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Harm Reduction Ketamine - How to IM?


Jun 19, 2011
I have acquired and lab tested ketamine because i would like to have an IM experience.

My partner is a dentist so the procedure of getting the shot in is not the problem.

My question surrounds more around

"how should i prepare a solution for injection"?

Should i "treat" the ketamine in a certain way? Now it's just white, very fine coarse, powder. Lab was surprised as to how fine the grains were. Lab says it was +81% pure (with the max being 87%).
What solution does one use ? Water, filtered water,...?

I've searched around but most posts are about heroin or sth else to shoot so i was hoping to find some ketamine specific tips.
I have acquired and lab tested ketamine because i would like to have an IM experience.

My partner is a dentist so the procedure of getting the shot in is not the problem.

My question surrounds more around

"how should i prepare a solution for injection"?

Should i "treat" the ketamine in a certain way? Now it's just white, very fine coarse, powder. Lab was surprised as to how fine the grains were. Lab says it was +81% pure (with the max being 87%).
What solution does one use ? Water, filtered water,...?

I've searched around but most posts are about heroin or sth else to shoot so i was hoping to find some ketamine specific tips.
The best guide that I've found for IM ketamine is this really in depth Reddit guide. If you live in a region with an OPS/SCS it should be fairly easy to acquire harm reduction materials for IM, but a bit trickier if not. Here is the link to the guide.

Also just for fun I'll quote the guide here.


This guide has 2 sections. The first explains how to prepare the shot and the second explains how to administer it. Ideally, pharmaceutical grade ketamine solution in sterile vials should be used, although those can be hard to obtain. For this reason, the guide assumes the user only has access to street bought Ketamine and walk them through how to make a solution out of it and prepare a shot in the cleanest way possible. It is highly recommended to only used high purity ketamine for IM use. Some adulterants might not get absorbed and result in infections and/or the formation of abscesses. I cannot stress how important it is to regularly test your ketamine, even if you're getting it from a trusted source.


  • Ketamine
  • 1x Sterile disposable syringe > 1ml syringes work, 2ml syringes are ideal.
  • 2x Sterile disposable needles (1x pull-up needle and 1x administration needle).
    > You will need one needle to prepare your solution and one to administer the shot. Do not use the same needle for both. Needle gauges don't really matter, needle length however does; I use a 1 inch 21g needle to prepare my shots and a 1.5 inch 23g needle to administer them.
  • 0.9% NaCl Saline solution > You will need ~1ml per 100mg of ketamine.
  • Milligram scale (0.001g)
  • 70% alcohol solution
  • Bandages (kitchen paper would be second best)
  • Cotton
    > 0.3 micron filters are safer; I’ve found regular cotton to be more than adequate.
  • Metal spoon
  • (optional) Plasters. Bandages and medical tape also work.

Preparing your shot.​

  1. Make sure you have all the materials you need ready.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.
  3. Use a small piece of gauze/ bandage soaked in 70% alcohol to disinfect the bowl of spoon. Once the whole surface has been swabbed, wait for 30 seconds and make sure all the alcohol has evaporated. Any excess unevaporated alcohol can be burned off with a lighter
    The most effective way would be to swab the spoon in parallel lines from the tip to the stem of the spoon. The entire surface should be exposed to the alcohol and no visible dirt should be left on the surface.
  4. Weigh out your dose of ketamine while waiting for the alcohol to evaporate. Ketamine doses are weight dependent and the average K-hole dose is 100mg. Consult online resources such as erowid or tripsitme to determine your dose depending on your desired effect. Rule of thumb is you will need 50% of what you would normally snort.
    Once youve weighed out your dose, try and crush the ketamine into as fine a powder as possible, it will save you a lot of trouble when trying to make the ketamine solution.
  5. Remove the syringe and pull-up needle from their packaging. Assemble the needle onto the syringe.
  6. Assuming there is no alcohol in your spoon, empty your ketamine powder into the spoon. Use your syringe to add 1ml of 0.9% saline per 100mg of ketamine to the spoon.
    If you're going to inject 50mg of ketamine, add 0,5 ml of saline. If you're going to inject 150mg of ketamine, add 1.5ml of saline and so on.
  7. Gently use the pull-up syringe to mix the ketamine into the saline, until you don't see any solids in the solution anymore.
    You can use the needle to crush any ketamine crystals that are still visible (larger gauge needles makes this easier). Any undissolved particles will be filtered out in the next step.
  8. Wash your hands (yes, again). Get a small amount of cotton and roll it into a ball; slightly larger than a matchstick head work fine, but if in doubt larger is better than smaller. Put it into your solution in the spoon, put the needle tip on it and draw your solution up into the syringe.
  9. Remove the pull up needle from your syringe and put the actual administration needle onto the syringe. Put the cap on the pull up needle and dispose of it safely.
  10. Voila! Your ketamine shot is now ready for administration!

Administering your shot​

  1. Choosing the injection site: The 3 most common sites for intramuscular injections are (1) your deltoid muscle, (2) your gluteal muscle and (3) your thigh muscle; please google these and make sure you've identified these before proceeding. (1) is probably the easiest, but you’ll be doing the whole thing one handed. I was always taught to avoid (2); although it is one of the largest muscles you can inject into, there is a relatively high risk of hitting a blood vessel - this is something you really want to avoid. Personally, I always go for (3), the thigh muscle; that’s the one I will be explaining how to hit in this guide. Note that this is actually a collection of muscles. Your target is the vastus lateralis (google images save lives). To identify it, sit down on a chair with your legs bent. Raise and straighten the target leg in front of you and the muscle standing out on the outside of your upper leg is the one you want to hit. You'll want to inject in the middle of it; a guide to identifying it and injecting it can be found here.
    You can determine your injection site by drawing a 3x3 grid on the front side of your thigh. If you're injecting into your right leg, the injection side will be in the cell on the right side in the middle row.
  2. Before injecting, find a safe place to administer your shot. The effects can kick in pretty fast and you don't want to fall and injure yourself if you k-hole.
    At the time of and during the injection, the muscle should be relaxed as much as possible. The first couple of times this might be hard, but after doing it a couple of times it gets easier.
  3. Wash your hands
    If you used soap and water earlier, you can rinse your hands with 70% alcohol this time.
  4. Use a generous amount of 70% alcohol to disinfect the injection site. You can use a soaked bandage to rub the alcohol around. Wait 30 seconds for the alcohol to kill any bacteria.
  5. Remove the cap from the needle and hold the syringe in your dominant hand. Do NOT touch anything with the needle.
  6. Fully relax the target muscle. It has to remain relaxed until you've pulled the needle out.
    notice the muscle will slip to the side of where it was when you tensed it up while trying to locate it.
  7. If you want to be super efficient you can use the Z track method. This video provides a good illustration of what this is and how to do it.
  8. Gently insert the needle into the muscle in one single fluid motion.
    The faster the better, the slower the more painful. Make sure you get it deep enough; the needle doesn't have to go all the way in, but it does have to be inside the muscle. Exactly how deep it should go heavily depends on the amount of fat there is under the skin; 2-3cm should work for the average adult. Ideally, you get it to the dead center of the belly of the muscle. Too deep and you might be injecting it between muscles or against bone, too shallow and you will be administering under your skin. It might take some practice.
  9. Aspirate: pull back on the plunger lightly. If nothing happens, proceed to the next step. If blood shoots into the syringe, the needle is in a blood vessel. If this happens, pull out the needle slowly and apply pressure.
  10. Assuming you’re in the right spot, have not aspirated any blood and the muscle is still relaxed, slowly press down the plunger. Do not rush this part.
    It is perfectly normal to press down the plunger over 30 seconds; but I would not take more than 60 seconds.. Rule of thumb is slower is better than faster. Too fast and it will hurt. Too slow and you might start feeling the effects of the ketamine before you manage to pull the needle out.
  11. Once the entire shot (or however much you feel comfortable injecting) is done, pull out the needle in one fluid motion. This is something you don't want to do slowly.
  12. Cap the needle and dispose of it.
  13. Apply a plaster or bandage with tape to the site of injection, sometimes a little blood might leak out of it. Sometimes you might not even find the hole, in which case don't worry about it.
  14. You have about 5 minutes before you start feeling the effects, so go sit/ lie down in a safe place where you won't injure yourself if you lose your balance or k-hole. If the injection site hurts, gently rub it with your hand; although this is a bit redundant because you will shortly be anaesthetised.
Elaborate on that please. Was purest they tested so far 87% or it’s one of those who don’t calculate HCl as part of Ketamine HCl?
I think second option.

They said the same about MDMA being max 84% since it has to contain 16% Hcl to be solid.

Does this change anything ? Is this sign of a "less complete/not so good" test, you think?
No, it doesn’t change anything. Just adds unnecessary confusion imho.

And yeah if you don’t count HCl part of MDMA HCl than 84% is max.

Anyway that’s pretty pure ketamine and you’re fine with using it with micron filter (well most don’t use even that but as you are going for I.M., get them and don’t risk).

Did they mention any other chems found in your sample or just amount of K?
I have acquired and lab tested ketamine because i would like to have an IM experience.

My partner is a dentist so the procedure of getting the shot in is not the problem.

My question surrounds more around

"how should i prepare a solution for injection"?

Should i "treat" the ketamine in a certain way? Now it's just white, very fine coarse, powder. Lab was surprised as to how fine the grains were. Lab says it was +81% pure (with the max being 87%).
What solution does one use ? Water, filtered water,...?

I've searched around but most posts are about heroin or sth else to shoot so i was hoping to find some ketamine specific tips.
If your partner is a dentist he can get ketamine vials easily for sedation. I’m an oral surgeon and administer ketamine all the time for patients. It’s my GOTO but I do IV for deep sedation. The vials are 100mg/ml(500mg/5 ml). If you are wanting to go into a k hole depending on your tolerance to ketamine(if you have been taking for years you will need more). IM into the butt works fairly rapidly. Sometimes in seconds but usually a few minutes depending on tolerance. Now all of this is tolerance dependent so use at your own caution. But from my experience a beginner can get close to a k hole with about 250-300mg(2.5-3 ml). I’ve studied and used this drug extensively so I know its pharmacology very well . Must have someone around who is watching you to make sure you are ok and won’t hurt yourself . My best experience is just doing this on the bed at night in a quiet setting for the full effect of being able to go to thay deep twilight zone. Be careful especially when redosing.
I’m an expert when it comes to IM and IV ketamine. Don’t recommend IV bc dosages have to be carefully titrated. Also when redosing IM make sure you check your BP. Can sometimes elevate BP super high. If you take BP meds make sure you take an extra does just in case or take ur dose an hour before procedure to stabilize it. I’ve entered the K hole probably 100 times. It’s something I’ve enjoyed doing for years but now abused it so I can’t get the same satisfaction bc of tolerance dependence and I won’t overdue it for sure. I’ve taken way more than I should have before knowing the science behind it but what does a drug addict due when they are chasing…go against every belief you have of course!!
If your partner is a dentist he can get ketamine vials easily for sedation. I’m an oral surgeon and administer ketamine all the time for patients. It’s my GOTO but I do IV for deep sedation. The vials are 100mg/ml(500mg/5 ml). If you are wanting to go into a k hole depending on your tolerance to ketamine(if you have been taking for years you will need more). IM into the butt works fairly rapidly. Sometimes in seconds but usually a few minutes depending on tolerance. Now all of this is tolerance dependent so use at your own caution. But from my experience a beginner can get close to a k hole with about 250-300mg(2.5-3 ml). I’ve studied and used this drug extensively so I know its pharmacology very well . Must have someone around who is watching you to make sure you are ok and won’t hurt yourself . My best experience is just doing this on the bed at night in a quiet setting for the full effect of being able to go to thay deep twilight zone. Be careful especially when redosing.

That does sounds unreasonably high for a non-tolerant user going the IM route.

300 mg intranasal is enough for a non-tolerant user to hole, I would go with significantly less than that. One can always take more, but never take less, and nobody wants to miss the hole and wake up later with no memory of the anesthetized state.

If you are not using ketamine from a sealed vial, micron filters and bacteriostatic water are a must.

Also due to the recent Matthew Perry incident, do avoid water.
I took my BP when using ketamine a bunch of times and it usually had me pushed up to like 140-150/80-90 but during this time I was abusing it. Always intranasal though and 100-150mg would get me I'm a hole or at least on the edge easily before I developed a tolerance. I read somewhere on BL that 30mg IV can be good (iirc) so for IM my best guess would be 50-80 depending on body wieght
Thanks for your replies everyone !

@Djquix we must be in different countries because here it is not so easy to order ketsmine as a dentist. As an oral surgeon it would be possible but alas, i dont know them well enough to ask this.

If i ever get to it i was thinking a trail run of 25mg IM. And for a hole i thought 100-150mg IM would be enough. I holed a few times on IN ketamine and it took me 100mg the first time (combined with 4acodmt). Last times i already needed 300mg, without anything else.