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"kids rolling"


May 29, 2001
well... how old is old enough?
my kids (both in high school) have a few friends who are rolling (& one who is selling X tabs)...
i told them to check out bluelight.ru for suggestions on "how to" safely... ("the last tab had a lot of mescaline in it" --- ummm, mebbe MDA, kiddo, but i doubt mesc, ok?)(this from a girl "almost 16" - oy veh...)
as far i know, my kids aren't rolling or tripping (yet) but they do toke & do drink... and i wish i could get them to ummmm, what, get educated a bit before they get way into the scene (or better yet, wait until they are 18 or 21 or 25 or something, but... (and i try to get them to read weil & rosen: _from chocolate to morphine_ for at least a quick overview on mind-altering drugs... but getting some kids to read is like getting a mule to go up a ladder ;) ...)
and i do suggest to them that they don't have to have tried everything by the time they get outa high school, ok?
so --- how old is old enough??? & how young is too dam' young???
even though there isn't a set age when people sure take pills mayb it's Recommended in their late teen years...
have them also check out
http://www.dancesafe.org & http://www.erowid.org
and for most they r your kids Looking into get a pill tester and peaking in pillreports won't b a bad idea either
[ 23 May 2002: Message edited by: kasperBoy ]
I'd say it is more a question of maturity than age. If your kids are mature enough to read a lot about the subject and able to make informed decisions, properly gauging the (known) risks and benefits, I'd say they are as ready as one can be.
Just make sure they test any pills and have the ground rules down cold (drinking gatorade, cooling down from time to time,etc.)and they should be ok.
I agree that maturity is definetly a more important than age in this subject, jsut make sure they get all the information you can give them, and thats all you can do. Your just gonna have to let them go eventually, they may need to make their own mistakes :)
[ 23 May 2002: Message edited by: hedtwin ]
well, i'm hoping that megan and ashley (ummm, ok, not their real names...) do take a li'l looksee hereabouts & maybe even click on relevant links...
me, i'm more into bound books (owned by me, or borrowed from the public library) & the occasional relevant photocopy/printout), but i must admit it is easier (for me) to hand out a web addy to a youngster than an autographed book by tim leary or jonathan ott, ya know what i'm saying ?
anyways, wish me & the youth cadre good luck...
Maturity being the biggest factor in how badly they screw up their bodies, the 2nd (or near 2nd at least) is still age. If the body is still growing, and you mess with its development, then it doesn't help in any way shape or form. Waiting until 20 or so when the body is done well over %90 of its development would be my suggestion.
My $.02...
First of all, I would like to applaude you for being an understanding and reasonable mother. A lot of kids these days have to endure over-protective parents who isolate their children from the rest of society. It's the kids who belong to these kind of parents that "explode" at the age of 18 and end up either in jail, or overdosing on some kind of substance. It's nice to see parents out there who are trying to WORK with their children, instead of preasuring them to "do the right thing."
I do agree with previous replys regarding maturity. Maturity is a big factor when considering ANY type of drug. Drugs can be a learning experience (I hope you understand this) so long as you don't allow them to get involved in Meth or Opiates (particularly Herion). If you're kids are mature enough to understand the power of addiction, and the consequences it may bring....I think they should be ready to drop X. Before they do, however, they need to know the precautions to take prior to dropping any pills.....such as drinking liquids, taking breaks, testing their pills, not taking too many and most of all....not doing X too often.
X can be a wonderful experience so long as you do not abuse it. I'd say once every few months is the best way to go. Some here on bluelight would disagree with me....but I'm just giving you my personal opinion that originated from my personal experience.
Be sure to keep an open mind when (and if) your kids confess to you that they are doing X.....Be understanding and ask them lots of questions...(that is what kids need)...and if you ever suspect they are getting too involved in the Ecstacy Scene...please let them know, in an understanding and maternal way....So long as you are an understanding and empathaic mother, you're kids will let you know about anything....
Good luck to you and your children... =)
Peace Out
I really like this thread, kudos to everyone.
I don't have much to add except to reiterate that testing the pills is vital - hell, buy them a test kit for an early Christmas present or something (I presume you've got a credit card and they don't).
Try and point 'em in the direction of erowid, or bluelight. Hopefully they'd trust us, being their peer group, (more or less - I'm an old man of 29). If they've got any questions, someone here can answer them - we aren't DARE, but we won't hide the potential dangers, either.
As for age - I'd go with 17/18 as a minimum - I don't have any hard scientific data to back that up - but it's partly a matter of emotional maturity, and partly physical (see Cobz's post). Another important point is that E can mess with your short-term memory (and long-term if you do enough of it) - so I'd advise against doing too much of it (if any) while they were still at school.
Good luck to you all ;)
first-off, MAJOR credits to you for being such a down-to-earth mother... i know my parents weren't and that didnt stop me from experimenting... then using... and now abusing... so congrats on that :)
second, being down to earth IMO doesnt have to imply being permissive... TRY TRY TRY to keep them away from chemicals (ESPECIALLY X... LSD isnt as bad) until they're at last 18... time by which your body has practically fully developed & physical damage will not incur with development as such... i know for a fact smoking at a young age is particularly bad for the development of your likes (i can tell you something about that every time i pouff and pant after a flight of stairs), i cant imagine X being particularly helpful either...
...in general, thoguh maturity is the major factor, maturity alone wont prevent physical damage, it wont ensure your kids know what they're taking (even if they buy a testing kit online) so i cannot stress enough on the 'waiting' side...
best of all though is having a straight, up-front relationship with your kids, so you can follow their use closely so youll know when they cross the line with abuse...
Best of luck to you :)
I believe our friend gnrm23 is a Father! He is also a very knowledgable and honored member of the shroomery.
Well, then, congrats on being such a cool dad.
Maybe rolling with them for their first time, as someone suggested here, would be a great, magic experience for them and for you...I know the first time I rolled I would have loved to have people I truly loved around...It would've been REALLY special.
ya, gnrmi is a dad & not a mom...
(ummmm, the shroomery --- darn, i had my rating level down to a 1 star and now it's back up to 2... i try to be as cantankerous as i can be, hehheh...)
as to dosing or rolling with 'em... well, they are still trying to learn how to party down with their friends (and believe you me, sometimes even i think it's a bit outa control around here) --- (and let's hope the mom entity doesn't get a serious clue as to how nutsie these kids can be at times) ...so if'n they cannot "secure the perimeter" for a tokin' or tipplin' party, i'll be damned if i will authorize a being electric party... now, if they are pulling a 3.5 GPA in college, or have employment that is secure and rewarding (in other words, if they are displaying some sort of worldly indication of responsibility), well we might see... but i have told them that i need some kind of serious cooperation in exchange for liberal quantities of slack (praise bob!!!)(and by then, well, they'd prolly be young adults, right?)
anyways, a couple of their friends have opened up a bit to me about using, and i did my best to tell 'em about moderation, set & setting, responsible using (vs. "abuse") and looking out for your mates and your self...
megan: got any techno CDs ?
gnrmi: ummm, no, but there's some grateful dead...
now, if i could just get ALL the kids to READ: PIHKAL, TIHKAL, pharacotheon, pharmacopoeia, island, be here now, joyous cosmology, center of the cyclone, psychedelics reconsidered, the complete book of ecstasy, electric koolaid acid test, the book (on the taboo against knowing who you are), mind games... some grof, some leary, some metzner, some jung, some campbell, some r a wilson... you get the idea... well, by then they might have some sort of intellectual preperation for at least a bit of the wierd stuff they might encounter... then again, maybe not... but if i knew then what i know now, i mighta made a few different decisions back in the day... maybe...
well, i do want them to be cautious voyagers, i want them to live through these tumultuous times, and i don't want any of us doing 5 to 10 at the state pen... (can you say "property forfieture"? i knew you could...) & i would love to see my kids get a BA or BS degree in 4 years (or at least far less than the 20 years it took me ;) ...)
ancient chinese curse:
"may you live in interesting times"
ayep, int'restin' ...
slack (praise bob!!!) :)
A few things to suggest that I don't believe have been mentioned yet...
In light of your preference for print(able) information, you might check out E-verything you ever wanted to know, the ecstasy FAQ over in our Drug FAQs section.
When/if you find that your kids are experimenting with ecstasy, I'd wager they'll be more likely to use some pre/post-loading methods if the necessary stuff happens to already be around the house, rather than them having to go out and spend money on it themselves. Information about that can be found in the FAQ mentioned above.
I'll say one more time -- kudos for your attitude :)
- aby
Originally posted by cali_qt_boi:
First of all, I would like to applaude you for being an understanding and reasonable mother. A lot of kids these days have to endure over-protective parents who isolate their children from the rest of society. It's the kids who belong to these kind of parents that "explode" at the age of 18 and end up either in jail, or overdosing on some kind of substance.
I agree with that totally. My parents were quite over protective and were so 'anti-drugs'. They always told me how bad these things were and that i should never ever touch any drug because they are so bad for you, and all drug use leads to early death and shit like that. They are basically mis-informed and just read whats in the tabloids.
Very soon after I left my parents house and moved to uni, I started using drugs, and went through a period of several months where I abused pills heavily. Had my parents been more understanding and less over-protective and totally 'anti-drugs' I may not have done that!!
So, congrats to gnrm23 for being an understanding parent. I'm sure your kids will thank you a few years down the line.....
sheesh... this last weekend, i dunno... i "confiscated" 4 boxes of coricidin "flu" (antihistamine & acetaminophen) before they could get gobbled up by OTC heads... but 3 youth arrived to hang with my kids after eating way too many "cough & cold" coricidins (DXM & antihistamine) --->(well that's what the empty box i found in the bushes said :( ...) and i had some seriously fukt up teens spend the night... had 'em try to look at the third plateau website, but when they saw the front page ("6 deaths linked to coricidin"), well they weren't too happy...
lemme tell you i wasn't too happy either... one, for poppin a buncha pills before coming to (or at?) my house; and two, for doing it with the "wrong" pills... (i assume they were looking for a dxm high, and not an antihistamine high... but mixing the two is just plain shtoopid...)
and the next day we had a talk... and i sincerely hope this never happens here again...
("i've still got some mad i haven't used up yet!")
That's a tough line to balance on. When to be their friend by being a friend, and when to be their friend by being a parent.
Simply put : From my experience with drugs I can tell you that drugs are a bad 'scene' to get in depth with. I think if kids are given the chance to make a choice whether or not to do them is something that would save alot of addicts, deaths, and problems drugs seem to induce. If you drill a child to not do something then 9 times out of 10 the child will do it either harder or worse than what you said not to (generally) I can say from experience that keeping someone or something sheltered too much is something that in the long run can do more harm than good. My personal suggestion is to sit down, discuss it with them, and most importantly don't take the authoritarian view of "you can't do it" to them. Just allow them to be open with you about it and then make a mature decision on whether or not you will support them experiementing a little. However as the parent you are responsible for the actions you allow, so as the parent, make a mature decision that will benefit, not deduct purpose. :) Peace ;)
^^^^ wow i could not disagree more... Dude your numbers are way off... I respect the way you think thats fine but i will show you my view... Discipline(if i can even spell it)ha....is what you need... i've seen so many kids that their parents just don't give a fuck where they are what they are doing. this and that, that fuck their lives up....very seldom do you see the kids that have strict parents and are grounded for breathing wrong fucking up? do you? come on seriously...You can't just let you kids do whatever you want just because they are so called informed.... You can read anything you neeed to know about E, know the drug by heart.. practice and maybe preach moderation then go out 1 !!!!! night and fuck it up... just one... I really think parents should enforce not doin drugs...IT won't make it worse.. NO fucking way.. it will either help or maybe the kid just won't listen so he'll do as he pleases.. It fucking digusts me to see parents that seeee there young kids rolling(like i saw on hbo)14 yr old.. rolling with his dad.. yea maybe it was a good experience but what the fuck....anyway in conclusion i think having an open mind and maybe listening to what your kids have to say and their feel on taking drugs is good. BUt you should still enforce that drugs are bad...... yeah thats right... i'm a 20 yr kid that does drugs and i know for damn sure that drugs are nothing but trouble.... I havn't gained shit... maybe my first E experienced helped me with being a little more open and nicer.... thats it!!! one experience... Not the handful of acid trips that screw your brain...or the speed binges that only last so long... sorry i just belive parents should not! by any means let their kids do drugs
hey everyone, i am 15 year old male, and i have been rolling for about 6 months now. i must agree that maturity is the key to rolling, i have always had older friends, and when they started rolling, i was at first scared, but then eventually came around, after researching the drug for hours and hours on the web (www.erowid.org, www.pillreports.com). prior to ecstacy use i had done some marijuana and amphetamines, but nothing compares to the feelings and emotions from taking ecstacy. my first pill was in a controlled environment, with close friends, and because of my research, i knew exactly what to expect. since then i have done ecstacy probably 15 times, and my life has never been better. i lost a lot of weight, but this was ok cause i was very overweight when i started, my grades in school have risen dramatically and my outlook on life is sensational. im not robbing stores, im not mugging people, i am not addicted. i am simply using a recreational drug on a recreational level. so to the question how young is too young, the answer simply depends on the person. i hope this has helped, cheerz