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Misc Kratom and tremors

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
I haven't really seen anyone mention tremors or shaking as a side effect to kratom. I'm wondering if anyone else experiences this.

On doses above 12 grams of kratom and very severe above 16g I have substantial and noticable tremors all over my body. These tremors only happen if I'm using my muscles or trying to move. They are completely absent if I am sitting still or resting. They are also much worse if I have low blood sugar or have not eaten for example every morning.

I took a video to show what it's like:

Does anyone else experience this on higher doses of kratom? I've had this since I started kratom but I think it's getting worse over time
Yeah i ave gotten them when I push my dose to high normally followed by throwing up . It’s crazy how if you lay still you can’t feel it but when walking it’s like oh shit !
Yeah i ave gotten them when I push my dose to high normally followed by throwing up . It’s crazy how if you lay still you can’t feel it but when walking it’s like oh shit !
Yeah. It was so bad sometimes I'd be at work and shaking so bad I couldn't type on a keyboard or dial the phone. One of the main reasons I lowered my dose, I looked like a crackhead or if I was very nervous