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"kids rolling"

awesome thread!
As to what cobz said about parents realizing drug use and sex are reality(I didn't quote that). My mother has strongly influenced me into her view about drugs and me. By the way, we're very open about drugs and my past useage.
It's like this: my mother did her absolute best to raise me in the 'right direction'. I didn't use drugs until I was 18, she feels comforted that while I was living at home, her influence meant something to me. But, it saddens her to see hers kids(my brother and I) struggle w/drugs after being successful for 18 years and setting a false impression that she succeeded. Now she tells me she feels she has failed. She can't comprehend why anybody would start so late. I feel her sorrow, in a way, and it has impacted me emotionally recently.
This is going to all change very soon. The newer parents of today are likely to be involved in drugs more than ever, and the understanding and perception will widen, so will the government, IMHO.
Yeah, starting age should be 17/18 at least, as stated above, after being more mentally shaped than, say, a 14-15 year old...
Keep the discussion going, I like this.
[ 01 June 2002: Message edited by: Dr_Rolls_MD[MA] ]
Originally posted by xbeenfeen:
i'm a 20 yr kid that does drugs and i know for damn sure that drugs are nothing but trouble.... I havn't gained shit... maybe my first E experienced helped me with being a little more open and nicer.... thats it!!! one experience... Not the handful of acid trips that screw your brain...or the speed binges that only last so long... sorry i just belive parents should not! by any means let their kids do drugs
Ok, I agree that drugs can lead to a very bumpy, bad, deadly path. All I am trying to say is this. Kids and ecstasy is not cool or ok w/o proper supervision. If a parent wants his or her child to be open with them about drugs then what better way to discuss it than to talk about drugs and maturity? I agree with you that some drugs i.e: acid, shrooms, ghb, etc. are not very meaningful in purpose. However a drug such as MDMA may somehow pose a purpose in alieviating some tension or hardships between a mature young person and his/her parents. Peace ;)
well... how old is old enough?
my kids (both in high school) have a few friends who are rolling (& one who is selling X tabs)...
i told them to check out bluelight.ru for suggestions on "how to" safely... ("the last tab had a lot of mescaline in it" --- ummm, mebbe MDA, kiddo, but i doubt mesc, ok?)(this from a girl "almost 16" - oy veh...)
as far i know, my kids aren't rolling or tripping (yet) but they do toke & do drink... and i wish i could get them to ummmm, what, get educated a bit before they get way into the scene (or better yet, wait until they are 18 or 21 or 25 or something, but... (and i try to get them to read weil & rosen: _from chocolate to morphine_ for at least a quick overview on mind-altering drugs... but getting some kids to read is like getting a mule to go up a ladder ...)
and i do suggest to them that they don't have to have tried everything by the time they get outa high school, ok?
so --- how old is old enough??? & how young is too dam' young???
id go with 18, but id actually encourage my kids to trip rather than roll, lol.
^^Encouraging KIDS to trip n roll? WTF?
The only thing I have to add to this thread is making *gnr* aware that my parents were just like him when I was growing up. Very open to and liberal about drug use. I cannot understand why almost everyone in here has praised his duties asa father. PLEASE dont git me wrong im NOT implying that *gnr* isa bad daddy. Its just that judging from personal experience being so liberal
and unnerstanding *which my parents were* is not necessarily the best road to be taking. I posted something bout this not to long ago and I had mentioned that because my parents were so open it honestly made me feel more comfy with using. And
cuz I was so comfy I found myself becoming more and more outa control with my drug use. Iunno' jusa word of warning..
As for a good age? Thats hard to say. Eighteen IMO opinion would be best. But yoo do realize that yoo probably cant MAKE them wait till a certain age yunno'? Unfortunately if your kids feel that they are ready to do it, they will. Reguardless *shrugs*
i was 15 when i started rolling, but now i wish i never tried e that time...i shoul'v waited untill i get my life straight without thinking about drugs all the time, and then do drugs ocasionally after work for example :)
I saw a program on tv a couple nights ago that kinda makes some sense. It was regarding chemical drugs and the brain. Some Doctor dealing with brains and how they work was saying something along the lines of 'the older your are when you take those drugs the better.' Older meaning about 20 - 21ish because your brain is still maturing and developing around the ages of 18 and 19 and maybe a bit later. He was just saying to let your brain develop first because it would kinda hult the developing.
So I guess it makes some sense.
I think there's some evidence that changes continue to take place in people's brains until around the age of 24 - obviously this is different in individuals but on average. Of course, most people won't wait that long - but yes, the later the better.
grnm23 - you're one cool dad. Those of you who think he's not going down the right path are being ignorant about human behaviour. Like governments who try and tell people to "just say no" only to find the drug war is over (the drugs won), parents who preach no as gospel will either end up with kids who do not know when to ask questions, or kids who rebel. Not a good result either way. Being informed oneself, and letting kids be similarly informed and participating in the decision making (when they're mature enough of course) in anything, not just drugs, usually works well.
[ 15 June 2002: Message edited by: DoctorAl ]
not tryin to be cool.... hoping to minimize harm... wish i could convince kids to do at least some research before doing anything druggish... online info at sites like this one (& erowid & lycaeum & thirdplateau &c...) & even the public library (some of the books are actually useful, & not just shrill scare stories --- like psychedelics encyclopedia, from chocolate to morphine, psychedelics reconsidered, the complete book of ecstacy, pharmacotheon, the golden guide to hallucinogenic plants, etc...)
last saturday (a week ago) somebody called the cops for loudness of music in garage... somehow kids managed to have bottle of booze, bongs & pipes & ganga, and only #1 son was 18 (& daughter was at friend's house) so... busted just in time for HS graduation... and hoping that some of us have learned something... learned anything even, hmmmm? (like: not here, not now, not ever again... if you can afford apartment, good luck with risky behavior... wake up and smell the fingerprinting ink... i'll bail yr ass out once, but don't try for twice... (& who will bail me out, hmmm?)... if ya live, ya learn (well, hopefully...)
interesting times...
My only advice would be to forget the books! If your kids like reading books and do so often, then you have a chance at getting them to read some of that stuff. However, if they are anything like me, then they will end up with a pile of books in their room and not get past the first 10 pages of any of them.
Push the internet resources. Don't just tell them to check out Bluelight, sit down with them and SHOW them Bluelight. SHOW them Dancesafe. SHOW them erowid.
On the DXM subject, make sure they stay away from anything with any active ingredients besides DXM! The antihistamine in Coricidan Cough and Cold can be potentially fatal! They need to stick with Robitussin Maximum Strength for cough. MAKE SURE THAT DXM IS THE ONLY ACTIVE INGREDIENT! 3 kids can split 2xfour ounce bottles and get decently fucked up. Delsym is also a good choice, but has twice as much DXM by volume. So 2 people can split a 3 ounce bottle of it.