to large of a dose since it only came after redosing. I took 1½ tablespoons which was fine and I felt no nausea or anything. After about two hours I took another ½ tablespoon and then about 2-3 hours later I vomited. I got an ounce baggy and just kinda went from there. Donno how much Kratom powder is in a tablespoon. Anyone got an idea? I realize how difficult this question and estimation is. I'd like to avoid over dosing again.

Definitely get a scale. That's a pretty high dose, but really the worst thing that can happen is the vomiting.
I get my kratom ground into a very fine powder, and 2 carefully measured TEAspoons is roughly 5 grams. That's a good starting dose IMO.

Enjoy. I love Kratom, especially with weed!

EDIT-I apparently don't know how to properly quote :?

Lol you just deleted the [ / Q U O T E ] at the end of my paragraph. [Spaces are added so it doesn't quote again. P:] As you can see I re-added it in my reply.

Anyways teaspoons are better for dosage? I will take this advice. I enjoy Kratom as well. I've only had one incident with vomiting. So I'll start using teaspoons until I get a scale. Thanks for the advice. :]
Lol you just deleted the [ / Q U O T E ] at the end of my paragraph. [Spaces are added so it doesn't quote again. P:] As you can see I re-added it in my reply.

Anyways teaspoons are better for dosage? I will take this advice. I enjoy Kratom as well. I've only had one incident with vomiting. So I'll start using teaspoons until I get a scale. Thanks for the advice. :]

Yeah, if you don't have a scale measure your doses by TEASPOON rather than tablespoon.

I think often a teaspoon is about 1 gram but it all depends on the strain and how finely it's ground.

Dosing in tablespoons will have you take WAY too much, hence the vomiting...
Yeah, if you don't have a scale measure your doses by TEASPOON rather than tablespoon.

I think often a teaspoon is about 1 gram but it all depends on the strain and how finely it's ground.

Dosing in tablespoons will have you take WAY too much, hence the vomiting...

I will use teaspoons now. Thanks. Now I just need to get some red Borneo. Lol.
Does anyone else find that the negative side effects from Kratom increase the higher you dose??

Today I took too much Kratom and got REALLY irritable and started biting people's heads off.

The Kratom irritability is really weird because I'll be in a good mood but still EXTREMELY irritable.

It seems to happen more though after the strongest effects of the high have worn off and I'm starting to come down.
Does anyone else find that the negative side effects from Kratom increase the higher you dose??

Today I took too much Kratom and got REALLY irritable and started biting people's heads off.

The Kratom irritability is really weird because I'll be in a good mood but still EXTREMELY irritable.

It seems to happen more though after the strongest effects of the high have worn off and I'm starting to come down.

Ahh yes, "opiate rage". It's common amongst all opiates including kratom, the irritability. Could be from too high of a dose, or your just sensitive to the irratible aspects of opiates.
Yes, beyond a certain dose (specific to each person) positive effects don't increase but negatives do.
Does anyone know of a resource (perhaps another thread I haven't found on here yet) regarding Kratom UEI and how it compares to regular Bali? As in dosage comparisons...if one took 20 (600 mg capsules, how may UEI would one take to feel similar effects)
0Thanks in advance...
Does anyone know of a resource (perhaps another thread I haven't found on here yet) regarding Kratom UEI and how it compares to regular Bali? As in dosage comparisons...if one took 20 (600 mg capsules, how may UEI would one take to feel similar effects)
0Thanks in advance...

Info on UEI can be found all over the web.

Kratom & UEI are apples/oranges.. the only similarity I've found is that they are agonists at opioid receptors. It's recommended that you start with 1 gram of UEI to gauge response and DO NOT underestimate the power of that stuff. I remember I did and I regretted it.. ended up nodding out hardcore in a very inappropriate place.
Info on UEI can be found all over the web.

Kratom & UEI are apples/oranges.. the only similarity I've found is that they are agonists at opioid receptors. It's recommended that you start with 1 gram of UEI to gauge response and DO NOT underestimate the power of that stuff. I remember I did and I regretted it.. ended up nodding out hardcore in a very inappropriate place.

That's really the ONLY similarity you felt?

You know a lot more than me cause I've only done UEI twice but plain leaf many times, and while I thought they felt quite different they still felt related, just as if UEI were a MUCH stronger version of a type of Kratom.
So I think I'm gonna order some stuff from a reputable clearnet vendor.

This stuff is called "Mayan Kratom Plus" and it's available in powdered leaf and capsule form. Does anybody have any experience with these? Are the capsules stronger than the leaf? What would be a good dose to give an opiate naive person?

Many thanks :)
So I think I'm gonna order some stuff from a reputable clearnet vendor.

This stuff is called "Mayan Kratom Plus" and it's available in powdered leaf and capsule form. Does anybody have any experience with these? Are the capsules stronger than the leaf? What would be a good dose to give an opiate naive person?

Many thanks :)
Hey Profane, not sure for you. I take a teaspoon or 1.5 teaspoons in a small amount of water (less fluid less questionable taste ;)
That's really the ONLY similarity you felt?

You know a lot more than me cause I've only done UEI twice but plain leaf many times, and while I thought they felt quite different they still felt related, just as if UEI were a MUCH stronger version of a type of Kratom.
Really, UEI is that strong huh? Maybe I oughta keep some around for extra pain relief at work or something?
Really, UEI is that strong huh? Maybe I oughta keep some around for extra pain relief at work or something?

Well, it's a fair amount stronger.

Maybe a capital "MUCH" is an exaggeration, but it's hard to say since I only did UEI twice and when I did it I did most of the bag in a single night so I was FUCKED UP haha.

It's stronger, but was also over priced where I got it (I won't source)...so maybe not as strong as I'd thought for the price...but yes, stronger generally since generally most extracts are stronger than plain leaf.
Ok, thanks :) I have about a 7 teaspoon a day habit, so i'm very addicted to kratom. Mostly red vein maeng da or white vein for day and bali at night :) Bali I get is hella sleepy, and very euphoric IMO.
If you're already addicted, don't get into extracts like UEI. They'll just catapult your tolerance and make your habit a lot more expensive.
I just ordered 1 oz of premium bali powder. After researching this stuff for the last two weeks i figured i would give it a try. I have bpd with intense anxiety sometimes. I have been 100% clean of all psych meds and recreational for two years. Opiods were never my thing anyways. So im honestly just trying this to ease the anxiety with out having to go back to psych meds. So anyways..how much should i start with? After scouringforums and threads i can not find a good amount to start with...since im not using this to wd from anything. Any info on bali and anxiety as well as general dosage would be awesome!!
I just ordered 1 oz of premium bali powder. After researching this stuff for the last two weeks i figured i would give it a try. I have bpd with intense anxiety sometimes. I have been 100% clean of all psych meds and recreational for two years. Opiods were never my thing anyways. So im honestly just trying this to ease the anxiety with out having to go back to psych meds. So anyways..how much should i start with? After scouringforums and threads i can not find a good amount to start with...since im not using this to wd from anything. Any info on bali and anxiety as well as general dosage would be awesome!!

In my opinion a good dose to start with would probably be about 5 grams so the best thing to do is weigh it out if you have a digital scale.

However, I'm going to assume you might not have one, in which case 2 1/2 teaspoons is probably a good estimation of what might be 5 grams as I find a teaspoon to be about 2 grams on average.

If it's a little more or less it won't matter so I'd say that's a good starting dose.

I have GAD and some mild depression and I feel that it works very well for both.

Bali is usually a bit more sedating and a bit less stimulating than some other strains as it is a red strain and reds are more sedating while whites are the most stimulating and greens in the middle.

In my personal opinion Bali is probably a little better for anxiety than Green and White veins because it slows your thoughts down a bit more, but I find greens and whites to also be great for anxiety but they are more stimulating so they speed up your thoughts more and I think maybe if you are having a manic period it would probably be better to use a more sedating vein like a red because I doubt you'd need to be sped up any more but that's just a guess.

On the other hand, if you are in a really depressed and tired state I think the more stimluating veins like Green and White might help more, but really all veins can do all those things.

As long as you don't overdo it and use it in moderation I think you could find quite a bit of benefit for your bipolar from Kratom but I'd recommend not to use it more than 3 days a week because you could get addicted.

Good luck
Thank you so very much for your reply! You are right, i do not have a scale. So i will follow the teaspoon dosage you suggested. Also..i am not bipolar. Im a quite borderline as they would say. Borderline personality disorder. My thoughts consistently cycle..other than when i sleep. Things that happened 3 years ago send me into an all day anxiety ordeal. I am done with psych meds..if i took accordingly, i would be on 5 pills a day. Some days are better than others. But the last month or so i literally feel like im going to stroke out because of this stupid anxiety. I dont want to deal with doctors anymore..those drugs are no bueno. I am t ruely hoping this is something that can help me function. I plan on burning 2x per week, i certainly do not want anything else taking over my life. I want to use kratom in the way to benifit my disorder. I know its possible..i just dont want it to control me. Another question would be the proper way to burn. I will attempt parachuting as i feel that will be the easiest for me. But would love a good tea recipie that gets all the benefits. Any more insight you have as a fellow anxiety sufferer would be very much appreciated! Thanks again!
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