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Kratom KING Kratom: What have I gotten myself into!?


May 31, 2021
I just dropped a little over $(censored) for 4 oz of Kratom powder. Not just any powder though. According to the proprietor I trust it's a big seller. Meet the king:

Now Bow Down... jus kidding.

However I plunked down money with high expectations, of expecting to get high.

And why wouldn't I?

With the claim of containing 25mg mitragynine per 500mg that's scary strong. A 5:1 concentration. But as with so much in the Kratom world it's always a roll of the dice. And so far I give it a provisional (n)

It's a very pale powder that immediately turns resinous in contact with water or saliva or some sort of beverage (though maybe I'm just not doing it the right way which is hot beverage!)

This is obviously processed, as it states it is not simple leaf powder but concentrate, but I would guess the process uses heat and water which is either boiled or evaporated or both before the entire slurry is dehydrated probably by freeze drying. Shit is funky, so much so that it turns to Hash balls in your mouth that impart such a strong Kratom flavor the first time I did it I smiled inwardly and waited for the flood of... Not a whole lot.

I had carefully measured it out to be one slightly rounded teaspoon. Easily 6 grams. It was underwhelming

Second time I took a little bit more and immediately felt badly in my stomach because I had eaten an hour before. I even felt nauseous for a few minutes but it passed.

I'm still holding out hope, somewhat diminished, and wondering... Did I swallow a Whopper?
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Ouch man. Yeah I do not trustany kratom "extracts". It's not a simple extraction process that's why you don't really see many of them.

I imagine what you have is some crude extract that actually ruined the kratom by stripping out a bunch of the good alkaloids

Mitragynine is just one of dozens of alkaloids that get you high. Personally I'd imagine pure mitragynine to be quite boring.

Back in the day I used to get legit kratom extract called UEI (ultra enhanced info) l which was super legit. Eating 250mg of this powder would have you nodding hard.

It was extremely expensive though and not worth the price. Also just FYI I would not trust most of these sites selling "UEI", lots of fakes
Ouch man. Yeah I do not trustany kratom "extracts". It's not a simple extraction process that's why you don't really see many of them.

I imagine what you have is some crude extract that actually ruined the kratom by stripping out a bunch of the good alkaloids

Mitragynine is just one of dozens of alkaloids that get you high. Personally I'd imagine pure mitragynine to be quite boring.

Back in the day I used to get legit kratom extract called UEI (ultra enhanced info) l which was super legit. Eating 250mg of this powder would have you nodding hard.

It was extremely expensive though and not worth the price. Also just FYI I would not trust most of these sites selling "UEI", lots of fakes
@Snafu of the Forest I wish I could take you and @negrogesic both with me when I go to the 'bacco store... imagine them seeing the three of us walking in oh, a little like in those old Wild West movies the teenys buying their vape juice would swallow hard and look terrified, before a quick motion with my hand sent them fleeing out the door. And then the proprietor sizing up the situation would slowly lower his shotgun and take a long deep breath. "how can I help you fellers? How about OPMS shots on the house?"

Make them doubles