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Kratom kratom + ashwagandha is nice

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
I recently started messing around with ashwagandha and discovered it has a very real "reverse tolerance" type effect to it, after taking it for a week or two I started to notice its GABAa effects getting much stronger. It has a very "stoney" hypnotic and relaxing effect. By itself it's nothing to write home about, but great for stress/anxiety/sleep. Makes me wanna take a nap, rather pleasant.

Combined with kratom it really synergizes and adds to the opioid effect of kratom. Good afternoon/night time combo. Too sleepy for morning.

from what I've learned of ashwagandha, it has a bunch of alkaloids like kratom. Some are water soluble, other fat soluble. According to a paper, the fat soluble alkaloids take time to build up in your system, and they are responsible for the GABAa effects.

anyways, this stuff is great, it also lowers cortisol levels and can even boost muscle gain
A problem I've had with this combo is irritability.
A problem I've had with this combo is irritability.
ashwagandha used to give me noticeable irritability and anhedonia with 600mg doses, but after a week or two that went away. Now I can take 1200mg and just feel pleasantly drowsy.

I think both have serotonergic effects which could cause the irritability
word i never heard of ashwagandha, NEVER :p well thats nice it sounds ike my gabapentin klonopin and sublocade make me feel a lil weed immmm highhh hahaha cheers HAAPPY NEW YEARS
I recently started messing around with ashwagandha and discovered it has a very real "reverse tolerance" type effect to it, after taking it for a week or two I started to notice its GABAa effects getting much stronger. It has a very "stoney" hypnotic and relaxing effect. By itself it's nothing to write home about, but great for stress/anxiety/sleep. Makes me wanna take a nap, rather pleasant.

Combined with kratom it really synergizes and adds to the opioid effect of kratom. Good afternoon/night time combo. Too sleepy for morning.

from what I've learned of ashwagandha, it has a bunch of alkaloids like kratom. Some are water soluble, other fat soluble. According to a paper, the fat soluble alkaloids take time to build up in your system, and they are responsible for the GABAa effects.

anyways, this stuff is great, it also lowers cortisol levels and can even boost muscle gain
I bought a bottle to try with kratom/ pain meds and they definitely add something to it , I’m sure you seen the discontinuation syndrome that’s attached to them , not pleasant sounding…
They all say the same thing ,some compared it to benzo ,ssri withdrawal in one
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I’m sure you seen the discontinuation syndrome that’s attached to them , not pleasant sounding
no, I haven't

I cycle it anyways, I already knew it's best not to take it daily for hormone reasons, but a withdrawal effect??

the high only lasts like 1-2 hours? weird

I feel fine when I don't take it, its definitely far from addictive, and I haven't heard of any sort of discontinuation syndrome (then again, I am taking the recommended dosages... not crazy amounts)

this link seems to be a collection of anecdotal internet stories, probably extremes, or more factors than they mention.

I am not saying ashwagandha is without side effects... but it's certainly not dangerous or addictive to the normal person when taken in the recommended amount
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no, I haven't

I cycle it anyways, I already knew it's best not to take it daily for hormone reasons, but a withdrawal effect??

the high only lasts like 1-2 hours? weird

I feel fine when I don't take it, its definitely far from addictive, and I haven't heard of any sort of discontinuation syndrome

this link seems to be a collection of anecdotal internet stories, probably extremes, or more factors than they mention.

I am not saying ashwagandha is without side effects... but it's certainly not dangerous or addictive to the normal person
Just Google
Ashwagandha discontinuation syndrome/ or withdrawal

I do that for everything I try/take

From a one bottle Amazon experience
I dunno, I'm really drunk and being an ass

It's definitely not addictive tho, I do not feel compelled to take more ever
Maybe I’m the odd duck around here but when I find something that makes me feel good or just to take the edge off I use it till it becomes a problem , or I use too before I started hangin round here , now I check everything .

Drug companies like the term discontinuation syndrome instead of withdrawal,it sounds like a softer blow and not as serious but it’s still the same crap for the user,not good . Brain zaps for a month and insomnia sounds pretty fucked to me 😬
Have you noticed any nausea with ashwagandha?
no, none

taken on empty stomach with coffee + kratom and don't notice anything, seems really inert in most ways

my stomach is in really bad shape too from alcohol
when I find something that makes me feel good or just to take the edge off I use it till it becomes a problem
yeah I'm the same way

ashwagandha doesn't really make me "feel good", I first noticed a lowering of overall stress, then I started to notice it makes me drowsy for an hour or two after taking it now

but there is no trigger for me to try to abuse it, it's not like that (and I get that feeling with most drugs)
I see everyone everywhere saying ashhawanda is usefull mostly for sleep, and know people who normally live so stressed taking it and get out of anxiety, BUT. I try it the first time before go to bed and was impossible to sleep. now I take in the morning combined with my tramadol dossage for pain and coffe and no sleepy nor tired. I think maybe the first time was near serotonine syndrome, but never hapened again. today I dosed 2gr of red kratom in a tea, and the ashwaghanda (109mg of tramadol at 08:00 am) and still no droziness noticeable. For me is a stimulant in some manner. It is possible I have adhs and it be a paradoxical effect, dont know. The question is: how safe is the kratom (mytragine is a stron serotoninergic like tramadol, 7ohm is just like o-dmt in pharmacology
I see everyone everywhere saying ashhawanda is usefull mostly for sleep, and know people who normally live so stressed taking it and get out of anxiety, BUT. I try it the first time before go to bed and was impossible to sleep. now I take in the morning combined with my tramadol dossage for pain and coffe and no sleepy nor tired. I think maybe the first time was near serotonine syndrome, but never hapened again. today I dosed 2gr of red kratom in a tea, and the ashwaghanda (109mg of tramadol at 08:00 am) and still no droziness noticeable. For me is a stimulant in some manner. It is possible I have adhs and it be a paradoxical effect, dont know. The question is: how safe is the kratom (mytragine is a stron serotoninergic like tramadol, 7ohm is just like o-dmt in pharmacology

the drowsiness from ashwagandha develops as it builds up in your system, the longer you take it the more tired it makes you, however, I wasn't ever able to sleep on it, it's also stimulating like kratom. I found it useful for anxiety and stress but not sleep

I would be careful combining either kratom or ashwagandha with tramadol, ashwagandha actually led me into serotonin syndrome itself after taking too much of it for too long (I was taking high doses for a prolonged period)

kratom is more of a serotonin antagonist, which combined with other serotonergic producing drugs can lead to SS (tramadol, ashwagandha)

upping serotonin + serotonin antagonist is a common cause of SS

tramadol alone can cause SS

and FYI I no longer use ashwagandha, too scared of it after what happened to me, it fucked me up in a bad way and also has withdrawals similar to SSRIs when you stop taking it