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Kratom Addiction/ Need Help After Withdrawals Are Over

So good to hear that positivity coming from you K187. I'm 7 days clean now. I still can feel the restless legs coming on at night and now instead of taking a a double-recommended dose 2x/day I just take it a couple of hours before bed. It takes a LONG time to work. I remember that from once when I was trying a CT quit from the pods (hell) and I slugged down about 400mg of DXM. I fell asleep waiting for it to come on. And when I woke up, WTF!. I was trippin a little, but felt better. That CT attempt didn't work though.

Anyhow man, you're not afraid of the God thing, whatever god is. I really recommend you attend some 12 step meetings. AA, NA, whatever. We have a lot of people who identify as addicts in AA meetings where I live.

Cautionary advice though, once you get clean, it takes a lot of work to stay sober. 12 steps are the key. The fellowship of those groups is awesome too, but that alone won't keep you sober. The AA way of life is to truly LIVE. This book is awesome and has helped me immensely: Recovery--the Sacred Art: The Twelve Steps As Spiritual Practice (Art of Spiritual Living)

There's the AA "big book", the "12&12", and those are vital, but the book I mention above is much less centered in a Western sort of God-in-the-sky-pointing-his-finger kind of way.

I'll keep logging in as I am able and seeing how you're doing. You need people to be accountable to. I'll volunteer. But I encourage to tell all the people you feel comfortable telling. And, BTW, you can find hundreds and hundreds of them at AA/NA meetings. :)

And the last word in your post is KEY. ACTION. It is ften said in AA that it doesn't matter as much what we think/feel/believe; it's all about what you do.

Stay with it. I'll leave you with this about faith vs belief.

Belief is clinging, faith is letting go. Belief holds on to something, and it can turn into holding tightly enough that we try to control. Trying to control life is playing God. We are not God, but we are, as we are each and all part of God. We cannot control life. Though our present actions influence the future, life happens no matter what we say or do.

Because I cannot control the ocean does not mean I cannot learn to swim in it. Because I cannot control the wind does mean I cannot tap into its power. And because I cannot control life does not mean I cannot learn to live with justice, kindness, compassion, humility and serenity.

When you swim, you cannot stay afloat by grabbing the water. Indeed, you cannot grab the water. You must let go of it and float. You must interact. You must respond to your environment to stay alive. This is faith. Letting go.

Love to all,
pods (no more!)
Wow. What awesome support. I've been reading this thread for over an hour now. I had no idea how bad kratom withdrawals could be. I'm on day 4. The anxiety feels like it's killing me, like an elephant is sitting on my chest. I had forgotten that feeling from years back. I think kratom took away all anxiety for me.

But I tell ya, I didn't plan a quit really. I've known for a while I was going to have to quit because they just banned it in Tennessee on July 1st. Well I went to Orlando on business, and having been 1 day away from kratom, I ended up getting a next day shipment to the hotel in Florida. I was afraid to go through the convention without it because I had no idea it would be that bad after only 1 day. There I was at a place where I have to be highly social, and all I wanted to do was get back to the room.

So anyway, that batch ran out this past Saturday. I've come off of hydros before. Maybe I'm just not remembering correctly, but this seems much worse. When I came off hydros though, it was usually after not more than 30, sometimes 45 days of using them. I've been using kratom now for 3 years, 4-5 times a day, 8-10g per dose. I wish I had the balls to look up withdrawal symptoms before so I could have tapered because this is darn near unbearable. The pain in my joints, back, muscles tensing up, diarrhea.

I started using kratom for pain, then it solved a lot of emotional issues. My little boy had recently been diagnosed with a tumor, 2 months later my 5th child passed away, 3 months later my 17 year old daughter ran away from home to get married. The losses were devastating, but kratom helped. Fast forward 2 1/2 years. This past January, I lost my job, my house was foreclosed on, I lost my marriage of 19 years. I about gave up on everything, but I didn't give up on kratom.

Sleep is out of the question right now. The first 2 nights, I layed in bed tossing and turning until 5 or 6 in the morning, then couldn't sleep past 9. Lack of sleep is wearing me down quick. Yesterday, I drank 2 beers and took a half of a zoloft, a medicine I tapered myself off of last week, and tried to take a nap. I can hear everything going on while I'm "asleep." Also probably not a great idea going cold turkey on everything all at once.

I almost gave in yesterday and ordered some kratom and was going to have it shipped to a Georgia address, but I didn't. I did order some Kava root, hoping that maybe that would help. It doesn't seem to be touching it.

Mentally, emotionally I seem ok for now besides the anxiety. This is insanely hard though. I can't believe I didn't take it more seriously thinking that meh, it's just a natural plant, how hard can it be on you? Well let me tell you, the worst withdrawal symptoms I have ever faced. I would give anything right now for just one dose to take the edge off and sleep again. Don't know how long I can take this to be honest.

Again, thanks for all the posts. Many of you helped in ways you will never know.

Hang in there fm.

For the first week, especially, or WDs sleep can be the biggest demon. Or lack thereof. Seems the lack of sleep always did me in. I've always had trouble sleeping and have been prescribed one sleep med or another for years now. I don't ever abuse them though. ANyhow, when detoxing, whatev, sleep is impossible even with the sleep medicine. The RLS kills me! This time around, I've been taking twice the recommended dose of DXM about 2 hours before bed, taking my sleep pill, making sleepy time extra tea (with valerian), and taking some herbal sleep supplements. That combo didn't work in the past until I added a little DXM. It seems to help the restless legs. They still feel kind of electric, but I'm OK enough with not moving them that I can sleep/ At least a few hours anyway, which is way better than none.

BE CAREFUL though if you try using some DXM for RLS. I took too much once, probably about 150 mg (instead of 60 like i in 2 doses). I went to an AA meeting. As the meeting was ending I stood up and felt weird as hell, and not in a good way. I got panicky and had to get out of there. And then I could not sleep. So, if you use a little DXM, just use a little. Too much will keep you up and intensify (for me it did) the WD effects.

Mentally and emotionally and spiritually are the keys. Mind, body, spirit. You need not believe in a god, but you do, if you're anything like me, need a spiritual solution. Try a few 12 step meetings. What do you have to lose? And don't judge it all on one or two meetings. Got to several. See what we got. See if you want it. It's working for me, and though I've slipped up recently, I know I have a solution that works as long as I work it. So I'm doing that again. And my life is immeasurably better ALREADY.

If you've found your way back to some kratom or other opioid already, do not despair. You can always get well when you want to. Gotta want it.

Lemme know if I can be of service to you.

Wow. Thank you so much for replying. I've been checking my email since yesterday hoping someone was still on here, but never got an email. hmm, I subscribed. Anyway..

Still clean. To be honest, I really don't know what day clean it is now. 4 was an estimation, running out Saturday was an estimation. I wasn't really planning a "quit" as I didn't anticipate anything like this. I could have sworn that I ran out a month or so ago, went a week without any, and don't remember any adverse affects. It makes me wonder if I'm self-creating these withdrawals, manifesting it somehow. Or maybe before just knowing I could get more any time prevented some of this.

After drinking kava yesterday, I slept good last night. I don't have any DXM and am weirdly afraid to go out in public to get it, or maybe just not motivated to go. I don't understand these temperature changes. Last night I was hot, sweating, had to sleep with a fan blowing on me. Now I'm freezing, but my hands and feet are sweating.

AA is a wonderful place. Went weekly for almost 5 years. I found my higher power there actually, and he was a much different dude than I was brought up with. I tried to find a meeting here, but the number is disconnected. Closest one is an hour drive, and I can't imagine driving 2 hours round trip right now.

I don't want find any opiate or more kratom now that I know what this is like. I do fear the future, how long this will last, if it will actually get better. My mind tells me I needed it, not just wanted it, that it solved a lot of issues that will only return without it.

This is awful. I can't enjoy anything. TV sucks, even writing this is like pulling teeth. I've lost my inspiration, my drive, all motivation for my new business I'm trying to get rolling. I did the push-ups today as suggested. But I have only eaten one bowl of ramen noodles today. I did force down some pintos and mac and cheese last night.

My joints continue to ache. If I do much around the house, my back starts to hurt after only 15 minutes. I hope this helps someone somehow. I think it's helping me to reach out, but then again, if it is helping, why is it so hard?

Thank you so much for replying. When I saw that, there was a small "thank goodness" moment.

First of all, I just wanted to wish everyone who has quit kratom (or is trying to quit kratom) the best of luck, and may God bless you. You can do it.

So I used to post on here when I tried to quit kratom back in January. I only lasted 10 days. And now I have quit again.

Miracle of miracles, I never got above 9 grams per day (but then again, who knows how much I was REALLY taking, was in capsule form).

So the week before last I was running low and just said F it. I dropped down to 8 grams per day for like 3 days, attempted to just completely quit and took 5, then 4, then 5, 4, 3, 3, 1. Yeah..Not a slow taper by any means, but I suppose better than dropping from 9 to 0. Regardless I'm completely out, so that's that.

Dunno if I should count my "one gram" day as day 1. If so, I am on day 3. If not, day 2. It's pretty crappy, but I am trying to play mind games with myself. My throat is quite sore, so I am just telling myself I am sick. If that doesn't work, I just remind myself that this is my body ridding itself of toxins, and once it's done, I no longer have to deal with it again.

I found a full-time job, I left an hour early Thurs saying my throat hurt etc. I went to the hospital b/c my work requires a Dr's note. I told them the truth. Some ER peeps heard of it, some didn't. I hoped to get some clonodine b/c I heard that helps with chills/sweats but no go. I did get a 3 day supply of xanax. I know hospital seems extreme, but I am poor with no insurance, so that's my only option right now. So I called out of work yesterday. Xanax helps, it knocks me out a bit at least.

I'm just doing my usual. Lots of water, juice, fruit, soup, lots of showers, etc. Avoiding coffee because it spikes my anxiety and racing heart. Trying to distract myself. Would love to soak in the tub but recovering from surgery so can't. :/ Today's the worst thus far. If anyone knows of anything that quells sweats and chills, by all means, please share. I read somewhere brewers yeast? Don't wanna buy if it's pointless..

If anyone would like to PM me, I'm here. Good luck. We can do it!!! :)

PodsNoMo, it's so cool that you quit too around my time. I PM'ed ya a few months ago. How are you??
Scream and Follow,

Looks like the three of us are nearly in the same boat. I had 7 days on my last post. Used that day and a couple days after too. The main thing I'd say to all three of us is IT GETS BETTER.

Kratom (or whatev) does feel like a solution. I know it solved some problems for me... It gave me energy but made me calm. Made me feel physically good. I loved it. For a while. But like any drug, it eventually creates more problems than it solves, and then it stops working. For some of us, we quit before it stops working, but for all of us, if we take it long enough, eventually it quits doing what we liked in the beginning and we gotta have it just to feel normal. We're better off without anything fake, and with something real instead. Like maybe a spiritual life and feeling and being happily and usefully whole again.

But the first few days/weeks of being clean suck ass. They just do. And how we earn our lives back is by facing our kick. We listen to our bodies tell us what it thinks of what we been doing to them. And we listen when they sing.

But we can get a little comfort from some harmless stuff. Loperamide (immodium) helps lessen my chills and sweats and I use it even when the WDs don't give me the runs. I just 6-8mg once a day. Plus, we need to get our bodies and brains producing what they used to the way they used to before our addictions. We can help this along. Orgasms! If you're quitting some form of opioid like kratom, you'll get horny. Take care of that as often as you can. Exercise. Even a brief walk. A little house work. If you're aching after 15 minutes GOOD! That means your body is responding, slowly. The aches are talking to your brain. And over time your brain will adjust back to sending out the proper endorphins. If our endorphins were just taken away, we'd be in excruciating pain ALL the time. Those pain killing chemicals we produce naturally take a break when we introduce fake ones (which causes tolerance and dependence) so just as our brains slowly got used to not having to make as much of what it normally would, it will come back around to doing its job properly again.

Support. This is vital. 12 step groups are great. But if you can't, you gotta talk to someone. Anyone you trust. Just us here is good, but if you can find someone close to you to talk to about this you'll be in much better shape. Even better is a support group. Support groups can be found quickly at any 12 step meeting. A huge help in my life.

Eat well. Nourish. If you have no appetite and can't stand food, try to get some Ensure or other nutritional drink. They have calories and vitamins and proteins. And our bodies and brains need this stuff to help rebuild us and rebuild our pre-addiction brain functions.

Know you're an addict. For me, I know. I know that even once I get past all the WDs and PAWS and whatever else is a part of getting clean that I am not immune. I am strangely insane. My mind will tell me it's ok to go get some more. Ya know, it's been 2 weeks, just one. Or 2 months or 2 years or WHATEVER my brain thinks it has to say, it'll say it to me. And once I put one in me, it's over. I'm off and running. If not that day, soon. Cunning, baffling, powerful. I have to live a solution that is one day at a time. Some days are bitches. Some are great. But they can level out into far happier lives than we could ever imagine if we work towards looking to what we can pack into the stream of life rather than what we can try and get out of it.

love and peace to all,
hang in there guys,
Ain't it fun being an addict? Like we take something looking for the "solution". And at first it seems like it is. Then after a while it doesn't do the job and we're just taking it just to not be sick. What fun is that? So we want out. We quit. We suffer. Then something happens and we think, well, we made it, let's do it just this once.. And the cycle continues on. In my case, for almost a decade (not just kratom) :( No clue how I've made it this far in life being addicted. It's just not an option anymore. I am fully ready to handle all of the hell that comes.

I am back going to counseling, and that is helping. I am also doing a regular exercise program. Walking and yoga. When I get stronger I am going to get back into weights. Taking loads of vitamins and water.

Yesterday I was walking around my hood and was listening to some music and I felt alive. I felt the words of the song in the very being of my soul and felt something come alive in me again. It made me smile.

Oh yeah, I've been going nuts with the "handling my business" stuff. Lots of blazing hot showers. Etc.

Last night I took: calcium, ashwagandha, benadryl, 1 1/2 .25 xanax, this deep sleep stuff (it's like poppy, valerian root, passionflower, chamomile, lemon balm and so on). With all of that, I went to bed a little after 1 then woke at 5:30 am sweating and having INSANE stomach cramps. Frustrating. I'm going to try the loperamide thing. I wasn't taking it since I'm not having major stomach issues, but well, f that. I hate these chills and sweats.

But I'm staying strong. I can do it. Just like you can. We rock!!!
Awesome Scream. Weird. I too I am going back to counseling, besides doing whatever my sponsor says. Just after I typed that last post, lo those 75 minutes ago, I wanted kratom. Badly. And I was about 1 minute away from just getting in the car and driving to the little shop in my city that has it. Then. I just thought: something else. Anything else. I remembered I thought I still had the "Insanity" workouts on my computer from a year or two ago. I did.

I made it through the first 15 minutes of the 40 minute workout and then did the cool down stretches. I took a shower. I just had a protein shake and now I'm sitting here still recovering. That kicked my ass. But that spring in my gut is gone for now. I feel no need to go get kratom. I feel better. I feel alive. Alive and with a kicked ass! But it's a good kind of kicked ass. Endorphins are starting to flow.

At one point, when I wasn't smoking cigs but was using poppy pods AND drinking, I got to where I could do the 60 minute workouts all the way through. Don't know how I did that while pouring all that shit in my body every night. It feels better to do it sober. Even though I am pretty out of shape now, I bet I can get in shape faster since I am minus the insane amounts of poison I was putting in my body when I did the workouts before.

But I am not going to get into the future. It hasn't happened. It's always only an idea. And all I have is right now. That's all I ever have. And earlier, my right now was go get kratom or do SOMETHING else. I did something else, thank God.

WE can all do it! We all rock! All 7 billion of us :)
Podsnomo, Thattaboy! I'm proud of you. So glad you didn't cave. I took 6 mgs of the lope and the chills/sweats have calmed down quite a bit. I am only going to take it every other day (have heard it can be addictive). I still have the watery eyes/sneezing/utter exhaustion crap going on, but it's not too terrible. I cleaned for a while today but my hip started hurting, so I stopped, and here I am.

Oh, and can't forget music. I personally am an underground hip hop head, but for some reason while withdrawaling (sp?) I only want to jam out to rock music. 70s/80s/90s stuff.

And you're right- all we can worry about is today. Don't worry about being out of shape, etc. It's just external. It is important to get some form of exercise, but it's not about how you look. The most important thing is your brain, which needs to heal, just like mine. One day at a time my friend :) I'm gonna go order a pizza and watch a funny movie. Carbs, yay! lol
Well, goddammit, I did cave. Later that day. Yesterday! I got 15 grams and took it in 2 doses about 6 hours apart. But no more today, and no more hopefully ever.

I'm far enough past most of the WDs that my little slip just got my achy legs going again today. No big. I can deal. Been sober all day, having some sleepy tea now and am about to go to bed sober ONE MORE DAY. One day at a time. It sucks I slipped, but I can't beat myself up about it. On the other hand, I can't accept it either. It's not OK with me. If I let myself think it's OK then it'll be slip slip slip and back into regualr using and then feeling like I can just drink cuz aww fukkit. Not going back there!

But I know where that road leads. And I don't know where the road in sobriety leads. And that can actually be scary. Just gotta remember that the sober life is going to be better. Already is. But I've seen so many utterly transformed people in recovery, people who came from sleeping in dumpsters to having those light beams coming out of their eyes :lit up with life and spirituality and compassion and love for their fellow men and women. I want that.

Keep on keepin on. Hope that pizza treated you right!

Hey followme, where you at yo?
You OK?

Peace and love to all,
pods no more
Hey NoMo, I'm sorry to hear that, but at least you admit it and are not afraid to try, try again. You can do it. Really, you can. I have faith in you. What do you think did it for you?

I read somewhere that it takes the brain 28 days to adjust from a habit (anything). Is that why that rehab movie is called 28 Days?! Anyway.. I want to give it 4 weeks and see if I feel any different.

Me, I'm still holdin' it down. It's been 5-6 days. Still sneezing and sweating which is hella annoying, but it's improving. Also VERY lethargic. Very hard to get up in the AM. Been waking super early, by the time I get back to sleep, alarm is going off, etc. and I end up being late to work :/ I also quit coffee, because anxiety was always a huge issue when I quit, and caffeine makes it worse. I've been eating a lot of snack foods, I am trying to gain weight (weird for a girl, I know). But really, things could be a lot worse. I keep busy. That's all I can do. One day at a time. I feel strong and happy to know that my thoughts are my own, not drug induced. I dig how clear my eyes look. And so on.

I can do this. You can do this. We can do this. I'm done being a slave to a stupid plant. It's time I lived life for me and became the person I was meant to be. Not a fake person who takes drugs to not deal with reality and block out the past and all that stuff. I am ready, I am ...fine.
Well, I am still kratom-free. Day 12 or 13. I am almost halfway to my short-term goal of 28 days.

I'm generally feeling fine, although still having lots of lingering sleep issues. Night before last I got about 4 hours of broken sleep, last night was about 6. So that's not very pleasant while trying to work. Still sneezing a lot and having some stomach issues. But only took loperamide for 2 days.

I was doing laundry the other day and found 3 kratom capsules in my pocket. At first I kept them, in case of "emergency". But I ended up flushing them down the toilet. Amazing.

I broke up with my ex weeks ago and he wasn't leaving me alone, stalking me etc. until I threatened a restraining order. Work is very annoying and stressful, looking for a new job. Start school again in a couple days. Major $ issues, filing bankruptcy, dealing with painful medical issues, etc. But I refuse to give up. Life will always be stressful. So where's everybody at? lol
Hi all, just wanted to say I've made it 28 days Kratom-free. It hasn't been easy, but it can be done. Feel free to PM me if you'd like any suggestions or even just to vent or whatever.
I go through 4 ounces one week a month. By the end of the week my tolerance is pretty high to the stuff and I'm starting to get cravings. Some people on some sites suggest kratom has no addiction potential at all. Which is bullshit because Diet Coke has addiction potential and kratom is definitely more mind-altering. My heart goes out to you guys as I'm no stranger to addiction. Hopefully kratom will be one of those things I don't get addicted to. I'm using it as an alternative to opiates which I can't seem to avoid.
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Hi everyone. Just signed up. I am terribly addicted to kratom and want/need to quit. My story is essentially the same as most here. I've been taking it for 5 yrs. I don't know how many grams because my brain is so cloudy I can't seem to figure it out. If someone could help I'd be so grateful. I am taking Green Malay powdered leaf from a trusted big supplier. At my worst I toss & wash two very level TSP's. every 2 hrs. during waking hours. The TSP's are regular cooking TSP's. The powder is regular fine, not very fine.
Anyway I have tried unsuccessfully to quit 3 times. The last time I confessed to my psychiatrist. She admitted me for a 3 day detox. I was fine in the hospital as they were giving me clonidine, ultram, depakote, and my usual klonapin, and cymbalta. The physical withdrawals were barely noticeable. Of course lying in a hospital bed with nurses taking care and checking my bp made me feel relaxed and not worried. Oh, also for rls. they gave me requip. So all was fine. Until I got home. The depression that followed was the darkest, blackest, saddest, most unbearable feeling. Crying, anger, anxiety, a feeling of doom, despair etc. I went back to my doctor, she tried giving me all sorts of different anti-depressants to no avail. Needless to say, I placed another order, and all was well again. I didn't tell her. I couldn't admit I failed.
I am just worried sick. I did manage to keep my dose down to 8 level TSP's spread out until bed. With this dose I wake up with rls about 4:00AM. I take one half TSP, to get back to sleep. God, I need help. My story of why I started it in the pretty similar to most peoples. Fell and cracked my tail-bone. The pain was terrible. Was prescribed vicadan for a couple weeks. Found kratom while surfing the computer for pain alternatives. Bingo. Kratom. At first, just like everyone else says, it was great, more energy, happier, more social, etc. etc. All good. Then slowly but surely the stuff turns on you and you are NO longer in control of it. IT controls you. I can't get out of bed until I do my two TSP's. And now days even that's not getting me up. Usually I finally get up after my second dose. This sucks, it's taken my soul. A girlfriend of mine told me I have become a shell of my former self. I got mad at her. But it is true. I do the bare minimum around the house now. I stay on the computer almost all day. I get 0 euphoria. I just need it to function now. I know I am all over the map here. My brain fog is so bad. I'm afraid I may have permanently damaged my brain. I use to work and run my own business. My husband took over and I stay home. He also dabbles in it but is nowhere near where I am. He only uses two TSP's ONCE a day, after work only. He likes to have two or 3 beers.
I know this is a lot to read at once. I'll stop now, only to add I've been reading all of your stories and decided to try the stem and vein taper. Since yesterday I have only done S&V whenever I started feeling bad, which is approx every two hrs.
It is 3:30 here now and I am having a reeeaaaalllly hard time not doing a real dose. So far I've resisted. I also bought some Anxiety free pills from health food store. i cannot get phenibut anywhere around here and honestly after reading a few stories about people getting stuck on it, it kind of scares me.
Can anyone help keep me on track here? I'm sooo afraid of the deep dark depression. I have so many meds. here from my doc. None of them worked. Like seroquel, etc.
Can someone maybe tell me about how many grams I am taking? Thanks in advance for any help.
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The last 6 months have been by far the most productive of my life. Great grades in school (3.75 GPA) full time, full time job, working out everyday, reading a lot, writing a lot of music and living with my girlfriend. All thanks to Kratom, no other drugs were really used or needed. Kratom increases my motivation, helps with depression/anxiety, and helps me focus/ retain information. However, bank account is running thin and I'm outa school and lost my job so I didn't have the excuse to continue taking it. It was hard to quit, took a lot out of me. Despite what people say, when you use Kratom daily for a long time, the withdrawals are painful. Went through a lot of Ambien to sleep the first few days off and a bunch of Loperamide for my stomach and then had to sit through days 3-5 without anything to help. Finally got my Ambien prescription refilled but I'm taking too much of those 4/ day to sleep though night. I'm on day 8, Need some help. My stomach is well enough to eat but the depression/anxiety is killing me. Never had any problems with the drug until I got off of it. I know it just takes time but I want some relief now and something to help get my motivated to get out of bed. It feels like the Ambien is counterproductive but it's the only think that helps with the anxiety. Trying to get used to not having my super powers, feel like I've been crippled.

I am new here,and just starting my 3rd try quitting. For me the deep dark depression is the hardest part.
Hey Notgivinup, This is my first post on this site. Just wanted to let you know I feel your pain. I have been free of kratom for over two years. I quit ct 8/2/2011 from taking over a pound a month, capsule form Thai Kratom. I would wake first thing and swallow 12-14 large capsules and continue that throughout the day. My story is like most on here, had appendectomy with rupture was on a lot of pain pills, thought I was addicted so I searched internet and found kratom. Did a brief search online and it was compared to coffee and said to be non addictive for the most part. So I was off and running, this tree was magic in the beginning, helped with work, social life, etc. But then as all drugs do, it turns on you. I have never been physically addicted to anything and this was a big wake up. I knew I was in deep when I would wake up middle of the night with RLS and have to swallow 5-6 pills to make it to the morning. You can quit this stuff but you have to have a plan. Taper is good. I did hypnotherapy on day 15 off because I felt I couldnʻt hang anymore, that helped. I also worked with rehab doctor that prescribed me all the stuff you took in hospital but she also gave me subutex. I was wasted the first 12 days off, they were painless for me but I had my whole family scared. Then on day 14 when all the detox drugs were done and I was on nothing my world fell apart. It took me a long time to heal, I couldnʻt eat, sleep had extreme anxiety and depression. I never thought I would get better but you do. You have to be ready to fight. All the advice on this thread is excellent. Exercise is key. Church was big for me, I would go with my family and be sitting there ready to cry the whole time, for me this was my higher power reaching out to me helping me heal. It took me about 2 months to get an appetite and finally sleep 6 hours. I never thought I would have to force each bite down like a shot of tequilla. This stuff is no joke. I work as a firefighter and always felt I was strong, nerves of steal type of person and this brought me to my knees. So your pain is real. I understand you and everyone else on here completely. The key is it can be done. My consumption was heavy and I went CT which is not the way to go. Continue your taper and be thankful your not in nearly as deep as I was. Your taking action now and its not going to be easy but you will come out a much stronger and wiser person.

I recently had a lower back injury and have been on narcotic pain meds for 2 months. I will be stopping completely tomorrow. I actually ordered kratom with some severly sick thinking. I was going to use it to get off the pain meds. I had my wife ship it back to vendor this morning. I need to begin another fight tomorrow as well but not going down the same road I went 2 years ago. Thankfully I stumbled upon this site and was able to read all the posts which have brought my feet back on the ground and cleared my sick thinking.

Thank you for reading this long post and let me know if you need anything!
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Yes! Please any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm having a very difficult time. I've been reading for days. This stuff has got a hold of my soul. There are so many different ideas,some involve getting tramadol. I'd have to ask my doctor and i highly doubt I'd get any. Others say taper. Some use kava, lope, even heard of using adderall for the PAWS. I need a solid plan. Right now i am all over the map. I need help. Thank you.
You have to decide what method would work for you. I do not recommend Tramadol because thats a type of narcotic painkiller that has pretty nasty withdrawals from what I have heard and you donʻt want to replace one addiction for another. I would also stick to your same strain and dose method. Kratom hits many receptors in your brain and the different strains can affect those receptors differently which could cause withdrawal even at your regular amount. Your two options are to taper or go CT.

If you taper you need to stabilize yourself and be prepared for a long drawn out, strict regiment. This should allow you to function but is still going to be painful. You will no longer get buzzed from it but rather dose to keep the withdrawals from debilatating you. This will mean you need to increase you current dose to close to what you were doing until you feel better. Then what others have done is measure with a scale how much they are taking. From there you have to be very strict and slowy drop your intake say every week. Each time you drop your going to be uncomfortable for the first few days but then you stabilize and hold. Then you drop your intake again and repeat until your down to a point where you can jump off for good. Just keep in mind this could take months and you still never feel 100%. The amounts and drops are going to have to be strictly regulated for this to work. Some people just do not have the willpower or desire to do this method. Once you drop you cannot go back or it will never work.

The CT method is tough but shortens this whole process to get you completely free. Your going to need time off work and a break from life and responsibilites in general. I would recommend finding a doctor that specializes or works at a rehab and is willing to presribe you meds for an outpatient recovery. Your going to need all the meds you had in the hospital for at least two weeks. Your going to start heavy doses of these meds and then taper them quickly so at the end of two weeks your off of everything. Once you start the meds your done with kratom for good. You need a good doctor that specializes in opiod withdrawal. Be prepared for at least two weeks of all the stuff your going through now after the two weeks on detox meds. This is the rough part and you need to reach out to NA meetings, have family support, talk to a therapist, possibly go to a hypnotherapist. Be prepared for anxiety/depression/isomnia/the inability to eat/etc. but keep in mind your on your way to comlplete recovery and freedom. Each day gets a little better and you will be stronger. For me it took about two months to get to 80% back to myself. Keep in mind I believe I was taking more than you and everybody is different. The sooner you start to excercise, eat healthy, get busy, and most importantly get your life back the sooner this portion of the withdrawal ends which is called PAWS.

I hope this helps and it is only my suggestions. I am not a doctor but sometimes those of us that have been there know best!
You have to decide what method would work for you. I do not recommend Tramadol because thats a type of narcotic painkiller that has pretty nasty withdrawals from what I have heard and you donʻt want to replace one addiction for another. I would also stick to your same strain and dose method. Kratom hits many receptors in your brain and the different strains can affect those receptors differently which could cause withdrawal even at your regular amount. Your two options are to taper or go CT.

If you taper you need to stabilize yourself and be prepared for a long drawn out, strict regiment. This should allow you to function but is still going to be painful. You will no longer get buzzed from it but rather dose to keep the withdrawals from debilatating you. This will mean you need to increase you current dose to close to what you were doing until you feel better. Then what others have done is measure with a scale how much they are taking. From there you have to be very strict and slowy drop your intake say every week. Each time you drop your going to be uncomfortable for the first few days but then you stabilize and hold. Then you drop your intake again and repeat until your down to a point where you can jump off for good. Just keep in mind this could take months and you still never feel 100%. The amounts and drops are going to have to be strictly regulated for this to work. Some people just do not have the willpower or desire to do this method. Once you drop you cannot go back or it will never work.

The CT method is tough but shortens this whole process to get you completely free. Your going to need time off work and a break from life and responsibilites in general. I would recommend finding a doctor that specializes or works at a rehab and is willing to presribe you meds for an outpatient recovery. Your going to need all the meds you had in the hospital for at least two weeks. Your going to start heavy doses of these meds and then taper them quickly so at the end of two weeks your off of everything. Once you start the meds your done with kratom for good. You need a good doctor that specializes in opiod withdrawal. Be prepared for at least two weeks of all the stuff your going through now after the two weeks on detox meds. This is the rough part and you need to reach out to NA meetings, have family support, talk to a therapist, possibly go to a hypnotherapist. Be prepared for anxiety/depression/isomnia/the inability to eat/etc. but keep in mind your on your way to comlplete recovery and freedom. Each day gets a little better and you will be stronger. For me it took about two months to get to 80% back to myself. Keep in mind I believe I was taking more than you and everybody is different. The sooner you start to excercise, eat healthy, get busy, and most importantly get your life back the sooner this portion of the withdrawal ends which is called PAWS.

I hope this helps and it is only my suggestions. I am not a doctor but sometimes those of us that have been there know best!

Thank you so much for your reply. I am having a very, very, very hard time with this shit. It is the depression and anxiety! I need to take care of my little boy. He is only 8 and needs his mommy still. I love him more than life itself and yet I cannot get a grip on this withdrawal. I've always had anx and depression. I've been on cymbalta and klonapin for about as long as I've been on K.
I don't know what I'm going to do and this brain fog sucks too. Gotta go pick up my son from school. I'll write more later. Hope you are still with me on here. I need someone to talk to. I've also been posting on the other K withdrawal thread. I am needing as much help as I can get. Thanks for being here.