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Benzos keeping tolerence low and not getting addicted.

Great post! Benzos are only euphoric if you're anxious, as the transition from an anxious state to a relaxed one is amazingly comforting. They're not "euphoric," they just allow you to be comfortable so your natural feels-good-man neurotransmitters can shine.

The only benzodiazepines which yield euphoria IMO are midazolam and temazepam.

I agree with Ergic Mergic though. Going from anxiety to anxiety-free is very pleasant, and this is namely why people abuse benzodiazepines.
Yup, the only benzos I've found to be anything approaching euphoria (but what I think I liked about the experience was the sedation more than anything) was taking 20-40mg of diazepam.

Then again, what drug isn't rather misunderstood in our wonderful society Zn3g?

I think I should make a thread in DC called "What is the most misunderstood drug?"

But the answere is clearly suboxone.

IMO alprazolam and clonazepam are the most euphoric of the ones I've tried. I'm not so much into the hypnotics personally, but my experience is limited.
yea, that and "What's the most demonized drug?"

actually, come to speak of hypnotics, I found zolpidem to be more euphoric than I would have ever imagined. but omg being dependent and then detoxing from that suuuuuucked
I completely forgot about temazepam, Captain! Temazepam is nothing short of amazing as a recreational drug if you're benzo naive and like to smoke weed.

It lasts a good 6-8 hours for me with a 6 hour afterglow where all is right in the world. With no benzo tolerance that is, as Temazepam is only fun at the sweet spot of 15mg; any less, and nothing is felt. 30mg is a grey area, and higher doses are useless for recreation.
No, those are classic signs of benzo withdrawal. That feeling of stupidity is common, I would sometimes forget simple words like "dog" or "pencil". Numbness is also a symptom.

Checkout Wikipedia's page on benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome. It has a whole list if symptoms.
I didn't have nightmares as such but my dreams were extremely vivid on Thursday night in the short time that I did sleep.

This is the REM rebound, benzos really rob you of a restful sleep, which ironically is important for controlling mood and anxiety.
I don't think it can be said anymore, but yeah benzo's are extremely addicting in the right (or wrong) situation. I've never experienced major withdrawal from them, but a while back I used to pop Klonopins and Ativan's like candy just to deal with anxiety or whatever. I could definitely feel myself becoming pretty dependent on them. I didn't use them daily all the time, but sometimes I did. And this went on for like a year or two, with some breaks. I'm lucky as shit I didn't get withdrawal, because from what I've read its nightmarish.