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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

JWH-018 (K2 Pink) - New Experience


Jun 9, 2010
Went to the local smoke shop to purchase some 'legal buds' that i had been hearing so much about. Have heard a lot of conflicting stories regarding this K2 product. Some said it's bunk, some said it's funk, so i decided to try it myself.
As far as i know k2 contains jwh-018, but i know little of RCs.

I regularly smoke cannabis but started a break a couple days ago to pass an employer-provided drug test. The urge to get high still remains, and K2 Pink most definitely fulfilled this urge, almost to the point of discomfort.

T-00:05 - Rolled up one gram of K2 Pink into a mango flavored blunt wrap. The K2 looked like potpourri that someone put in a bag and stomped on.

T 00:00 - Sat down with a friend and began smoking the blunt, the flavor was not amazing but I've smoked weed that tastes worse.

T+00:02 - Not even half way through the blunt and feel a nice buzz coming on. Feels very much like a weed high. I am quite pleasantly surprised that it works, and so quickly at that.

T+00:07 - Still smoking, just about to finish the blunt and feeling very high.

T+00:15 - Done smoking the blunt, feeling incredibly high. And I mean Incredibly. Watching Wayne's World 2 on TV, I fix my gaze on the center of the TV and my vision begins to vibrate, this almost scared me. The only other time I have ever experienced my vision vibrating was when I smoked Salvia, which then led to full blown hallucination. But with a quick shake of my head my vision returned to normal. I turned to my friend to confirm that he was feeling a stoned as I was, and he was.

T+00:30 - Finding Wayne's World much funnier than I remember, I feel like a giggly kid smoking weed for the first time. Our eyes are red and i have a craving for a ham and cheese hot pocket. Don't want to answer phone because I'm too high to have a normal conversation.

T+00:50 - Still feel quite high, friend also. Friend keeps forgetting what we are watching during commercial breaks.

T+01:15 - Coming down now slightly. Started skateboarding with surprising dexterity for feeling how I do.

T+02:00 - Slowly returning to baseline. Still feel high though. I usually don't stay high this long when I smoke weed, unless it's some good shit. A high tolerance to weed apparently means nothing when smoking JWH.

T+02:45 - Pretty much sober now. An awesome experience overall, if this stuff tasted better I could see it catching on.

Coming from a regualr pot smoker, K2 will definitely get you high, perhaps too high. Smoke in moderation for your first time. It's a little harsh on the throat and the taste is nothing to write home about, but if you are being drug tested or you can't find any real weed, i would suggest giving it a try.