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Kratom for tramdol withdrawal


Feb 9, 2022
I'm new to kratom and going to try to use it for sciatica and to get off tramadol which I have been on for 8 years. There are so many types of kratom, is there a strain that works best? Maeng da has green and white and there are others. Thank-you
What types of effects do you want? Stimulation (white)? Sedation(red)? Anti-anxiety(green)? Motivation(yellow)? These are based on generalized experience, different ratios of alkaloids in each ate gonna make the effects different. YMMV.
E: green and yellow will be more in the middle of sedative and stimulant
Looking for pain relief and whatever helps with tramadol withdrawal. Thank you, that helps alot ✌️
They say the red strains work best for pain relief and sedation but I believe a lot of that is just marketing. Any strain of good quality k should do the trick. Start with a dose of between 2.5 and 5g and see how you feel. It should be a fairly straightforward transition. The main difference I found between to the two substances is that tramadol has way more legs than kratom. You will probably need to re-dose your k every 3-4 hours at least initially but its just trial and error. to begin with.
I'm new to kratom and going to try to use it for sciatica and to get off tramadol which I have been on for 8 years. There are so many types of kratom, is there a strain that works best? Maeng da has green and white and there are others. Thank-you
Hi, you will want to acquire green or red maeng da, with red being the most potent. I have used kratom specifically for the purpose you describe, what is your daily dose of tramadol, and how long, your age??? This is very important, because kratom interacts negatively with virtually everything and can cause serious problems. You will not often hear the recreational crowd chime in on this because that crowd is on average quite young, and not prone to needing medications for health reasons as older, non recreational pain patients do, such as blood pressure meds, ect...

You should also know that kratom sucks compared with a potent opioid like tramadol, it will certainly help if you get a good strain, and its fresh, but you should understand that it wears off very swiftly, you might get four hours use out of 2-5 grams at best, and more likely only 1-2 hours, and that is total! My experience is you cannot eat at all on that crap, or it will immediately cease working, and just as it kicks in, its also about half an hour from kicking out altogether! It wears off very quickly, and it produces serious nausea, and you cannot take any anti-nausea tablets such as zofran with it or they will interact and cause you discomfort.

Again I need to know your daily total intake of tramadol, at 300 mg's a day (my dosing) 6 x 50 = 300, which I have been on daily for 11 years, it helps substantially with WD, but only for 1-2 hours time, then you crash, and that crash is pretty ugly! So what happens, is you end up reaching for the kratom over and over again, because it wears off so swiftly, tramadol is very long acting, and it is far more potent then people once believed. So there is a lot of unknowns here, you need to establish an analog dosing with the kratom vs the 50mg of tramadol, or more you are taking, and WDing from!
Imo Tramadol isn't particularly potent as Opiod. o-DesMethylTramadol(o-DSMT) is ime (6 x stronger as Opiod). But Tramadol iinfluences so many neurotransmitter's. Before its metabolized into o-DSMT, it's allready working as SRI and NRI (o-DSMT is also an NRI besides being a potent Opiod, but that's it). Tramadol antagonizing GABA-a and NMDA.

A 5-HT-2c antagonist, some Muscaric and Nicotin receptor antagonisation of the Acetyl-Choline receptor.

A little chemical factory in short. Covering all those facet's with Kratom, which is a bit of an dirty Opoid but nowhere as dirty as Tramadol.
I wish you luck, it should at least help, myself don't feel Tramadol is more heavy duty as Kratom. They are about equal in my experience, though my preference is Kratom by a long shot. Tramadol is plain shit, would not even take it.
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Imo Tramadol isn't particularly potent as Opiod. o-DesMethylTramadol(o-DSMT) is ime (6 x stronger as Opiod). But Tramadol iinfluences so many neurotransmitter's. Before its metabolized into o-DSMT, it's allready working as SRI and NRI (o-DSMT is also an NRI besides being a potent Opiod, but that's it). Tramadol antagonizing GABA-a and NMDA.

A 5-HT-2c antagonist, some Muscaric and Nicotin receptor antagonisation of the Acetyl-Choline receptor.

A little chemical factory in short. Covering all those facet's with Kratom, which is a bit of an dirty Opoid but nowhere as dirty as Tramadol.
I wish you luck, it should at least help, myself don't feel Tramadol is more heavy duty as Kratom. They are about equal in my experience, though my preference is Kratom by a long shot. Tramadol is plain shit, would not even take it.
Tramadol, properly metabolized is far more portent than kratom, taken as directed, even over long course of years, a 50mg tab will persist (whether we know it or not) its effects for 6+ hours, though long term patients may not realize this until its taken away abruptly! Kratom (for me) is a crappy substance, it flirts with these receptors, then swiftly degrades and is gone altogether within 1-3 hours, often just an hour and a half! Thus it precipitates a sort of compulsive reaction, or at least it can, where its value is really only measured as effective for a good 30-40 minutes, you may well find self re-dosing the kratom every 2 hours until you are back on the tramadol, or something else intervenes... I cannot for the life of me imagine how anyone could use that shit to split from a serious opioid habit, its just not nearly potent enough, and the negative side effects daunting in the extreme!
I'm new to kratom and going to try to use it for sciatica and to get off tramadol which I have been on for 8 years. There are so many types of kratom, is there a strain that works best? Maeng da has green and white and there are others. Thank-you
Bali is supposedly good for pain and the most opioid like effects. just know that kratom comes with its own problems. 1. it's not very affective. 2 Tolerance builds so fast you're constantly dosing. 3 Problems pooping 4 withdrawal similar to hydrocodone. 5 Tastes like dog shit.
One positive about Kratom is that the seizure risk isn't as high as with tramadol. That being said, I actually had worse withdrawals from Kratom (though I once had a seizure from taking too much tramadol, I just felt super sick when I took too much kratom). My tolerance also went up really quickly on Kratom. Now even extracts don't work for me anymore, etc
One positive about Kratom is that the seizure risk isn't as high as with tramadol. That being said, I actually had worse withdrawals from Kratom (though I once had a seizure from taking too much tramadol, I just felt super sick when I took too much kratom). My tolerance also went up really quickly on Kratom. Now even extracts don't work for me anymore, etc
I just cannot conceive how you could suffer wd from kratom, I took it heavily for ten days, thats 4 caps (two grams) every 2-3 hours around the clock for those ten days, all to cover up for an abrupt cessation of a decade long tramadol dependency (300 mg's daily), its value was greatly reduced upon eating, anything, which would immediately produce a crashing depression which would last for a full 1.5 hours, only checked by re-dosing another 4 caps after digestion of whatever it was you ate. By eating I am not even talking of a meal, I mean even a couple of crackers, instant cessation of effect!

Overall, the kratom was truly effective for about 40-60 minutes with an easily ascertained slow crash of effects. I am back on the tramadol, and no longer 300 mg daily, but rather just 175 mg, and after heavily hitting the kratom for those ten days, a dosing schedule of just 25 mg of tramadol utterly nuked the kratom, no comparison, the tramadol is far more potent , I just cannot fathom it being potent enough to produce any more wd that from cutting daily coffee!
I mean, that's nice that you didn't go through withdrawals but everyone is different, not to mention 10 days, even of heavy use, is nothing. I have gone through three separate periods of heavy Kratom addiction, the last period lasted for almost 2 years of heavy daily Kratom use. I had started taking kratom again after I had developed an addiction to daily dilaudid etc and was put into pain management where they dropped me down to 2 percocets and 2 tramadols a day with no tapering. It was awful so I started using Kratom again. It was fine at first, but then it was way, way not fine. Kratom stopped having any positive benefit for me and I was just dosing to feel normal. I couldn't go a day without feeling really ill. Eventually I ended up in detox.

Anyway, count yourself lucky that you didn't go through withdrawals. But remember, just because you didn't,doesn't mean it is not possible. On top of that, just because you didn't that time, doesn't mean you won't next time. That has happened to me with several drugs, including alcohol, where I thought I was in the clear because I never got withdrawals... until I did.
I mean, that's nice that you didn't go through withdrawals but everyone is different, not to mention 10 days, even of heavy use, is nothing. I have gone through three separate periods of heavy Kratom addiction, the last period lasted for almost 2 years of heavy daily Kratom use. I had started taking kratom again after I had developed an addiction to daily dilaudid etc and was put into pain management where they dropped me down to 2 percocets and 2 tramadols a day with no tapering. It was awful so I started using Kratom again. It was fine at first, but then it was way, way not fine. Kratom stopped having any positive benefit for me and I was just dosing to feel normal. I couldn't go a day without feeling really ill. Eventually I ended up in detox.

Anyway, count yourself lucky that you didn't go through withdrawals. But remember, just because you didn't,doesn't mean it is not possible. On top of that, just because you didn't that time, doesn't mean you won't next time. That has happened to me with several drugs, including alcohol, where I thought I was in the clear because I never got withdrawals... until I did.
I don't mean to minimize anyone elses experience, but I have seen numerous posts on this site from folks claiming debilitating wd from kratom after just a couple of weeks, or a month's use! The amount of opioid alkaloid present in the kratom is miniscule, even in the best stuff, thus I would surmise, and its only that, a guess, you'd need to ingest many, many grams a day over a very long time to discover such a wd syndrome!

I took 2-2.5 grams (4-5 caps) every two hours for ten days, more than enough to provoke a cessation syndrome in any other opioidal substance of note, and yet 25 mgs of tramadol were, again in my personal experience, far more potent, far longer acting, and easily, effortlessly replaced the kratom dosing of 2-2.5 grams every two hours, with just 7 x 25mg a day of tramadol!

We must be very careful talking of tramadol as some worthless substance, its not, most of the derogatory reports are anecdotal, and from people very young and recreational in their drug taking, tramadol may not be well metabolized by many, yet when properly metabolized, which can only be achieved via oral route, it will metabolize into an extremely potent full agonist! The biggest takeaway between tramadol and kratom, is the duration of effect, and I suspect that anyone treating long term with tramadol, is going to discover that kratom's benefits are very short in duration!
I was a serious tramadol addict at one point, hence the seizure. I'm very familiar with tramadols positive side and also its very, very dark side. After my seizure about 15 years ago, I stopped taking tramadol for years. I was put back on it for pain. I don't remember how many I was on a day, it was in conjunction with dilaudid and other pain meds. Then when I was in pain management I was put down to 50mg a day/ 2 25mgs. At that point, tramadol did nothing for me anymore, and I was in danger of having another seizure I was taking more and more to get any feeling. Once tramadol stops working for you, you are out of luck for a long time. Just a heads up. It happened very suddenly for me. Same with Kratom. Same now with suboxone. I never minimize tramadol. Grand mal seizures are no joke. I was also not that young and not taking it solely recreationally. I have a lot of health issues/chronic pain. Tramadol was great while it worked. Then it stopped and I kept taking it, and learned my lesson. Second time around, when it stopped working, I was able to stop myself from taking too much and having another seizure. You might be one of the lucky ones who tramadol never stops working for them, but it stopped for me and it took years for it to work again, and then it suddenly stopped again. I loved tramadol while it worked, but even there, after awhile it didn't work as long, etc.
I also want to add that tramadol is a strange drug and it does genuinely seem to not work at all for some people. For me, in the beginning, it was a wonder drug. Not only did it help with pain, but it gave me energy, helped with my depression and my anxiety, and then I was deep in addiction, it stopped working, etc. And then one day during dinner, I had taken some. I had lost track that day I guess, I really don't know, I hadn't taken anything else or drank any alcohol, etc., I had a seizure at the dinner table. No history of seizures prior or since. It was awful. I'm lucky that it didn't cause any permanent brain damage. Anyway. I'm not underestimating tramadol. I do think that you are underestimating Kratom though. It's possible that Kratos doesn't really work for you, like how tramadol doesn't work for some people. But for me, obviously Kratom was amazing or I wouldn't have ended up where I ended up.
I also want to add that tramadol is a strange drug and it does genuinely seem to not work at all for some people. For me, in the beginning, it was a wonder drug. Not only did it help with pain, but it gave me energy, helped with my depression and my anxiety, and then I was deep in addiction, it stopped working, etc. And then one day during dinner, I had taken some. I had lost track that day I guess, I really don't know, I hadn't taken anything else or drank any alcohol, etc., I had a seizure at the dinner table. No history of seizures prior or since. It was awful. I'm lucky that it didn't cause any permanent brain damage. Anyway. I'm not underestimating tramadol. I do think that you are underestimating Kratom though. It's possible that Kratos doesn't really work for you, like how tramadol doesn't work for some people. But for me, obviously Kratom was amazing or I wouldn't have ended up where I ended up.
I have been on tramadol daily with but a few very short intervals of cessation, 7-days, and ten days just one month back, this was due to the pain clinic shuttering its doors, and the primary provider deciding unilaterally to take me off of it no matter what, opioid don't you know! So they began cutting the 6 x 50 a day immediately, which I was not able to keep up with, and I landed upon a ten day shortfall. I merely offer my own experience as its not anecdotal per se, it was a clear tit for tat, tramadol replaced upon instant cessation (12 hours after last dose) with kratom, and for me ten days is a long time.

Most importantly of all, is that you cannot ingest kratom as you are also treating for blood pressure, it interacts negatively with virtually every blood pressure med ( and many many more), you cannot eat on the crap, at least I cannot, or it provokes an instant cessation of effect and a rather ugly, depressive crash! It certainly has genuine ability to intervene in tramadol wd, but only for so long, I still get the restless leg, and I will not be sleeping much if at all as long as I am taking the kratom!

I am 63, and kratom is clearly contra-indicated with virtually every medication I treat with, so when I take the stuff to fill in, during that time most meds get set aside, and its the latter that really is the reason for the so-called fatal OD's on kratom. None of them are in fact OD's, they are far more likely deaths due to various substances coming into conflict with each other, many people end up at the ER for just this reason, and I am not talking about other opioids, but rather mundane day to day meds that people don't even consider an issue with other drug cocktails, but unknown to them are verboten with kratom!

So from my personal experience, kratom is a very crappy substance that definitely does deliver against opioidal wd syndrome, but at a pretty steep cost...
A bunch of people in Europe that had died from a Kratom OD, actually died from a tramadol OD. The Kratom had tramadol in it. I don't remember which country, I think Sweden? Seems crazy to us in the USA, but I guess tramadol was cheaper than Kratom? Mixing alcohol with Kratom (and tramadol) can also have some very, very serious side effects/death. But yes, Kratom interferes with a billion meds. The food thing you mentioned, I had to take Kratom on an empty stomach for the full effect, but I could eat on it later, no problem. Tramadol was the same for me. I had to take it on an empty stomach. If you are on blood pressure meds or hyperthyroid meds, a lot of the plant based drugs like Kratom, can be dangerous. Kratom potentiates thyroid meds, etc. And interferes with other meds. So does ashwaghanda, etc. None of those are totally safe. Holy basil, ginseng, etc., all dangerous. I know those won't get you high, just thought I'd mention that those can also be dangerous. For me, the Kratos high (in the beginning) was a dupe for tramadol, which is why I liked it so much.
A bunch of people in Europe that had died from a Kratom OD, actually died from a tramadol OD. The Kratom had tramadol in it. I don't remember which country, I think Sweden? Seems crazy to us in the USA, but I guess tramadol was cheaper than Kratom? Mixing alcohol with Kratom (and tramadol) can also have some very, very serious side effects/death. But yes, Kratom interferes with a billion meds. The food thing you mentioned, I had to take Kratom on an empty stomach for the full effect, but I could eat on it later, no problem. Tramadol was the same for me. I had to take it on an empty stomach. If you are on blood pressure meds or hyperthyroid meds, a lot of the plant based drugs like Kratom, can be dangerous. Kratom potentiates thyroid meds, etc. And interferes with other meds. So does ashwaghanda, etc. None of those are totally safe. Holy basil, ginseng, etc., all dangerous. I know those won't get you high, just thought I'd mention that those can also be dangerous. For me, the Kratos high (in the beginning) was a dupe for tramadol, which is why I liked it so much.
Thus my point, kratom does form up a striking analog with a 50 mg tramadol, the problem is it does so very briefly, thats what I ran into, for 40-90 minutes I was feeling better, then crash and burn!

This lead me to constantly re-dose the kratom every two hours or so, and that was around the clock, which translates to like 20-24 grams a day, which is a lot of kratom to fill in for just 6 x 50 a day of tramadol, which by the way I can eat like a bear on and it still works great!

If I eat on kratom, its awful, oh and kratom also provokes water retention, so wave bye to the hydrochlorathiazide (blood pressure) too as they will negatively interact, which means even though I am not eating well on kratom, no more than a cup of soup and small meal once a day, I will put on weight as water retention skyrockets...

Just today I am out again of my tramadol until next Wednesday, so I am back to the kratom until then, and I am not happy about it, I was only taking 175-225 mg of tramadol, but that shortfall is attached to the ten day span, after that I am back on schedule, but that is what its been like after they just halved my script....
I just cannot conceive how you could suffer wd from kratom, I took it heavily for ten days, thats 4 caps (two grams) every 2-3 hours around the clock for those ten days, all to cover up for an abrupt cessation of a decade long tramadol dependency (300 mg's daily), its value was greatly reduced upon eating, anything, which would immediately produce a crashing depression which would last for a full 1.5 hours, only checked by re-dosing another 4 caps after digestion of whatever it was you ate. By eating I am not even talking of a meal, I mean even a couple of crackers, instant cessation of effect!

Overall, the kratom was truly effective for about 40-60 minutes with an easily ascertained slow crash of effects. I am back on the tramadol, and no longer 300 mg daily, but rather just 175 mg, and after heavily hitting the kratom for those ten days, a dosing schedule of just 25 mg of tramadol utterly nuked the kratom, no comparison, the tramadol is far more potent , I just cannot fathom it being potent enough to produce any more wd that from cutting daily coffee!
make no mistake you will get wds from kratom. basically a fun sized version of a real opiate/oid.
was only taking 175-225 mg of tramadol, but that shortfall is attached to the ten day span, after that I am back on schedule, but that is what its been like after they just halved my script....
Did they say why they halved it? God it was awful when pain management more than halved my pain meds all at once. It's like they want us to go to the streets.
Did they say why they halved it? God it was awful when pain management more than halved my pain meds all at once. It's like they want us to go to the streets.
Yeah, the pain clinic closed, and the regular provider (Essentia MD) gave me the narcotics make pain worse speech, so we are going to pull you off of that and you'll feel great, or at least our administrators and attorney's will!

Understand, I have religiously taken this "ahh" opioid daily for now going on twelve years, and was doing really well on it, my well being was a fucking lie, they don't give a shit about my well being, these are the same assholes who told me for three years that tramadol was NOT an opioid!

Its a fucking obscenity!