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Klonopin and Effexor??


Feb 18, 2009
Alright so, I'm back on Klonopin, but I heard from a friend that if I mix it up with Effexor it should balance it so I still get the effects of Kolonpin, but the Effexor keeps me talking and not as "tired' so people will barely notice.
Has anyone else heard this? I'm interested in trying it out.
From my personal experience with effexor, whatever "stimulating" properties it may have are not worth the side-effects and addiction. Withdrawl from Effexor was nightmarish.

Anyways, the clonazepam will completely nullify any stimulation you recieve from the effexor.
What's the klonipin for? Anxiety I assume? If so, then an SSRI with stimulant properties is entirely counter-productive. What next, a couple beers with the SSRI to even you out more? Then maybe a couple OxyContins to help you sleep thru the night... etc etc
You see where this is going obviously

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Okay, i've been 2 days on Effexor 37.5mg XR and I feel like at the end of an LSD trip when you want it to end, you know, no more real hallucinations and eling crappy but stimulated and sometimes a headache.

Oh PS : I'm on 3mg clonazepam a day.
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just want to add my 2 cents about effexor. I was in a rehab for to get off oxy cold turkey and was put on effexor after i got out. It made me feel weird so after a 3 weeks i stop taking it. The withdrawal from it was honestly way worse then any opiate withdrawal i have ever had, it was TERRIBLE. Opiate withdrawl made me feel really sick but going off effexor made just about every thing in my body feel in some way like it was irreparably damaged. Use caution with this drug
I'm currently taking 75mg of venlafaxine and have been for 8 months, you people are worrying me about w/ds now