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Kicking nicotine same as most substances?


Sep 13, 2018
If I wanted to quit smoking cold turkey, is it a matter of waiting until your body is completely rid of nicotine and then waiting a number of days until I no longer crave it?
If I wanted to quit smoking cold turkey, is it a matter of waiting until your body is completely rid of nicotine and then waiting a number of days until I no longer crave it?
Oh no.

You're going to crave that shit for 50 years. It is terrible. It is the only substance on this planet I have not been able to put down. I know many people who make it a month or two and cave.
Nicotine is definitely the hardest substance to quit I'd agree.

The only time I've successfully made it over 30 days was because of incarceration. I was 12 months nicotine free after getting out of jail.

I made it 19 days one time when I was 18 off of chewing tobacco.

While you are right, after about 72 hours - 7 days, the physical craving of nicotine will mostly subside.

But the angry, agitation, and mental obsession / temptation for nicotine will burn deep. It usually only happens in routine, like with a morning coffee or if someone pisses you off, etc.

That's the big problem for me when I quit nicotine, I miss when I get angry about something being able to just go light up a cigarette and forget about it.

But the big thing about Nicotine addiciton is it is HUGELY mental. If you have strong will power and motivation and set yourself on quitting, it's entirely possible. You just need a VERY strong resolve and be 100% committed. And once you quit, there is NO oh, I'll celebrate with a cigarette tonight, or just smoke one. That shit doesn't fly.

I'd also be ready to quit drinking alcohol entirely, as alcohol and quitting nicotine makes it about 1000% more difficult and less likely.
True. You need to figure out why you do it in the first place. Otherwise your brain will ask why? Then it will answer for you. For a lot of people it seems like it's a ritual they're hooked on, but for other people it's just the chemicals

I don't think most people ever find out why they're hooked. It's probably a complicated issue
People certainly vary. I smoke one butt before work every day. Some days I dont have cigs and I dont go insane. The worst it gets is "ah, a cigarette would be nice".

I have a strong suspicion that nicotine is "easy" for me because I started dope around the same time I started smoking.

Withdrawal from Opioids is hell

Nicotine withdrawal is an aggravation

Just my opinion.
I'm mentally addicted to it, so the simple addiction of being chemically addicted. Like, I tried smoking when I was 19 then I was hooked on cigars, although I didn't use them very often it's always in the back of my mind

Now I use nasal snuff but it's the same idea except there's more appeal for me because I hate the smell of smoke

Still, the first hit of nicotine is forever embedded in my brain
With the invention of e-cigarettes (vaping) I don't think Nicotine is a health hazard anymore, it's the tar in cigarettes that do all the damage not the Nicotine it's self. I'm sure one could vape their whole life and remain healthy! Plus vape oil is as cheap as chips as well.
With the invention of e-cigarettes (vaping) I don't think Nicotine is a health hazard anymore, it's the tar in cigarettes that do all the damage not the Nicotine it's self. I'm sure one could vape their whole life and remain healthy! Plus vape oil is as cheap as chips as well.
That is why I'm never gonna quit Nicotine.
I quit tobacco easily, without withdrawal symptoms 4 years ago. I thought that it was a useless drug, without any pleasant effect and that it did not even help with my anxiety, at the same time I was starting to take benzos with prescription, maybe that had something to do with it.
I quit tobacco easily, without withdrawal symptoms 4 years ago. I thought that it was a useless drug, without any pleasant effect and that it did not even help with my anxiety, at the same time I was starting to take benzos with prescription, maybe that had something to do with it.
people either LOVE tobacco or despise it with all their hearts. There's no inbetween haha