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Opioids Just found gold!


Nov 9, 2020
Ok so im here wishing I had a good opiate and low n behold I remember ed I dropped a 30mg Oxycontin few weeks back. I FOUND IT! What's the best way to take this Lil gold nugget?
Don't you love it when that happens?
I'll never forget the time I randomly found some heroin in a spoon I'd somehow forgotten about one time when I was sick. Was like a gift from god.

What kind of oxy is it? I assume it's an extended release, and what kind of recent tolerance do you have? Like whats your opioid use look like over the past month?
A friend got convinced to mail some pot to her friend. A week or two goes by and she is all out. Checks her mail, and like an idiot, she put her return address on the package. Return To Sender. She was hooked up because all out and nobody had any. I laughed so hard when i heard the story.
Don't you love it when that happens?
I'll never forget the time I randomly found some heroin in a spoon I'd somehow forgotten about one time when I was sick. Was like a gift from god.

What kind of oxy is it? I assume it's an extended release, and what kind of recent tolerance do you have? Like whats your opioid use look like over the past month?
I take dilaudid and hydrocodone daily for years plus I still occasionally use heroin. Its a time release oxy.
A friend got convinced to mail some pot to her friend. A week or two goes by and she is all out. Checks her mail, and like an idiot, she put her return address on the package. Return To Sender. She was hooked up because all out and nobody had any. I laughed so hard when i heard the story.
Reminds me of the time a package of heroin I had ordered and completely forgot about arrived the day I got out of rehab. Sigh.....