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Misc krat, amp, GABA use/cessatio in recent past. cognitive deficits, causes? experiences?


May 23, 2013
So I've lately experienced some cognitive problems, nothing major, just ADHD like symptoms, inability to focus on tasks, lack of motivation. These things are a problem for me in my life currently. Please try and guess which drug or lack of drug is my problem. I'm really thinking its the kratom cessation but open to other thoughts.

Here's the drug timeline:

used kratom semi heavily for a year straight, could work and function at a high level cognitively while on kratom, loved it. I recently ceased kratom and switched to subs

used benzos or lyrica and somas other days for about 2 or 3 months straight. Have recently ceased these drugs with no physical WD. These drugs make focus on high level tasks severely impaired while on them, but I definitely feel a slight stimulation now when I take them...I guess thats addiction setting in.

I used amp everyday for 2 weeks straight up till this point. Now I'm not noticing much benefit from it on or off it, but things seem to have become worse latley and its the only thing I've never done for such a constant timeline.

I quit weed totally 1 month ago. but that should only help.

My current plan is toss the amp and switch back to kratom from subs over the weekend and hopefully get my edge back because I'm thinking its due to the kratom cessation

Needless to say its been quite a run of poly drug use lately and no stability. Its been an unusual course when compared to my previous history.
yeah, wow, that's a hell of a list there man - i'm confused just reading it, i can;t imagine how your body is processing it, you're def putting some stress on your system with that poly use. good luck with the swap back to kratom but have you perhaps considered taking a bio-break and maybe just maintaining on one or no drugs for a while, give your system a chance to reboot? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just a thought
Yes, I am going to do what you said. I have quit the GABA drugs totally at this point and today was my first day without the amp. I felt much more sane today so I'm thinking the amp is very much to blame.

I will stick to just the kratom and subs as I need them for pain. It is very hard to stay away from alcohol which I over indulge in at least once or twice a week and feel like I have brain damage the next day.
Personally, I'm not sure any one of these substances can take the sole rap for your symptoms. Sure, if you had been doing them not in conjunction with the others. But I'm thinking it's more of a case of all of them working against you together.

However, just because I don't believe culpability can be assigned solely to a single substance here doesn't mean I don't think certain ones may have contributed to a larger degree than others.

When did you drop the gaba drugs?
And the switch from kratom to bupe occurred when?
What was your purpose for dosing amphetamine? Also, what was your dosing regimen for the amp? (too high or too frequent of dosages can result in defeating the purpose of using them in a functional capacity, rendering them useless, or even backfiring and intensifying the symptoms being targeted by your use in first place).

May I also ask, why you switched from the kratom to the bupe?

^^I think PA makes some really nice points. It's probably not one specific thing. However, I'm betting the amps are the main culprit. When you say you quit some of these drugs "recently", exactly how long ago do you mean? That would be really helpful to know