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Klonopin to Xanax?


Jun 15, 2006
I'm taking 6 mg of Clonopin that does nothing mood altering. I haven't been on Xanax for a month now.

I still have two refills on the Xanax but was giving it a break because of the amount I was taking.

Do I have a cross tolerance by using the Klono's?

Would taking 2mg Klono and 4mg Xanax get me some effects from the Xanax. I was taking Xanax like crazy before but went through a nasty withdrawal and they put me on klono's because of it.

Should I stop taking the klono until I feel withdrawal and then start the Xanax.

I guess I want to know how to experience the Xanax again now that I'm on Klono's?
yes you have a cross tolerance, if you stopped feeling effects from either then it's too late and you probably will feel diminished results from all benzos and some other gabaergics no matter how long you wait. Once you fuck up your benzo tolerance it's fucked for good.
Yea I would definitely NOT reccomend taking benzos in the large doses that you are taking them in.

You need to lower your dose of whichever benzo you take to atleast half of what it is now. And yes, benzo's are extremely cross-tolerant.......meaning that if you have a toelrance to klonopin, you have a tolerance to xanax.

Since you say you want to experience the xanax again, I would switch over to ONLY taking the xanax because it has a MUCH shorter half life than klonopin and would be easier to lower your toelrance to.....and then slowly lower your xanax dose until your taking only a couple milligrams a day. Do that for a few weeks, and only then will you be able to take higher doses of xanax, ONLY VERY OCCASIONALY, to get a better "feeling" of the alprazolam.

I dont really know if this answers your question but your question wasnt very clear.
I just want to feel the effects of Xanax again but the use of Klonopin appears to effect that due to 'cross tolerance'
I was prescribed 2 mg Xanax 4x's a day. I could take 12 a day and have no effect. They put me on 2 mg klonopin 4x's a day to try and switch it up. Same thing...but, like Bupe said, once that benzo tolerance has reached it's max...there is noting you can do. I take it for anxiety...and I'm still very anxious. The only reason I take them now is so I don't w/d.
Yea I would definitely NOT reccomend taking benzos in the large doses that you are taking them in.

I have a few questions. Are you a doctor? If so, are you his doctor? Do you know the OP personally? Do you know how the OP's brain reacts to benzos? Do you realize that people develop a tolerance to benzos? I'm not trying to be a dick, but I am someone who needs benzos to function, to get up every morning and to fall asleep every night. Who are you to say he is taking too much Xanax if he needs that much?
I was prescribed 2 mg Xanax 4x's a day. I could take 12 a day and have no effect. They put me on 2 mg klonopin 4x's a day to try and switch it up. Same thing...but, like Bupe said, once that benzo tolerance has reached it's max...there is noting you can do. I take it for anxiety...and I'm still very anxious. The only reason I take them now is so I don't w/d.

You can lower your tolerance to benzos once you have developed a really huge one. Ive done it several times. All it takes is lowering your dose slowly, and staying at a low dose(or no dose) for a while, and then starting to take higher doses again to get "high" or whatever feeling you were looking for. Its not that complicated....and benzo tolerance is definitely NOT lifelong...

...I use to be able to take 20 mg's of klonopin and barely feel anything.....now im only tkaing 2 mg's of klonopin a day and it works great at keeping me relaxed and if I decide to take like 6 mg's at once, it will get me REALLY high.